
Tianhong You: The brain "hole" is wide open

Preparing for a nap, the children were undressing themselves, and the Guoguo children took their pants and said loudly, "Teacher, you see, there are holes in my pants, and there are two holes." At this time, the other children also began to look for the "hole" in their clothes, and then took the clothes and said: "Teacher, my sleeves are also "holes" here, "Teacher, and my clothes have two pockets, they are also "holes". Before the nap, the children found that there were also many "holes" in their clothes and pants. When he got up, Hehe grabbed his pants and pulled them up hard, but he couldn't pull them up, and Hehe cried out in a hurry. Teacher Xiao Li went to help, and it turned out that Hehe had put both feet into the same trouser tube. A few more children were spinning in circles because they couldn't find the sleeves of their coats, until the teacher came to help.

According to the self-care ability of the children in the class, some children have weak self-care ability, so the following activities have been carried out for this problem to help children improve their dressing ability. From the situation to understand that the children are willing to take the initiative to put on and take off clothes, but can not find the pants of the "hole", observed that there are indeed some children in the class are not very good at putting on and undressing themselves, according to the age characteristics of the small class children to carry out the combination of graphic and text to put on and take off the skills of the skills. Through the teacher's drawing of the dressing stick figure steps and the children's song of dressing, we help young children understand the method of putting on and taking off clothes, so that children can quickly master.

After a period of self-care ability exercise, the hands-on ability of the children in the class has been improved to a certain extent, in order to consolidate the hands-on ability of young children, so that children can experience the pride of their own clothing. There was also a dressing contest for young children in the class, which was carried out in small groups, allowing children to exercise their dressing ability through the form of competition.

According to the age characteristics of young children, the way of preaching is not suitable for small class children, so in view of the problem of not being able to dress, through illustration explanations, group pk competitions and mutual help and mutual checks, guide children to learn to dress, and encourage children to do it themselves.

Tianhong You: The brain "hole" is wide open
Tianhong You: The brain "hole" is wide open

Photo editor: Liu Yuqi

April 26, 2022

【Source: West Lake Education Network_Preschool】

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