
Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

author:Niu Niu said the stars


Mother's Day was originally a warm day, but the star couple of Da S and Gu Junye made a lot of trouble on this special day. Because of the miscommunication between the two, coupled with Gu Junye's indifferent attitude, Da S felt very disappointed and angry. This quarrel eventually led to Gu Junye's choice not to return at night, which caused the marriage to fall into crisis again.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Since Da S and Gu Junye got married, their love life has been attracting much attention. The combination of the two was once favored by many people, thinking that they were the golden boy and girl in the entertainment industry.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Married life is not all smooth sailing, and small conflicts and quarrels are inevitable. This quarrel on Mother's Day is undoubtedly a serious crisis event in their marriage.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Gu Junye is an introverted person, and he chose to escape in the face of quarrels, which made Big S even more angry and disappointed. As public figures, their every move will be amplified and become a topic of conversation after dinner. Netizens expressed their opinions on the couple's quarrel, some sympathized with Da S's experience, and some criticized Gu Junye's indifferent attitude.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Mother's Day was supposed to be a day full of love and warmth, but Big S felt lost because of this quarrel. Not only did she not get the respect she deserved in her family, but she also lost face in public because of the quarrel. This made her feel even worse and her emotions became more and more agitated.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Next, we will analyze the married life of Da S and Gu Junye in detail and see how they got to where they are today. I hope that through this article, everyone can have a deeper understanding of their love life, and I also hope that they can solve the problem as soon as possible and get back on the track of happiness.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!


Mother's Day is a special day when families are together and share warmth. But Da S and Gu Junye made their marriage face a test again because of this day's quarrel.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

According to insiders, the fuse of this quarrel was because of Gu Junye's indifferent attitude. Da S originally expected Gu Junye to prepare a warm Mother's Day celebration for her and her family, but Gu Junye didn't seem to care too much about this holiday, which made Da S feel very disappointed and angry.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

On Mother's Day, Da S carefully prepared a sumptuous family dinner, hoping to spend a happy holiday with his family. But Gu Junye behaved very coldly, he was not only late, but also seemed absent-minded during the whole process. Big S tried to communicate with him, but Gu Junye simply coped with a few words, which made Big S's mood fall to the bottom in an instant.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

An argument between the two broke out after dinner. Big S asked Gu Junye why he was so indifferent to this family holiday, but Gu Junye felt that Big S was too sensitive, the two didn't talk speculatively, and the quarrel became louder and louder. Gu Junye obviously didn't want to continue the dispute, he picked up his coat and left the house directly, never returning home at night.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Big S was very angry and disappointed by Gu Junye's evasive behavior. She felt that she had given a lot in this marriage, but she was not getting the understanding and respect she deserved. This made her feel especially lonely and helpless on Mother's Day, a day that should have been full of love.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Gu Junye's friend revealed that after he left home, he went to a friend's house alone. Gu Junye is an introvert who is not good at expressing his feelings. He felt that Big S was too strong, and he wanted to handle many things in her way, which made Gu Junye feel a lot of pressure. The Mother's Day quarrel was just a trigger for the outbreak of the long-standing conflict between the two.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Netizens expressed various opinions about the couple's quarrel. Some people think that Da S, as a mother, should have received more care and care, and Gu Junye's indifferent attitude is really unacceptable. Some people also think that Da S is too sensitive and should understand Gu Junye's difficulties more, after all, marriage requires tolerance and understanding from both parties.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

This is not the first time that Big S and Gu Junye have quarreled because of miscommunication. Communication has always been a big problem in their married life. Big S has a straightforward personality and likes to put problems on the table to solve, while Gu Junye is used to evasion and cold treatment. This difference in personality makes it difficult for them to reach consensus on many issues, and quarrels are inevitable.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

According to the analysis of psychological experts, Gu Junye's evasive behavior is actually a manifestation of immaturity. He needs to learn how to face problems instead of running away. Big S needs to learn how to communicate better and avoid saying hurtful words when emotional. Only if both parties are able to change a little, their marriage is likely to go further.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Faced with such a situation, Da S and Gu Junye both need to calm down and think about the meaning of this marriage for them. Every marriage will encounter problems and challenges, and the key is how to face and solve them. If they can find a balance, I believe there is still hope for their relationship.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!


The quarrel in the marriage between Da S and Gu Junye reflects the problems that many couples encounter in their daily lives. Poor communication, an indifferent attitude, and avoidance behaviors are common problems in marriage.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Big S's disappointment and anger stem from her high regard for family and marriage, while Goo Junye's evasion shows his immaturity in the face of conflict.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

This Mother's Day quarrel not only put their marriage in crisis, but also let us see their different attitudes in marriage. Big S hopes to get more care and attention during important family holidays, while Gu Junye feels that he is under too much pressure, and it is difficult for the two to find a balance. Such contradictions, if not resolved in time, may cause more damage to their feelings.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Running away from problems in a marriage is not the solution. Gu Junye needs to learn how to face problems better and communicate effectively with Big S. Big S also needs to understand Gu Junye's pressure and try to express his needs in a gentler way. Marriage is a journey that requires two people to run together, and only if both partners are willing to put in the effort for it can go further.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

For fans of Da S and Gu Junye, they want to see the couple resolve their conflicts and get back together. Every marriage has its ups and downs and challenges, but as long as two people truly love each other, there is no problem that cannot be solved. Hopefully, they will be able to find a better way to get along after this quarrel and make their marriage stronger.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

As bystanders, we should not focus too much on their private lives, but rather respect their choices and decisions. Everyone has their own way of life and how to deal with problems, and all we can do is give them more understanding and support.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

I hope that Da S and Gu Junye can resolve the contradictions between them as soon as possible and regain their happiness. Every quarrel in a marriage is an opportunity to grow. As long as they can learn from this and find a better way to communicate, it is believed that their marriage will become stronger.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

Let's bless the couple and hope that in the days to come, they will be more understanding and tolerant of each other and face every challenge in life together. I hope that their marriage can usher in a better tomorrow after the storm.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S lost face because of Mother's Day and quarreled with Gu Junye!

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