
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Each breed of horse has different personality characteristics, or impatience, or docile, so what breed of horse do the twelve constellations represent?

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Aries – Thoroughbred


The hot-tempered Aries knows that he is a winner by nature, and he is never afraid of challenges and competition. Aries have an optimistic and positive personality, but they also have a hot temper, and they always have endless energy, just like thoroughbred horses, when other horses are exhausted, they can still go forward with positive energy.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Taurus – Oldenburg horse


Taurus, strong self-control, steady and steady, hard-working and brave, just like Oldenburg horses are quiet and stable, strong in work, and people who can understand themselves, can have seamless cooperation.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Gemini – Treknama


The most significant feature of Gemini is that they have two little people living in their hearts, and they change from time to time, just like Trekna, the "Almighty King" of equestrian horses, but they must also pay attention to ways and methods in the process of getting along, otherwise they may harvest a "evil side" Trekna horse.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Cancer – Krazdale


Cancer is a water sign, and like crabs, they will build a soft comfort zone under a hard shell. They are very direct and very sensitive, calm and patient, like Krizdalma, known for their calmness, patience and strength.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Leo – American Kurama


As a fire sign, Leo loves the spotlight, enjoys being affirmed, and is a natural leader. Like the American Kurama, it always carries its head high, capable and confident.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Virgo – Arabian horse


Virgos are straightforward, perfect-oriented, and image-oriented, just like the Arabian horses on the runway, proud and perfect; but when it comes to the field, the Arabian horses are also very smart and hard-working horses, and they can shine in all sports.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Libra – Hanover Horse


Libra pays attention to balance and harmony, enjoys the good things in life, and has elegant taste. Just like the Hanover horse, it is elegant and stylish, showing unlimited charm in every arena.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Scorpio – Quatma


Quatema is the best symbol of the Almighty Scorpion, hot but loyal, full of love and passion for his life and work.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Sagittarius – Morgan Horse


Sagittarius, as a fire sign, has a strong passion and curiosity about life, endlessly pursues knowledge, and is also a complete optimist, like a lively and cute, very clingy Morgan horse.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Capricorn – Mongolian horse


Capricorn, independent and career-oriented, like the Mongolian horse, hard-working, adaptable, fast and long-lasting, is the eagle of the steppe.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Aquarius – Friesland Horse


Independent, thoughtful, and assertive, Aquarius is like a Frisian horse, with a unique hobby and aesthetic, living in his own world, and not easily swayed by others

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?
The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

Pisces – Apalusama


Pisces is an empathetic, sensitive sign with a strong imagination, always immersed in the world of fantasy, just need someone who can understand them, like Aparu Sama.

The exclusive horse of the twelve constellations, see who you are?

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