
Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

author:Niu Niu said the stars

Hello everyone, I'm Maverick. Today, let's talk about Gu Junye, an old naughty boy. Do you remember him? Yes, it was the Korean hip-hop singer and dance king, who endorsed a headphone, and as soon as the advertisement came out, netizens were overjoyed.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

This old brother played cool in the advertisement all the time, wearing bells and whistles and posing in various cool shapes, but netizens almost didn't laugh when they saw it, saying that he wore headphones like an elderly person wearing hearing aids.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Gu Junye, when he was young, he was a handsome guy who was all the rage, and he was good at dancing and singing. Now that I'm older, although I have less hair and more wrinkles, my confidence hasn't diminished at all. In the advertisement, he wore headphones, twisted his waist and shook his head, and did not forget to point to the headphones to make a look of "look at how cool I am". I have to say that this advertisement makes people laugh when they look at it.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

The comments of netizens are even more ingenious, some people say: "This headset is worn on his head, how does it look like an elderly person wearing hearing aids." Someone else ridiculed: "Is Gu Junye going to endorse hearing aids?" "I laughed out loud when I saw it. But then again, this guy's mentality is really good, he is a lot older, and he can still be so cool, I really admire his courage and sense of humor.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Watching Gu Junye perform hard in the advertisement, I can't help but think of his demeanor when he was young. At that time, he was the idol of countless boys and girls, and now although he has become an "old naughty boy", he still lives freely. This positive attitude towards life is really worth learning from each of us.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Next, I will take you to take a good look at Gu Junye's advertisement this time, and I am sure to make you laugh until your stomach hurts. You ready? Let's walk into this happy world together and see how Gu Junye turned the headphone advertisement into a "hearing aid" advertisement!

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Gu Junye took over the endorsement of a headphone advertisement in 2022. As soon as the advertisement was broadcast, it immediately exploded on the Internet. You see, Gu Junye, the old brother, is wearing bells and whistles in the advertisement, looking full of confidence, twisting his waist and shaking his head with headphones, and keeps pointing at the headphones, as if to say: "Look at my coolness!" As a result, netizens looked at it and said how it looked like the elderly were wearing hearing aids. To be honest, I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw this comment.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Gu Junye, when he was young, he was a popular idol, and he was good at dancing and singing. Now that he is older, his hair is much less and he has more wrinkles, but his confidence and sense of humor have not changed at all. In this advertisement, his hard work really makes people laugh.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Some netizens ridiculed it more interestingly, saying, "Is Gu Junye going to endorse hearing aids?" Someone else jokingly said: "As soon as this headphone advertisement came out, it instantly became a hearing aid advertisement." As soon as these comments came out, the whole network was happy. Gu Junye didn't mind these ridicules, his optimistic attitude was admirable.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Let's talk about the marriage between Gu Junye and Da S. Since he and Da S got married, the two have mainly lived in Taipei. However, Gu Junye often goes back to South Korea, and he is quite adaptable to the life of running between the two places. Although there are fewer opportunities for endorsements and variety shows, he has been working hard and still maintains that enthusiasm for life. The two post sweet photos on social media from time to time, which is really enviable.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Speaking of which, I have to mention another old idol - Yan Chengxu.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

46-year-old Yan Chengxu recently cooperated with Xu Ruohan, who is 20 years younger than him, to shoot the TV series "Summer Flower". As soon as this drama was broadcast, Yan Chengxu's performance immediately received unanimous praise from netizens. Everyone said that he was in such good condition, and there was no sense of disobedience when he played with Xu Ruohan. This is in stark contrast to Gu Junye's headphone advertisement.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Yan Chengxu's state and performance make people sigh that the years seem to be very gentle to him. His still handsome appearance, coupled with superb acting skills, makes people fascinated. Although Gu Junye tried his best to be cool in the advertisement, many netizens felt that his performance was a bit outdated and did not conform to the aesthetics and trends of today's young people. This also triggered everyone's thinking about the different circumstances of the two old idols.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Gu Junye's performance in the advertisement is indeed a little out of step with the current youth trend. Many netizens feel that he is still stuck in the style of the past and has not kept up with the pace of the times. However, some people expressed their understanding and thought that Gu Junye's self-confidence and spirit of not accepting old age were worthy of praise.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

