
The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

author:Good luck accompanies you

Hey, old friends, hello! Today, let's talk about some real topics, not those unfathomable economic theories, but the top priority in our lives - how to cover our money bags. I just had a get-together with a friend who is a bank president, and he gave me some insight that I felt I had to share with you.

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

Bank presidents often say, "Money is like sand on the beach, the tighter you hold it, the faster it leaks." "This is not just a casual talk, think about it, housing prices rise and fall, decades of reincarnation, who can guarantee that in the next ten years, the house can become as hard currency as it is now? After all, the market is like an ocean, the tide rises and falls, and who can predict the direction of the wind in the next second?

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

Looking at cash again, we all know that inflation is like an invisible crocodile that silently eats away at your purchasing power. Your pile of bills may have shrunk before you could buy what you wanted. The bank president told me: "The value of cash is sometimes like expired bread, and when the freshness wears off, only the fact of dryness remains." ”

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

。 So, what can resist the erosion of time and become a true patron saint of wealth? The answer may lie in the hands of you and me, and that is – knowledge and skills. With these two things in hand, you won't panic.

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

"Knowledge is power" is a phrase that never goes out of style. No matter how the times change, if you know how to learn and renew yourself, you will have the key to open the door to wealth. Invest in yourself, improve your professionalism, and in the future workplace competition, you are the one who will not be eliminated by the times.

As for skills, it's your survival tool and your money-making machine. A syllabus skill, such as programming, cooking, or gardening, can find a foothold in the market or even start your own business. The value of skills is not temporary, but lifelong.

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

Old friends, remember, the house and cash are things outside of the body, and what can really give you peace of mind is the fullness of your heart and the wisdom of life. As the famous saying goes, "Wealth is not in the pocket, but in the head." "Let's embrace change together, live and learn, let wisdom and skills become our hard currency, and ten years later, you and I are still smiling."

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

This article, if you think it makes sense, then like it and forward it to your friends, so that they can also understand this truth. After all, we are all old partners who have gone through the ups and downs together, and sharing wisdom and spending life together is the best thing. Looking forward to your comments, let's talk about your opinions, and we'll see you next time!

The president of the bank said frankly: in another 10 years, the house and cash will depreciate, and there is no panic in holding 2 things

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