
Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

author:Little people who like to watch movies and tv

Before introducing this film, let's popularize some of the indian education system. India's "gaokao" is known as the most difficult exam in the world. (India's "Gaokao" is locally known as the JEE Joint Entrance Examination)

India is a 12-year academic system, starting from the 12th grade, you have to take the examination of each subject, the results will be used as one of the references for university admission, and then take the national unified examination when you graduate, similar to our college entrance examination.

However, this is just the beginning. Our success in the college entrance examination is equivalent to giving ourselves an insurance, and finally we can breathe a sigh of relief, but this is just for Indian students to get the admission ticket to take the university exam, and continue to participate in the exam arranged by each university with the admission ticket. After such a comparison, we found that our country's college entrance examination is quite benevolent.

In India, science and engineering and medicine are very popular majors, science and engineering and medical university alliances will each organize a joint examination, the most cattle of which is the Indian Institute of Technology IIT, the prototype of the film "Three Fools Bollywood" Imperial Polytechnic is the Indian Institute of Technology, the admission rate is only less than 2%. But if you are admitted and successfully graduate, it indicates a rich job and the qualification to enter high society, just like the classmates who graduated in the movie show off their wealth.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

Once you enter such a college, after graduation, it is a leap of class. We know that India has a caste tradition (although the current Indian government wants to eliminate this idea, but the racial classes that have been handed down for thousands of years did not die out so quickly). The system divides man into 5 levels, namely Brahman, Shaktiri, Vedas, Sudra, and Dalit. The lower the back, the lower the bloodline, so it is the easiest and hardest way to turn around by reading.

Since 2006, india's Ministry of Education has announced a significant increase in the proportion of "reserved quotas" in order to increase access to higher education for lower caste groups in society. Among them, the three most well-known institutions in India, the Indian Institute of Technology, the Indian Institute of Management and the All India Medical College, have increased the number of enrolments from low-caste families from 22.5% to 49.5%, and the other 20 ordinary universities have increased to 27%. The move sparked high-caste students to protest against reverse discrimination, but the rule persisted in order to gradually eliminate such class notions.


In the movie "Young Pi" directed by Ang Lee, the male protagonist is admired by everyone because he is very good at reciting pi, which makes us a little difficult to understand, this rote way of memorization has something worth showing off. That's because we don't understand Indian education, a large number of exam questions in India, including science, are examining the memory of books, a large number of test questions need to be repeated, so many students will collapse in such a high-pressure environment, will commit suicide.

Knowing this background, we will look at "Three Fools Bollywood" and you will find that the significance of the movie is far more profound than the title.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

The story takes place in a group of freshmen who have experienced hell exams and are fortunate enough to be admitted to imperial indian polytechnic, even if they enter such an ivory tower, they need to go through years and years, day after day exams to successfully graduate, have run here, do you give up?

==Very realistic, but also very cruel to start the school discipline class ==

On the first day of school, the dean told them that life is for competition, either you die or I die, you can come to this school, it is because you have destroyed the efforts of many people, to achieve your dreams, you must keep running forward, so that you will not be driven down by others.

Learning is equal to competition, we cannot deny that this is a driving force for progress, but where is the most primitive desire for knowledge?

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

== Rancher, freshman, this outlier in the ivory tower ==

He loves knowledge, likes to learn, likes to use his brain, the teacher asked him to give him a definition of the mechanical device in class, he explained it in his own simple vernacular, and the result was 0 points. Because this question is the definition in the book, the standard answer must be given verbatim. His unusual answers caused headaches for many teachers and made people think he was a fool. So he was always kicked out of the classroom by the teacher, but he would sneak to other classrooms where classes were taking place and learn knowledge inside.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

He loves to fight unevenly, is helpful, and exchanges the heart of a friend with his heart, and behind the comedy is a heartwarming story. But just such a student is identified as a problem student, a bad student.

Until the end of the film, the child's life is a huge Easter egg.

== What is the meaning of reading? ==

As introduced earlier in the article, for low-caste children in India, learning is the only springboard to change the fate of themselves, their relatives and future generations, and it is not their own dream to be admitted to such a school and successfully get a degree, but to shoulder a heavy responsibility. In one semester, written tests, oral tests, tests a total of 42 exams, as well as projects to follow up, the already heavy academic burden, coupled with suffocating competitive pressure, many people will not be able to stand, once unable to graduate, all this effort is in vain, which is very desperate. So some people ask God, some people will take so-called medicines to help memory, and some people will choose to commit suicide.

Joey in the movie is the only college student in their village, or a future engineer, he shoulders too many responsibilities and missions, but near the last semester of graduation, because his father was hospitalized, he delayed his homework and projects, which is an unforgivable mistake in polytechnics, plus his project has not progressed, the pressure of not graduating makes him suffocate, this feeling is like falling in the abyss, only a deep sleep can be relieved.

Rancher approached the Dean and said that all the reports indicated that he had committed suicide, but the reports did not say what kind of psychological stress he had suffered in the past four years, and if the great engineer could invent an instrument to measure the index of psychological stress, we would find that it was a protracted murder.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

== The heart will be fragile, we need to learn to coax it ourselves ==

Raju has a similar experience with Joey, a paralyzed father at home, a sister who cannot marry because she cannot afford to pay the dowry (in India, a woman must have a rich dowry if she wants to marry a good family, which is really strange), he reads to make the family live a good life, so the responsibility on his shoulders is very large.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

Because of the double pressure of study and life, he was overwhelmed. The dean asked him to choose between friends and his studies, and such a cruel choice was like a straw that crushed the camel, and he chose to jump off the building. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time by Rancher, and the day and night protection of his friends gave the child on the verge of collapse the courage to continue to live, which made people tear up.

This experience made this child who had been inferior and introverted since childhood become free and confident. It turned out that I had been poor in grades, not because I was stupid, but because I was afraid of knowledge.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

Our hearts are fragile, and if you are afraid, it will be more afraid, and if you are afraid, it will be more afraid. Learning is about empowering us, not about fear and bottomless compromise.

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie


Some people may say that this movie is really good, but the background is India, not China, but I still feel that there is something worth learning and reflecting on.

China, like India, is a country with a large population, and many times, the population faces more fierce competition, which is beyond doubt. Human potential is unlimited, appropriate pressure can indeed stimulate more powerful abilities, but this does not mean that all people can bear, why we force children to learn, in fact, more reasons, just like in the movie, for a better future, this future has children, there are also us parents.


Knowledge is learned, but courage, self-confidence, love has disappeared in coping and passivity again and again, what kind of life is the best? What kind of education is the most happy?

Movie Recommendation: "Three Fools Bollywood" The cruelty of Indian education is far more severe than the movie

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