
A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

The TV series "Ma Dashuai" has such a clip:

When Zhao Benshan's Ma Dashuai saw that the child was very lazy, extremely decadent, and quite listless, he said this from the bottom of his heart:

"You look at your unkempt face, you used to have that head shape, you have to stand up."

A simple single sentence not only expresses the joy, but also makes people feel that this truth is vivid and profound.

Each of us, in the long river of history, will inevitably be lost and out of control because of a momentary frustration and failure.

Then, become lazy, become hopeless about everything.

A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

However, one thing we probably have not understood is that once a person is lazy and develops this habit, life is difficult.

Zeng Guofan said:

"A hundred kinds of ills, all from laziness."

When your life begins to encounter more and more troubles and pressures, please ask yourself seriously: Are you really trying?

Many people, on the surface, pretend to be very serious and work hard, but in fact they are just paddling, with the mentality of getting by and living together.

You can deceive yourself and you can deceive others, but you cannot deceive life.

Life must be good, hard work is indispensable.

A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

1: The pit of laziness

How many people today are falling into the pit of laziness?

Now the epidemic is scorching, the employment situation is worrying, and the internal involvement between industries is serious, for various reasons.

As a result, more and more young people are caught in a state of mind that can get by and love, and even choose a psychology of lying flat.

In the eyes of these people, since they have encountered a crisis, even if they work hard and work hard, they will be just a small grass in front of the big situation and fluttering with the wind.

Like a sailboat sailing in the sea, it is impossible to grasp the direction of the ship or know where it is about to drift, so it is better to stay where it is and sit still.

Then, when they hold this mentality of not struggling, not working hard, not being diligent, and their lives can still be "passed and passed", more and more people are stuck in the pit of laziness.

Writer Makarenko said:

"Laziness is the root of all evil."

If a person listens to the opinion of "laziness" and walks into the trap of "laziness", then "laziness" will gradually destroy itself.

Because when a person is exposed to laziness, and also relies on laziness, and even begins to get used to laziness, then they may temporarily live a relaxed, free, and happy life.

But it won't be long before you will suffer more and more disappointments in your life.

A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

First of all, a lazy person, whether he has money or not, will not be respected by others.

Secondly, a person who is accustomed to laziness lives without any quality, like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless.

Since you can't get the respect of others, and you can't get the joy of life that you deserve, you are so lazy, what is your intention? Figure a rebellious psychological experience?

The painter Xu Beihong once said:

"Laziness is a luxury with a very high price, and once it is paid off, it must not be repaid."

What has fallen by laziness should still be returned, and it should come or come.

In a sense, laziness is both a waste of time and a waste of life.

Because when you are lazy, life is like not having lived, and having life is like not having life.

Hard work, diligence and self-discipline are the best responsibility for life.

The pit of laziness is that it becomes the root cause of your distance from others.

Passing time, listlessness, mediocrity, idleness, inaction, will eventually lose more.

Keep running, in order to make your life full, but also to be able to live up to this period of life.

A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

2: Refuse to be lazy

Zeng Guofan said:

"Family failure cannot be separated from a luxurious word, people cannot be separated from an easy word, and annoying people cannot be separated from an arrogant word."

Whether it is a family failure or a dislike, in fact, in the final analysis, there is a problem with people themselves.

The biggest problem is probably because it is trapped in the dilemma of laziness, so it will breed various drawbacks later.

Many people may think that no matter how much a person fails, no matter how successful, in reality, it is necessary to combine work and leisure. If a person is just blindly diligent, hard-working, hard-working, and not necessarily they will succeed, instead of that, why not let go of yourself and allow yourself to live your life as you please?

In fact, the difference between people's success or failure, gain and loss, cannot be clearly explained by three words and two words, and the difference between laziness and leisure cannot be explained clearly with a few words.

Many times, if a person does not have enough relevant experience, coupled with not much thinking, he cannot understand some realistic truths.

These people may not have grown all the time, but they have also been comforting themselves with the so-called A Q spirit, no matter how bad life is, he will already enjoy himself and always feel that the problem is not big.

A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

Franklin said:

"A laid-back life and laziness are two different things."

A person who knows how to enjoy a leisurely life certainly does not have inertia in his bones.

Just as a truly lazy person does not possess the qualities of enjoying a leisurely life.

A person who can live a leisurely life can also do not rely on others.

However, a person who is deeply in the quagmire of laziness is likely not to survive if there is no one to rely on in life.

Laziness is not the true disposition of your mouth, and it is not something you can use as a tool for survival, just as laziness seems elegant, but behind it is a mess, and it is a disease-free moan.

A person's lowest failure is laziness.

Therefore, please reject laziness in time, and avoid stirring up the "life" with a lazy mentality.

A Man's Lowest Failure: Laziness (Worth Reading)

3: Defeat laziness

If one wants to overcome laziness, one must stay away from laziness.

Recognize the harm of laziness in time, perceive the harm of laziness early, and then, bravely and decisively move away from it.

French sculptor Rodin said:

"Poor and lazy is really poor, and being poor and unambitious is really poor."

If a person lives in poverty, instead of trying to change, not working hard to earn money, but also contracting the vice of laziness, your life situation will become more and more embarrassing.

It is like a person who clearly has no high-end thinking, a low level of cognition, and no ambition, then the life of such a person is destined to be mediocre.

One of the first things to know in life is to find your place in real life and give yourself a place to stand.

Therefore, the most important thing is to let yourself live better and better with dignity, rather than knowing that you are poor and lowly, but you are accustomed to this way of living.

Zeng Guofan also said:

"If the family is diligent, it is prosperous, and the people are diligent and thrifty, and they will never be poor."

Therefore, as long as you are willing to work hard, no matter how difficult the current life situation is, even if you are willing to pay even a little bit of effort every day, in time, the standard of living will change.

You know, no matter what kind of work you are engaged in, it is decent, and the shame is always the laziness in your bones.

Diligence is the twin of wisdom, laziness is the brother of stupidity.

May you, for the rest of your life, not only be free from laziness, but also always keep cheering, always forge ahead, try to find, boldly strive, no more disappointment, no more pain.


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