
Blue spirulina and green spirulina

author:Phycocyanin — Bimei Biologics

Blue Spirulina is made directly from green Spirulina. A blue phytochemical called phycocyanin is extracted from green spirulina, and the powder made is sold in the form of blue spirulina. (One of the names is Blue Majik powder) Remember that spirulina is a blue-green algae. Normal spirulina looks mostly green, but it also has a hint of blue. That slight blue color is caused by phycocyanin. So blue spirulina is just the blue part of spirulina (phycocyanin) extracted and sold as blue spirulina powder. Many times, bright colors can be used as an indicator of antioxidants, and blue spirulina is what we get. High doses of antioxidants found in common spirulina.

What is the difference between spirulina and blue spirulina? Well, blue spirulina comes directly from green spirulina as an extract. So green spirulina is more of an overall form and natural state. Because the green spirulina is more complete in form, it contains more nutrients such as vitamins and proteins as well as other antioxidants and phytonutrients, as well as antioxidant phycocyanin. Think of it as eating a whole orange instead of extracting vitamin C yourself. One argument for the better green spirulina is that food synergies and overall results are known to be better than taking each portion individually. So, eating blue spirulina is a bit like eating refined vitamin C, which is still good, but it may not be as good as eating whole oranges that already have vitamin C and getting all the extra nutrients and synergies from it.

Blue spirulina and green spirulina

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