
Is the Cyber Age coming? Four cases look at AR subverting outdoor advertising

Is the Cyber Age coming? Four cases look at AR subverting outdoor advertising

编译 | Tiana

In the world of marketing, outdoor advertising (OOH) has always been a staple product, and it has a strong eyeball. However, as the advertising industry changes rapidly, so must an OOH strategy.

AR is redefining what's possible with out-of-home advertising, and it's probably one of the most powerful tools for marketers and advertisers in the future. With WebAR technology, brands can experience AR capabilities anywhere without having to download an app. This innovation not only improved the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, but also revolutionized the way brands interact with their audiences.

Is the Cyber Age coming? Four cases look at AR subverting outdoor advertising

AR ads: Get customers in line to enter the store

While traditional outdoor advertising relies on static displays, AR introduces interactive elements that engage and engage audiences. By overlaying digital content onto the physical environment, AR transforms billboards, posters, videos, and other out-of-home media into dynamic, immersive experiences. By engaging users with immersive AR content, brands can create memorable interactions that drive customers to take action.

Traditional outdoor advertising is mostly static display, but the introduction of AR has injected interactive elements into the ads, which can attract and engage the audience. By overlaying digital content into the physical environment, AR can transform billboards, posters, videos, and more into vivid, immersive experiences. For example, Vodafone partnered with &AND Innovation to engage residents of eight cities in Germany through WebAR experiences and social events.

Using 8th Wall's technology, Vodafone transforms billboards, often integrated with their surroundings, into a carefully customized, interactive experience. By scanning a QR code on a billboard, residents can launch a 360-degree virtual experience, including 3D virtual emojis, balloons, and popcorn. At the same time, the experience introduces instant prizes and grand prize competitions, encouraging users to go to Vodafone stores to redeem their prizes.

The event, which attracted more than 50 million people and a total of 17,000 minutes of brand engagement, showcased how AR can dramatically improve customer engagement by creating memorable experiences. In the end, 40% of the participants visited the Vodafone store.

Is the Cyber Age coming? Four cases look at AR subverting outdoor advertising

Introducing AR and Soaring Conversion Rates by 58%

Incorporating augmented reality into outdoor advertising campaigns allows consumers to have memorable interactions with products and services, which can increase conversions.

For example, BON V!V Spiked Seltzer partnered with WebAR agency Aircards to launch a compelling AR campaign in Los Angeles and San Diego. By scanning the QR code on the mural, consumers can access the virtual vending machine and choose their preferred beverage flavor. This experience also offers instant purchase and delivery through the e-commerce platform Instacart.

The campaign was successful in directing users from the ad to the physical store and increasing conversion rates, with an average time spent of 2 minutes and a 58% click-through rate to find the nearest store.

Is the Cyber Age coming? Four cases look at AR subverting outdoor advertising

AR experience to enhance brand voice

Combining AR with out-of-home advertising can also expand the reach and reach of your brand, creating shareable experiences that transcend the physical world. Brands can leverage the immersive nature of AR to connect with audiences on social media platforms and amplify awareness of their events.

Pixel Artworks与Aircards、虚幻游戏引擎和Outernet London合作推出了 "The Butterfly Trail",这是一种旨在提高蝴蝶保护意识的混合现实体验。

In its first month, the experience attracted more than 653,000 visitors, of which more than 56,000 participated in AR games, with an average stay of more than 2 minutes. The experience has also generated more than 28 million views on Instagram and TikTok. The campaign not only raised awareness about butterfly conservation, but also boosted brand influence and engagement through AR.

Is the Cyber Age coming? Four cases look at AR subverting outdoor advertising

Deep engagement to enhance the brand experience

Augmented reality offers brands the opportunity to create memorable, interactive experiences that capture the attention of mobile audiences. This technology enables brands to get creative and develop immersive narratives and campaigns that capture consumers' attention.

Launched across the UK, including London's iconic Piccadilly street lamp, the event became a memorable brand interaction experience that further demonstrated the potential of AR technology to drive brand engagement and create customer journeys.

As outdoor advertising continues to evolve, AR presents a unique opportunity for marketers and advertisers to create compelling, immersive campaigns that stand out from the crowd. Adding AR to your OOH strategy can increase engagement, enhance creative, increase brand recall, and boost conversions.

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