
What is the difference between 30 yuan a pound of cherries and 60 yuan a pound of cherries? Iron supplementation, anti-inflammatory can be done?

author:Li Yuanyuan is a registered dietitian

Hello everyone, I'm Cherry Ben Peach ~

In the fruit world, although I am not a C, I am often called a "popular girl"! That makes me happy.

However, there are not many people who are popular, and I will inevitably become the talk of everyone after tea, some are troubled by my nationality, some are a little bit of my nutrition circle, and some are worried about the small white insects and pesticides on my body...

Oh, it's bothering me!

Today I decided to take the initiative to go out of the mountain and honestly deliver my past and present life to you.

What is the difference between 30 yuan a pound of cherries and 60 yuan a pound of cherries? Iron supplementation, anti-inflammatory can be done?

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I. Family Chapter:

Cherry and Chinese cherry are long-lost siblings

Our cherry is a big family, with many brothers and sisters, not only in China, but also in our compatriots abroad. However, when our compatriots went abroad, they were given another foreign name by smart merchants----- Chelizi. Needless to say, as soon as this name came out, the forced grid instantly increased a lot, and the value also doubled. These foreign cousins who have settled abroad for a long time are inevitably a little self-satisfied, and they have the tendency to part ways with the Cherry family and set up another portal.

But in fact, the origin of this name is hidden identity code, cherry is actually the plural word cherry cherry translated from, is it suddenly enlightened? Therefore, no matter how famous and expensive chelizi is, it is still an inseparable member of our cherry family.

Check the family tree to know that both cherry and traditional Chinese cherries are fruits of the rose family → cherry genus (or plum cherry subgenus), we just have different varieties, obviously there is nothing wrong with classifying them as a type of fruit.

What is the difference between 30 yuan a pound of cherries and 60 yuan a pound of cherries? Iron supplementation, anti-inflammatory can be done?

Since we belong to different species, our specific individual characteristics are still somewhat different. Like the "cherry" represented by cherry, it is large, the fruit stalk is long, the skin is thick and fleshy, it belongs to the L number, and even has XL and XXL numbers. The most common is the "European sweet cherry" (as opposed to the European sour cherry), the main production areas are the Americas (such as Canada, the United States, Chile), Europe, Australia, South Africa and so on.

The traditional Chinese cherry is small and exquisite, the skin is thin and red, the flesh is soft and tender, and it is the S number of Xiaojia jasper at a glance. The cherry that described the beauty "cherry" in ancient times refers to it.

However, now the national borders are not so clear, and many excellent foreign cherry varieties are also cultivated in China. For example, Miharu, Red Light Cherry, etc. In order to distinguish themselves from traditional small cherries, these large cherries with "European sweet cherry" pedigree are often called "big cherries", and the foreign point is the domestic cherry.

Second, nutrition debunking articles:

I'm just a fruit, iron supplement don't look for me~

For a fruit that everyone loves, I know that everyone is most concerned about our nutritional core. Belonging to the same cherry family, the overall nutritional value difference between our brothers and sisters will not be particularly large, but there are still small differences between varieties.

What is the difference between 30 yuan a pound of cherries and 60 yuan a pound of cherries? Iron supplementation, anti-inflammatory can be done?

Overall, cherries are more energetic and carbohydrate-rich than traditional cherries. At the same time, because the skin of cherries is thicker, the dietary fiber content is also higher, and the difference between other nutrients is not very large. It is worth praising our cherries that the mineral potassium content of our cherries is above average in fruits, and the nutrient density of potassium is higher than that of large potassium-containing bananas.

However, I need to confess a few things to you, and some of my "human designs" are really ashamed to circulate, and I will clarify it with you here.

What is the difference between 30 yuan a pound of cherries and 60 yuan a pound of cherries? Iron supplementation, anti-inflammatory can be done?

1. Iron supplementation is really not very good

Traditionally, "red" foods have the effect of replenishing iron and blood, and it is inferred that cherries are also masters of iron supplementation. In fact, no matter what kind of cherry iron content is not high, basically similar to apples, peaches and other ordinary fruits, far less than pig liver, pig blood, lean meat and other animal foods, even compared with spinach and fungus in plant foods, the gap is also very large.

