
Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

author:Good luck accompanies you

Hey, old guys, you know what? Our funny and unique Dr. Feng Tang has been in big news recently! This former top student has now chosen to study for a doctorate in gynecological medicine, is this a bit surprising to you? But if you think about it, it's really not surprising that he has such a maverick energy!

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

Feng Tang once said: "Life is like a big book, everyone is looking for their own chapters." In his opinion, being a gynecologist is not only to treat diseases and save people, but also a self-challenge, a kind of practice of abstaining from sex. He said: "Color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and I chose medicine because I want to understand the mystery of life from the microcosm of the body, so that the soul can return to purity." ”

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

You still remember the old saying: "The doctor is benevolent", and Dr. Feng Tang's decision was to practice this sentence in this way. He touches women's health with professional knowledge and treats every patient with a heart of reverence for life, and behind this is the rational restraint of desire and the deep insight into human nature.

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

One might ask, is he joking? But Feng Tang's answer was resounding: "There are no jokes in life, I just want to live more clearly." His choice is like a wake-up call, telling us that on the road to truth, there is nothing that cannot be challenged, and there is no impossible dream.

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

This story is like what our older generation often says, "people are not confused when they are over forty", Dr. Feng Tang has passed that age, but he still maintains that love and curiosity about life. His decision allows us to see the growth of a man, and also makes us understand that no matter when and where, we should have the courage to pursue what our hearts really want.

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

Forward this article to applaud Dr. Feng Tang for his courage and applaud his wisdom. Because, he is not only curing diseases and saving people, but also telling us with his own actions that life is boundless, as long as there is light in his heart, where can he not illuminate the way forward?

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!

The comments section is waiting for you to share your thoughts or tell you the heart-touching stories from your life. Together, let's follow Dr. Feng Tang's example and live our own wonderful life, no matter our age or identity, just because we all have that heart that is eager to explore and never give up.

Feng Tang: I took the doctoral exam to become a gynecologist, just to quit sex!