
[Gaia constellation] A constellation woman who is strong on the outside and weak on the inside makes people want to protect her



There are children's shoes that deal with Leo, and they have felt the strong appearance of big cats. The lion guarded by the sun is the proudest lord of the 12 constellations, and there is no one. The lion's self-concept is deeply rooted, and he has a posture of being able to hold everything at any time. He will also try to prove it to others, OK! I had everything, no worries. But if you're stupid and naïve to believe... That's a big mistake.

The powerful appearance is only the protective color of Leo. This always proud child is very dependent on others. Especially in love, given the sharp decline in IQ, he will do all kinds of things that have no bottom line just to please his lover. As the other half of the lion, please don't let the ta down, otherwise after being injured, the ta will just hide to the side and lick the wound.

2 Libras

In the wind sign, Libra counts as an outlier. Because he is good at disguise, he has successfully deceived you - well, Libra is very powerful! Mature, rational, generous, elegant, and always able to be independent, everything is on their own, talk about serious things, and there will be an aggressive posture... Alas, how can it be disguised so well?

But in any case, Libra's "internal weakness" is due to hesitation. All kinds of entanglements and imbalances, in the end, evolved into physical and mental exhaustion. At this time, if a suitable object appears, the glass heart scale will instantly become a soft girl.

3 Aries

When it comes to powerful constellations, it is natural that Aries cannot be missed. Fire Elephant Aries is the second place on the 12th sign pride list, of course, he is also very courageous and motivated. This kind of hard work makes you feel that the Aries man is a man among men, and the Aries woman is a hero among women.

oh no! Not. Aries's strength is only manifested in competitive & extremely aggressive. Peeling open these, the Aries people you see have a fragile and careful liver, and people are particularly simple, naïve, and easy to be deceived (please forgive me for telling the truth). When talking about love, it is even more willing to show weakness, and it is also possible for the bird to rely on the state of the person.

[Gaia constellation] A constellation woman who is strong on the outside and weak on the inside makes people want to protect her

4 Virgos

The stoicism of the earth elephants has created their external strength, such as the Golden Bull, and then like Capricorn, but they are strong on the outside and strong on the inside. Virgo, on the other hand, is born with the determination to be a model, attaches importance to professional image, has strong self-discipline, must do the best in everything, and has a strong defense ability.

But in fact, Virgo still has traditional blood flowing in her bones, and has a spirit of service that is hard work and resentment, especially in front of people who like it. The small things in life can be digested by themselves, but in the face of big things, there must be someone to rely on, otherwise it will not be able to support it. In the final analysis, Virgo's weakness is because she thinks too much and can't think about it... To put it bluntly, it is actually anxiety.

Unlisted constellation children's shoes, don't be impatient, because you may be in the following list.

[Gaia constellation] A constellation woman who is strong on the outside and weak on the inside makes people want to protect her

Weak on the outside and strong on the inside of Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius

These two constellations have the characteristics of water signs with rich emotions and delicate sensitivity. Sensual people are often considered the weaker party. But in fact, as long as the collapse point is passed, you have more things to tolerate. As for Sagittarius, the external weakness is manifested in no heart, no city, no aggression, and the internal strength is to say that any setbacks in life are in their view, and the sagittarius cares about whether it is happy or unhappy.

[Gaia constellation] A constellation woman who is strong on the outside and weak on the inside makes people want to protect her

Inside and outside are strong Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius

These constellations are not easy to be swayed by the outside world, and they can compare themselves to the outside world and silently withstand the pressure of reality on the inside. As the astrological community believes, you are all very capable of regeneration.

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