
Shen Mengchen posted a set of beautiful pictures, and these two sets of shapes are very good-looking. In Fig. 1-4, she wears a short tweed coat in black and white with a white T-shirt and a blue denim straight tube

author:Progress every day
{"info":{"title":{"content":"沈梦辰晒出一组美图,这两套造型都很好看。图1-4,她穿了一件黑白拼色的短款花呢小外套,内搭白色T恤,搭配一条蓝色牛仔直筒","en":"Shen Mengchen posted a set of beautiful pictures, and these two sets of shapes are very good-looking. In Fig. 1-4, she wears a short tweed coat in black and white with a white T-shirt and a blue denim straight tube"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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