The married life of Gu Junye and Da S has also become the focus of everyone's attention. Although the two are no longer young, they are still as sweet as ever together. Together, they face life's challenges, support each other, and encourage each other. This kind of feeling makes many people envious. Big S often shares their daily lives on social media, whether it is cooking together, walking, or traveling together, they are full of warmth and happiness.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

At work, although Gu Junye does not have many opportunities for endorsements and variety shows, he has not stopped moving forward. He actively participates in various activities and strives to improve himself. Big S is also constantly trying new fields, and both of them are working their respective career paths. Their positive attitude has also deeply infected many people.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Yan Chengxu's situation is different. His position in the entertainment industry is still solid, and with the drama "Summer Flower", he once again proved his strength and charm. Yan Chengxu and Xu Ruohan's tacit understanding in the play won the love of the audience. Everyone says that Yan Chengxu is simply an "ageless male god", not only does he maintain his appearance well, but his acting skills are also more exquisite.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Gu Junye's headphone advertisement and Yan Chengxu's TV series form a strong contrast. One was jokingly called "the elderly wear hearing aids" by netizens, and the other was praised as "ageless male god". This also makes people think more about and discuss the different circumstances of the two old idols. Whether it is Gu Junye's hard work and coolness, or Yan Chengxu's natural interpretation, they all show their love for life and work.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Although Gu Junye's advertisement was ridiculed as a "hearing aid" advertisement, he still worked hard to live in his own way. The idol demeanor of his youth has been transformed into the humor and confidence he is now. Although his style is a bit outdated, his confidence and optimism still impress many people. Yan Chengxu continued to shine in the entertainment industry through his superb acting skills.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Netizens have different evaluations, some people feel that Gu Junye's performance is indeed not as good as before, but many people express their understanding and support. After all, everyone has their own lifestyle and choices. The different performances of Gu Junye and Yan Chengxu also let everyone see two different attitudes and styles of life.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

In the marriage of Gu Junye and Da S, the two supported each other and faced the ups and downs of life together. Their love story is full of sweetness and warmth, and it also makes people feel the power of love. Whether it is a small thing in daily life or a big thing at work, they are able to face it together and solve it together.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Yan Chengxu continued to maintain his influence in the entertainment industry through his own efforts. Whether it is "Summer Flower" with Xu Ruohan or other works, his performance has won the recognition and love of the audience. Yan Chengxu used his actions to prove that no matter how old he is, as long as he maintains his hard work and enthusiasm, he can continue to shine in his field.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

The stories of Gu Junye and Yan Chengxu are wonderful in their own way. One is an "old naughty boy" who works hard to be cool, and the other is an actor who is praised as an "ageless male god". Everyone has their own way of life and choices, whether it is Gu Junye's self-confidence and optimism, or Yan Chengxu's hard work and persistence, they are all worthy of our learning and reference.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Although Gu Junye's headphone advertisement was ridiculed as a "hearing aid" advertisement, his spirit and self-confidence of not accepting old age still make people feel admired. Yan Chengxu continued to win the love and recognition of the audience through his superb acting skills. Their different performances and circumstances show two different attitudes and styles of life, and also let us see the diversity and possibilities of life.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Although Gu Junye's hard-working performance in the advertisement is a little outdated, his love for life and serious attitude towards work are still worth learning from. Yan Chengxu's natural interpretation and outstanding performance let us see the precipitation and accumulation of years. The story of the two old idols tells us that as long as we maintain our hard work and enthusiasm, we can continue to shine in our field no matter how old we are.

Laugh to death! Gu Junye endorses headphone advertising! Cool all the way! Netizen: Like the elderly wearing hearing aids!

Through the different performances of Gu Junye and Yan Chengxu, we see the diversity and richness of life. Everyone has their own way of life and choices, whether it is Gu Junye's self-confidence and optimism, or Yan Chengxu's hard work and persistence, they are all worthy of our learning and reference. The story of the two old idols has inspired countless people and made everyone see the possibility of a better life through hard work and perseverance.

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