
Game King Spirit Pendulum Card - Spiral Strike Burst, Hui Pterodactyl, Gunner Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon

Magic Card - Spiral Strike Explosion (Magic Card)

Spiral Flame Strike。 Strike Burst is the name of the attack of Yuya's signature monster, the Xenomorph Eye Pendulum Dragon. In the animation, the black spiral of the spiral bursts more like gas or flame, while the black spiral on the katu is slightly viscous.

Game King Spirit Pendulum Card - Spiral Strike Burst, Hui Pterodactyl, Gunner Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon

Usual magic cards:

You can choose 1 launcher from the following effects. ●When there is a heterochromatic eye card on the field, it can only be activated if there is a card on the field. That card is broken. ● Choose a 7-star Xeno-Eye Monster from the deck's monsters and the Pendulum Monsters represented on the table side of your own extra deck to join the hand card.

Minka - Tyrannosaurus Rex , Transchromatic Pterodactyl (8 stars / rank)

Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon。 Appeared in the anime Game King ARC-V. There are strict restrictions on the material, but there are miracle effects in some decks that can easily come out of the Phantom Wing Homology Dragon and are not short of dark attribute 1-star adjustments that are easy to summon (such as Black Feather and Red Lotus Demon).

Game King Spirit Pendulum Card - Spiral Strike Burst, Hui Pterodactyl, Gunner Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon

Dragon Clan/Homology/Effect:

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, the damage of the battle between your own monster and the opposing monster can only be activated. The attack power of the monster of its own increases until the end of that damage step. Monster Effects: 1 Phantom Monster other than Dark Attribute Adjustment + Adjustment; the Monster Effect of this card name can only be used once per turn. It can only be launched against 1 effect monster on the opposing field. The effect of that monster is invalid until the end of the turn. The cohomology summons this card on the occasion of the presence of both sides of the battle phase can only be launched. All monsters with more than 5 stars on the opposing field are destroyed. This card in the monster area can only be launched on the occasion of destruction. This card is placed in its own pendulum area.

Light Card - Xenophobic Gunner Dragon (8 stars/rank)

Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon。 This card first appeared in the anime game ARK-V, and its user is Yuya. The Lancer in the name of the Heterochromatic Lancer Dragon Card refers to the Lance Defense Soldiers (LDS) that Zero founded to fight against invaders from the Fusion Dimension. Zero calls the Gun Corps the "Gun That Guards this World", and the animation effect of the Xeno-Eye Gunner Dragon is therefore inclined to defense. Yuya also used the effect of the heterochromatic eye gun soldier dragon to protect himself many times to win the falcon.

Game King Spirit Pendulum Card - Spiral Strike Burst, Hui Pterodactyl, Gunner Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon

Dragon Clan/Effects:

When the pendulum monster on your own field is destroyed by the combat effect, you can only launch it by liberating 1 monster on your own field. This card is summoned from a hand card special. This card attacks the opponent until the end of the damage step magic trap card cannot be fired. In the event that the heterochromatic eye card on your own field is destroyed by a combat effect, you can destroy it as a substitute for destroying one heterochromatic eye card in the monster area and the pendulum area.

Minka - Heterochromatic Eye Overlord Arc Pendulum Dragon (7 stars/order)

Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon。 Heterochromatic Eye Overlord Spirit Pendulum Dragon is a Pendulum Monster Card that belongs to the Heterochromatic Eye Deck. Its shape combines the heterochromatic Eye Spirit Pendulum Dragon and the Crystal Pendulum (the ace monster and often belt ornament of the protagonist of Game King ARC-V).

Game King Spirit Pendulum Card - Spiral Strike Burst, Hui Pterodactyl, Gunner Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon

Dragon Clan/Spirit Pendulum/Effect:

Pendulum Effect: The Pendulum effect of this card name can only be used once per turn. The heterochromatic eye card indicated on the side of the table on the own field can only be activated when the combat effect is destroyed. Choose 1 Xeno-Eyed Monster special summon from your own hand cards, decks, and graveyards. Monster Description: Majestic and beautiful miracle dragon with mysterious eyes. The eyes that shone with two-color brilliance reflected the trajectory depicted in the sky.

Minka - Tyrannosaurus Rex Xenophobic Raptor (10 stars/order)

Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon。 This card first appeared in the anime game ARK-V, and its user is Yuya. The Tyrannosaurus Rex heterochromatic eye raptor has a large amount of white on its body, and the characters in the play use words such as "pure" and "purified" to describe this card, which makes many viewers think that this card is related to the clear wing homophonic dragon.

Game King Spirit Pendulum Card - Spiral Strike Burst, Hui Pterodactyl, Gunner Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon

Dragon Clan/Fusion/Effect:

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, it can only be activated against 1 fusion monster on your own field. The monster's attack power increases until the end of the turn, when the number of monsters on the opponent's field increases×1000. Monster Effect: Ferocious Poison Monster + Xenomorph Monster; this card can only be summoned with fusion summoning and pendulum summoning. Once per turn, it can only be launched against a monster on the opponent's field. Until the end of the stage, the attack power of this card increases the attack power value of the monster, and this card gets the same original card name effect as the monster. This card in the monster area can only be launched on the occasion of destruction. Choose your own pendulum area 1 card special summon, this card is placed in your own pendulum area.

Well, this issue of the game Wang Ling pendulum card - spiral strong attack explosion, Hui Wing Dragon, Gun Soldier Dragon, Spirit Pendulum Dragon, Raptor Dragon discussed here, like friends pay attention to the next point of praise, the creation is not easy to thank you, my account name is: Xia once, WeChat public number is also: Xia once, remember to pay attention to Oh. I will continue to update, your attention is my motivation for updating, like the game ace card friends can continue to pay attention to Oh ~ ~ ~ ~

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