
The trichomoniasis problem is the main killer of pigeons

author:Seven pigeons

The problem of trichomoniasis is widespread, and most fanciers have this problem in their pigeons to a greater or lesser extent. Especially after participating in a competition, or after leaving a bird in the sky. And the problem with trichomoniasis is not that it is immune after treatment and will not appear again. Many times the problem of trichomonas exists but does not show any problems, but when the number of trichomonas reaches a certain level, the problem of caterpillars will erupt.

The trichomoniasis problem is the main killer of pigeons

Since the problem of trichomoniasis is also a more contagious problem, once there is a problem with trichomonas in the loft, most of the pigeons will soon be infected. Adult pigeons infected with trichomoniasis tend to eat and drink accordingly, not a big problem, but there is more mucus in the mouth. So many fanciers ignore this problem. However, this will still affect the condition of the pigeons and it is easy to have other complications.

The trichomoniasis problem is the main killer of pigeons

The young birds are not so resistant, so once the young birds have a problem with trichoderma, the impact will be greater. It is also common to cause the death of pigeons. When the caterpillar is severe, it also affects the internal organs of the pigeons. It can be said that young birds, young birds and adult pigeons are affected by trichomoniasis.

The trichomoniasis problem is the main killer of pigeons

The problem of preventing trichomonas is actually mainly some basic things, such as the health of the pigeon loft should be maintained, the food hygiene should be done well, the drinking water should be cleaned, especially the drinking water problem, as long as the drinking water can be ensured to be clean, the drinking water pot is cleaned from time to time, the drinking water is replaced every day, and the cold white is opened, then the problem of the pigeon trichomonas can be controlled by seventy or eighty.

The trichomoniasis problem is the main killer of pigeons

Once the problem of trichomoniasis arises, it is difficult to improve if it is only a little hygienic cleaning. At this time, I had to take medicine. Now some of the carrier pigeon special drugs for trichomoniasis are very effective, and can be selected according to some local drugs and used according to the instructions. Of course, some drugs tell you that there are no side effects, use them regularly, and even some say that they are used weekly and can be used less frequently. After all, drugs have side effects, and if the trichomoniasis problem is good in the environment and food, it does not appear so frequently.

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