
Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

When browsing chicken soup articles on the web, we often see some similar points. Most of these authors inspire us to be as ambitious and well-patterned as possible.

But what exactly is the pattern of a person's heart, psychology does not give a clear definition.

Because there are different schools of doctrine in psychology, each school has its own definition of the pattern. However, psychologists generally believe that what we see in our eyes can reflect the real thoughts in our minds from the side, which is the figurative expression of the projection psychology.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

Therefore, when looking at pictures, the larger the pattern, the easier it is for people to see a dog. More precisely, a larger mindset guides us to integrate these images into the shape of a dog. In fact, human vision is also selective, is a positive rational activity, and active selection is a basic feature of vision.

When viewing a dense dot map, the more the viewer pays attention to what topic, the more visual psychology will make him more focused on observing these things. The guidance given by visual psychology will be affected by many factors such as the viewer's hobbies, emotions, and cognition. Through the analysis of a person's mindset, we can see a person's pattern.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

Reverse thinking

Reverse thinking is a type of stereotypical thinking, which usually refers to a way of thinking that is contrary to the direction of conventional thinking. This way of thinking sounds relatively simple, but it is indeed a way of thinking that most people can't think of.

Because people are always used to looking for ways to think in the direction of the development of things.

This mode of thinking is called linear thinking, so people tend to think like a straight line, often thinking in a single unchanging way. When people think, they are often limited by the initial conditions, although it is relatively simple to think, but it is very easy to encounter a dead end that cannot be solved.

Although reverse thinking is difficult to practice, it can be explored in reverse and get rid of the original fixed thinking.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

Deriving known conditions from existing conclusions, reverse thinking can sometimes perform miracles and break seemingly insurmountable deadlocks. When the average person observes a dot-like picture, they see a fish according to the so-called linear pattern.

People with reverse thinking skills will see a dog at a glance. People who have this colloquial pattern will not drill the horns when they encounter problems, and if a way of thinking cannot be figured out, they will change their thinking angle in time.

With flexible reverse thinking, they can solve many of the troubles in life and achieve higher achievements, so their pattern will be higher than that of ordinary people.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

Systems thinking

Systems thinking, also known as big-picture thinking or big-picture thinking, is more like a combination of linear thinking and reverse thinking. People with this mode of thinking will focus on the overall situation when thinking about problems, and pay more attention to the overall results and interests.

Ancient emperors often used chess games to help them sort out the current situation.

At this time, they can see very clearly what kind of people are pawns, and how their trajectory will affect the development of the whole situation. Calculating with a global perspective can help them choose the most favorable development direction among the many outcomes and maximize the overall benefits.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

In modern society, the boss of a company also needs to have the ability to think systematically, they will see the company as a whole, and a certain type of person as a linear group. Such a big-picture concept can help them solve the problems encountered in the development of the company as a whole, and can also reconcile some internal contradictions between employees.

People who see dogs and fish for the first time when looking at pictures can score 5 points on the pattern index, and such people have surpassed the vast majority of ordinary people. When they know new things, they are accustomed to judging based on the whole, and they can also look at things from the perspective of development and distinguish the priority and secondary of things.

However, this ability is not innate, and such people often have a lot of work and life experience, which can help them to deal with problems very calmly at any time.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

Zero-based thinking

This way of thinking is very similar to linear thinking, and it is also the most accessible thinking ability for the public. People with this mindset will see fish at first glance when they look at pictures.

This way of thinking is in line with most people's cognition, and when thinking, it will remove the existing constraints and let the mind return to the original point and start thinking again.

People with this mode of thinking are not completely simple, but they are still willing to choose to simply believe in the people around them after experiencing social beatings. When thinking in this way, people usually zero everything out and don't think about what they have lost, but directly think about what they want.

Psychological test: The larger the pattern of the person, the easier it is to see a dog

This can help people get rid of their existing shackles and bravely pursue the life they want. This is in line with the ancients' common saying that nothing is existence, and existence is nothing, so zero-based thinking is also a manifestation of a larger pattern. In fact, there is not only one way of thinking, and a small and accomplished person often has more than three different ways of thinking.

However, these ways of thinking are not innate, and people with higher IQs are also affected by their environment and experience, resulting in different thinking patterns. Only when we continue to temper ourselves and cultivate the ability to think from multiple angles can our lives enter new heights.

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