
【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Translator's note: On February 16, in order to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Daily News, a dialogue event was organized for the ten consecutive chess players of Ben in fang. It is called "Why the Absolute King was Born ~ Ben In Fang Ten Lian Ba Dialogue".

In the first paragraph, a little extension was made to the preface. In the daily news release, there are about 800 words, but in fact, the content is still very long. The third paragraph exchanges views on the "points of disagreement of the ten consecutive hegemons".

The players who appeared this time were Cho Ji-hoon and Yuta Iyama, who won the Ten Leagues of Honinbo, and Yukari Yoshihara, who was the host. The entire event was conducted in an online format, and although the picture quality was a bit rough, it hardly affected the excitement of the content.

From: Daily News

Dekigi hands: Kakuji Kyudan, Yuta Iyama Kyudan, Yukari Yoshihara 6th Dan

Translation and finishing: make excuses to be quiet There is still an hour left

Yukari Yoshihara: It does conjure up a lot of dreams, so let's move on to the next topic. Both of them have reached the ten consecutive hegemons of Ben Yinfang, for the two of them, when is the point of disagreement of the ten consecutive hegemons? It is precisely because of winning this game that you have obtained the ten consecutive championships, or when you realize that you have obtained the ten consecutive championships, you can also say that this time is very dangerous, etc., you can speak freely. First of all, please tell Yuta Iyama about it.

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Yuta Iyama: How to say, every year the Honinbo Battle is a very difficult battle, the first time you get the Honinbo is to defeat Yamashita Keigo, and then get the Honinbo. That time I was also down to the end, and there was last year's 10th consecutive championship. It seems that there is another time in the impression that it is also down to the decider (Translator's Note: 4-3 Takao Gentleman Road in 2013).

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

For me, those two times are still very dangerous, of course, the most recent one, is last year's Ben in fang battle, once forced into a desperate situation by the opponent 1 win and 3 losses, at that time also thought about how to play later, the content of the chess game is also very bad. Fortunately, the final result was still pulled back, but I never felt that I had the opportunity to get ten consecutive championships, but in response to this problem, I immediately thought of the two years of the Ben infang War.

Yukari Yoshihara: In the fourth game last year, shibano Tiger Maru ate the dragon, and the impression was that the day after this game was an international tournament.

Yuta Iyama: Yes, the day after that is China's Weijia League.

Yukari Yoshihara: That game of chess seems to have won.

Yuta Iyama: Yes, but after losing the 4th game of the Bunin battle, both the state and the content of the game were very bad. But after winning the League One, I felt like I had reached a turning point.

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Yukari Yoshihara: After the end of the two-day system, it should be very tired, and the physical and mental fatigue is unimaginable. Then going to the World Series the next day is really unimaginable. And the day after the loss, how did you adjust your state?

Yuta Iyama: For me, this is also the first time I've had a game a day after the title battle. I did have uneasiness, but I knew that my current chess game was in this state, so I just wanted to play my current level. There is also the fact that the 4th game was eaten early, so the game of chess conceded early. In a sense, at that time, I felt that my state should not be worse than this game of chess, and I felt that I still had a chance to slowly recover.

Yukari Yoshihara: I would like to ask Mr. Cho Ji-hoon the same question, during the period of achieving ten consecutive championships, you may have encountered 7 rounds of the next round, and you have also encountered many situations. For Teacher Zhao Zhixun, which game of chess is his point of disagreement during this time?

Zhao Zhixun: Before that, I would like to add to the matter of Yuta Iyama. Including the 4th set, from the 2nd to 4th set of chess, I felt that Yuta Iyama was the first time I saw it, and I was actually very shocked. But the next game is the Go A, whose name I kind of forget. Then I finished watching the whole game, and the content of that game was really perfect, it could be said to be a complete victory.

In this way of winning chess, I saw from Yuta Iyama that there was indeed the favor of the goddess of victory. If after 3 consecutive defeats in the Ben in-Fang, the following day's no match is so hazy, maybe the Ben in-Fang title will be lost. But in the next day, I was more concerned about the content of the game than whether I won or lost the game. That game was really a good game and the win was very beautiful. It felt like Yuta Iyama had gotten out of the shadows in this game of chess, and it was really touching to watch. Yuta Iyama is also very contentious because there are many people who support him.

To be honest, those 3 games of chess really did not occur, I think this is the first time in Iyama's career that he has been defeated in three consecutive games. Although it is normal to win and lose, it is really unimaginable to lose chess. Fortunately, the next day's chess game was won, and then the win was beautiful. I was really impressed by this.