More importantly, the iron in plant foods such as fruits is dominated by non-heme iron, and the digestion and absorption rate of this iron by the human body is much lower than that of animal foods, so cherry iron supplementation is unreliable in terms of "quantity" or "quality", and iron supplementation must also rely on animal foods.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect is limited

Cherry color from light yellow to dark purple, dark cherries are rich in anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, polyphenols and other antioxidant substances, the overall antioxidant content is higher, theoretically for reducing the inflammatory response has certain benefits, there is also an experiment to confirm this.

However, it has to be said that the number of experimental samples is small, and for the human body, the factors that increase and decrease the inflammatory response are multifaceted. For example, carbohydrates with high glycemic reactions, imbalance in the ratio of w-6 to w-3 fatty acids, high trans fatty acids, and stress, sedentary, smoking and drinking will increase the body's inflammatory response.

The combination of whole grains, abundant vegetables and fruits, and w-3 series fatty acids is conducive to reducing the inflammatory response. So balancing the body's inflammatory response requires a combination of multiple diets and life factors, and the effects of a single food may but cannot be exaggerated.

In addition, antioxidants such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and polyphenols are also relatively common in vegetables and fruits, not only our cherries are rich, but also can be obtained by eating other vegetables and fruits.

3, the expensive "noble" cherry nutrition has not followed the increase

This truth should be easy to understand, the nutritional value of food and the price is not directly related at all. Cherries that cost a lot of money may not have a higher nutritional value. Taking vitamin C as an example, the vitamin C content of a few tens of dollars a pound of cherries is not even as good as a few cents a pound of cabbage.

Of course, if you like to eat "noble" cherries, the economic conditions are also allowed but it is okay to eat, if you think that expensive can supplement more nutrition, then I can stop the point.

Third, the safety of debunking rumors:

Little bugs are my pain, but you are harmless

1, small white insects are not terrible

As a sweet fruit, it is not only loved by people but also by animals. One of the animals that is often attacked is the fruit fly.

There are often many friends who complain that we are entangled with bugs, and when cleaning in salt water, we may suddenly bubble up small white bugs, which affects the psychological experience. In fact, we also have an indescribable secret, most of these insects belong to the larvae of fruit flies, specifically hiding in our "stomach" to absorb nutrients, some of them have been targeted by them when they are still on the branches, and after the nutrients are sucked away, our structure will collapse for a long time, and then it can only rot. So I don't like these bugs in my heart.

However, there is one thing to say, these larvae are non-toxic and harmless to humans, non-pathogenic and non-parasitic. Even if you accidentally eat it, there is no problem, because after entering the stomach, it will be killed by powerful stomach acid, and it can also become a high-protein "food" that is digested and absorbed, and will not enter the human body to cause destruction.

However, the surface of cherries and bayberry with insects is easily damaged, and then it is easy to deteriorate softly. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to find fresh, intact skin without small holes, full and hard, not soft and tender, with fruit stems.

If you are worried about bugs, you can soak in light salt water for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse with running water.

In addition, cherries are not heat-tolerant, and it is best to store them in the refrigerator refrigerator to maintain a tender taste.

What is the difference between 30 yuan a pound of cherries and 60 yuan a pound of cherries? Iron supplementation, anti-inflammatory can be done?

2, pesticides, etc.: I am not the first and not the last

The problem of pesticides and plant hormones is not unique to cherries, and other fruits and vegetables will also be encountered.

Pesticides are used in accordance with the regulations, and they are cleaned normally when eating, so don't worry too much. Plant hormones (plant growth regulators) are not more and more beneficial and only effective for plants, and have no regulatory effect on the human body.

In this regard, I think that food is diverse, and it makes more sense to buy it through formal channels than to worry about pesticides and plant hormones.


[1] Yang Yuexin. Chinese Food Ingredient List Standard Edition. 6th Edition/Volume 1. Beijing:Peking University Medical Press,2019.]


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Well, that's it for today's introduction

How many times have you eaten cherries this year, how much is a pound?

Feel free to leave a message to tell me what you want to know.

We'll see you in the next issue

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