
Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

He Suohuan, a writer of gender-emotional psychology, writes sentient stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

"If you don't have a dream, what is the difference between being a person and salted fish?"

At the end of each holiday, one enters a state of slackness, negativity and numbness.

Don't want to go to work, don't have passion, it's hard to get into the state of work; the day is muddy, I don't know what I've done, I can't adapt to the rhythm of work, and then the time passes.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon.

This is true whether you are in a state of study or work.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

Soon after the May Day holiday began, the topic of "not wanting to go to work" rushed to the hot search.

Netizens have complained about their tired state, negative mentality, and state of inability to adapt when working.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

"Persistently don't want to go to work, intermittently want to quit, want to travel briefly, want to lose weight continuously, occasionally collapse, get used to self-healing."

But if you think about it, you just complain, and in the end, you still have to be conscientious and complete your work step by step.

So, from a psychological point of view, why do people not want to go to work after the holidays?


An "escape" from reality

What is a holiday? It's a comfort zone.

When we move from one comfort zone to another less comfortable place, both physically and psychologically, there are varying degrees of resistance.

Physiological states of resistance are:

Uncomfortable, tiredness intensified, unable to adapt to the state of work, always wandering, want to go out for a walk, work for a while to touch the fish.

The mental state is:

Irritable, anxious, want to lose your temper, can't control your emotions.

In fact, this is our long-term repression of reality, after high-intensity pressure to escape psychology.

For example:

You're working on a project that you have to work overtime to complete in 1 week; so you work with a few people on your team and work overtime in the morning and evening.

In the end, the project is successfully completed, you feel that the whole person is hollowed out, even if you rest for a few days, it is difficult for you to easily enter the next working state.

This is high-intensity self-consumption, including mental and physical exhaustion.

From a psychological point of view, this is a kind of "escape" from the pressure of reality.

Eager to return to their comfort zone of relaxation, unwilling to stay in a stressful place.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors


"Psychological burnout" is becoming more pronounced

Broadly speaking, this is a type of mental burnout.

Specifically, this is called "burnout."

People at different stages and in different states will also have different degrees of slackness and burnout.

I don't want to work, I don't want to go to work, I just want to relax for a while without restraint.

But the reality is:

If you are unjust, there is no income; without income, you cannot support yourself, you cannot support your family, you cannot support mortgages and car loans.

At that time, you were not in the mood to play, and you lost the job that gave you income.

People are like this, can not be frank, can only find a balance in work and life.

And burnout, there are three main factors:

First: tired of coping with social relationships in the workplace

Not everyone has enough energy and good emotions to cope with social interactions in the workplace.

It is normal to be excluded, suppressed, and unable to form a good social relationship with the people around you.

"I get upset when I see them"

"I can't fit into this group"

Once such a mentality is generated, it is natural to hate going to work more and more.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

Second: No interest in the current state of work

Freshness, curiosity, passion and interest are always the source of a person's mobility.

Once interest is lost, the person loses motivation in an instant, and it's hard to do something consistently.

The same is true of work.

If you are tired and bored by the current work at this moment, you can't even stand the working state of the assembly line day after day.

Then, your attitude towards work will become more and more negative.

Third: the pressure of work is high, the investment is high, and the return is very low

Your efforts are not proportional to your returns.

Pay a lot, harder than the people around you, but your return is far less than everyone else's.

At this time, you only feel the pressure, but there is no corresponding happiness.

You will have an uneven mentality: "Why do I work so much work, but give me such a little salary?" ”

This is the main reason why a person does not want to go to work.

But as soon as he thought about his living conditions, he dismissed the idea of not working and forced his tired body to continue working.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors


How can we change the mindset of not wanting to go to work?

First: subdivide the work and complete it one by one

After a period of rest, it will certainly be difficult to adapt to high-intensity work.

So you can try to split a difficult job into several subdivided tasks and complete them one by one.

Like what:

This task, you need 4 hours to complete, then let yourself work for 1 hour, rest for 10 minutes.

Work is a task, rest is a spiritual reward for yourself, and you are strict with yourself.

Refine the difficult tasks and you will find that it is actually quite simple.

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

Second: Lower expectations and give yourself some psychological cues

The so-called reduction of expectations is to reduce one's own illusions about certain "unrealistic" things.

For example, you think about a promotion and a raise, you think every day, you dream about it; but at least for now, you don't see any hope of a salary increase.

Therefore, instead of consuming your own energy on this matter, it is better to do a good job in front of you.

The more you think about it, the deeper the anger and anxiety in your heart when you don't get it.

Lower your expectations and then give yourself some positive psychological cues.

For example:

Go to a good meal after work, go somewhere to relax, meet up with friends and talk for a while.

In short, these are all rewards for ordinary life.

People can't just be tired every day, but should also learn to reward themselves.

Since life is so hard, why not give yourself some psychological hints of happiness?

Psychology: "Don't want to go to work" after the holidays? In fact, it has to do with these factors

Today's Topic:

Do you feel "don't want to go to work" after the holidays?

(Article with picture source network)

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