Yukari Yoshihara: Teacher Cho Ji-hoon, can you tell us about your own experience?

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Zhao Zhixun: Oh, the previous thing, I'm sorry (laughs). Because it's been so long I've forgotten. I only remember recent events like Yuta Iyama. My thing seems to have passed for decades, forgotten. But I still remember one thing, and that was the year of the Ten Leagues. That time I really wanted to win ten consecutive championships, and I remember the series of chess games between me and Wang Licheng. At that time, it was white chess, and then the score was a bit forgotten, just remember to win to get ten consecutive championships, that game I have been playing imitation chess until 15 or 16 hands.

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Of course, imitation chess is not blind, it is a very ordinary layout of the Chinese stream. Normally, if the opponent is low, I will play high, but I have been playing imitation chess in that game. Because I really wanted to win that time, I was still very impressed by this thing. I can't remember the rest (the three laughed).

Yukari Yoshihara: I also have a little confused impression, I remember seeing Mr. Cho Ji-hoon's hand shaking during that broadcast, and there was an atmosphere that felt that he was about to complete the great deed.

Zhao Zhixun: That time I really wanted to win.

Yukari Yoshihara: Why are you so eager for ten consecutive powers?

Zhao Zhixun: The number "9" feels quite halfway through (the three laugh). I think the number "10" is pretty good (laughs).

Yukari Yoshihara: I have the impression that no chess player has ever won ten consecutive games before this.

Zhao Zhixun: Yes, Mr. Takakawa had nine consecutive bullies in that year.

Yukari Yoshihara: Did you think about breaking through the Nine Leagues at that time?

Zhao Zhixun: That's not true, I just simply think that the number "9" is very halfway through, and I simply think that the number "10" is perfect, nothing more.

Yukari Yoshihara: That's the case, so what does Yuta Iniyama think about Ten Lianba?

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Yuta Iyama: Ten consecutive championships is a record created by Mr. Zhao Zhixun for the Go world, and I did not expect to challenge this record, after last year's series can challenge this record, instead of saying that I want to win, I still hope to meet last year's Ben in the best state to fight a little more. After all, Shibano Tiger Maru is a very difficult chess player to deal with, so he wants to do what he can do.

Just now, Teacher Zhao Zhixun also mentioned that the content of that chess game was really very difficult, and it was also a series that impressed me.

Yukari Yoshihara: Looking at the opponents of the two ten consecutive masters, Yuta Iyama and Cho Ji-hoon were initially playing against senior chess players, and then as they grew older, they met chess players younger than themselves.

Yuta Iyama: I've been playing against these chess players for years, but I haven't thought about it so much lately. At the beginning, I thought, "I don't want to lose to these young people." But then I saw that these players were very talented, very strong, and every time it was a very difficult game. I am also very rewarding with my current game against them, and I feel that I want to continue to grow in the future.

Yukari Yoshihara: So what does Cho Ji-hoon think about this? At the beginning, there were many matches with the seniors, and then I met many young chess players. Have you ever thought about it: "Don't want to lose to young people"?

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Zhao Zhixun: Of course, there is the idea of "not wanting to lose to these stinky children" (the three laughed). That's all (laughs).

Yukari Yoshihara: Is there such a thought (laughs)?

Zhao Zhixun: Of course, I'm a bit half-joking (laughs).

Yukari Yoshihara: Among the warring rivals of Cho Ji-hoon, it seems that Yanagi Shiki shichidan (at that time) is the youngest.

Zhao Zhixun: Liu Shixun is the youngest opponent, it is so. There don't seem to be any other chess players.

Yukari Yoshihara: Yes, it was Cho Zenjin Kudan who stopped Lianba in '99. Have you ever thought about the state of your opponent at this time?

【Dialogue】When is the point of disagreement between the ten consecutive hegemons? ——The full text of the Ten Lianba Dialogues of Ben Infang (III)

Zhao Zhixun: At that time, I needed to be more careful outside the game against my predecessors. After all, I was still scared outside the plate, and I felt that if I did something, I might be beaten up by them (laughs). Sometimes I also want to just hit them (laughs). However, the game is still very easy. What the hell am I talking about (the three of them laugh).

Yukari Yoshihara: It seems that the game is still very relaxed.

Zhao Zhixun: Yes, I think it's quite scary outside the plate (laughs).

Yukari Yoshihara: That's the way it is. Let's move on to the next topic. It is "the strength of Yuta Iyama in the eyes of Zhao Zhixun Jiudan", which is believed to be a place of great interest to chess fans. We asked Mr. Zhao Zhixun to tell us what he thought.

(Next episode continues)

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