
14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play

Corresponding version【12.7】

Cover Odyssey Kaiser

The full text is about 2453 and takes 6 minutes to read

Hero's name: Shadow Stream's Sickle Kain


Kaiyin is a new routine developed with the new version changes. In the early days, the formation is accelerated by the treasure hunter, and after having a certain amount of equipment, the first attack begins to exert force, further accelerating the speed of economic acquisition, and then easily leading the opponent in a piece of clothing.

This style of play can maximize the assassin's snowball ability, the game experience is excellent, and it is definitely worth a try

14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play
14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play
14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play

Rune parsing:

As we all know, if you want to attack first to play the best results, you need to have a certain amount of equipment to be able to play enough output.

Therefore, we chose treasure hunter + magic shoes + future market to accelerate the speed of economic acquisition in the early stage, so that the first attack can be launched early and further roll up the snowball

Kaiyin itself cleared the field very quickly, and the equipment molding speed was already very fast. Secondly, after the evolution of Lan Kai, the outbreak is high, Q and W are both range damage, and the fit with the first attack is also good.

Equipment analysis:

The Blue Punishment's slowdown ensures the hit rate of the skill

The advantage of the Dark Claw is that after the evolution of Lan Kai, after the wall is used up, you can use the Dark Claw to get close, and then connect Q, which can hit the damage more quickly

Due to the rapid forming speed of the mining flow, the third piece of the Demon Sect can be released again, and the second piece will take a long time to upgrade the Magic Cut


Level 1 point Q, level 2 point E, main Q and vice W

Summoner skills

Flash + Discipline

Passive Skill【Dark Caste Demon Scythe】

Each time you deal damage to a melee hero, you get red energy, and when you deal damage to a ranged hero, you get blue energy, which energy will qualify for which form to transform (you can predict according to the energy grid color, the color red is much red, and the blue side is more blue)

When fully energized, it can transform at the spring, and after transformation, it will get the HomeGuard Acceleration effect. If it's not the kind of charge you want to transform into, you can choose again after 4 minutes. During these 4 minutes, each time you gain energy for an uncharged form, you can shorten the transformation time by 5 seconds

Red Kai: Gets a healing effect based on the damage dealt to the hero

Lan Kai: Deals additional damage based on the damage inflicted on the hero within 3 seconds of entering the combat state. Will refresh after 8 seconds out of battle, or after using R

Q Skill【Giant Scythe Sweep】

Kain takes damage by sprinting forward and deals damage by striking nearby enemies again after the sprint, giving additional damage to creeps and monsters

Red Kai: Deals extra damage based on the enemy's maximum health percentage

W Skill【Sharp Blade Penetration】

Deals damage to enemies in a straight line and slows them down by 90%, slowing down within 1.5 seconds

Lan Kai: Can move when released, and the skill range increases

Red Kai: Hits the hit enemy for 1 second

E Skill【Glimpse Step】

In 7 seconds, Kaiser gains 40% movement speed, regardless of the collision volume, and can travel through the terrain. The first time you enter the terrain, you will regenerate your health

Being fixed or staying outside the terrain for more than 1.5 seconds will terminate the E skill. After dealing damage to a hero, the E skill terminates after 1.5 seconds

Lan Kai: Gains 80% movement speed, immunity slowdown, and reduces base cooldown to 8 seconds

R Skill【Split Shadow】

Passive: Enemies who have been damaged by Kaiyin will be marked for 3.15 seconds

Active: Kaison invades a recently damaged hero during which it is unselectable, and after 2.5 seconds or reactivates, it deals damage and displaces it

Lan Kai: Increase the displacement distance, move speed after leaving, refresh passive

Red Kai: Deal damage based on the target's maximum health and gain a healing effect of 70% of the damage value

14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play

Wall Q

Q has two pieces of damage, one sprint and one spin. Using Q close to an impenetrable wall, you can hit two pieces of damage faster, which is useful for both fighting and brushing fields

Wall W

Releasing W inside the wall after turning on the E skill will not interrupt the E skill effect


When E cannot directly enter the wall, you can open E first and then Q into the wall

E mechanism

When E goes inside the wall, we can get a view of the surroundings

When there is an enemy releasing a hero nearby, a dot will appear, which will tell the opponent that Kai is hidden inside the wall, and will also tell Kai Yin that there are enemies in the direction of the dot

14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play

Basic combo

Pay attention to general attack articulation skills when fighting in close combat, such as AQAW, etc., and when starting from a distance, you can use WQA or W Dark Claw QA (after evolving Lan Kai)

Lan Kai seconds people consecutive moves EWQAR

E Melee WQA/W Dark Claw QA instantly evaporates crispy skin, if the opponent sets fire to you at this time, you can R one hit other heroes to avoid damage

14 minute three-piece set, new version of the open stream play

Opening route

Blue Square Six Group: Red BUFF Stone Beetle (Punishment) F6 Three Wolves Blue Buff Demon Swamp Frog Upper River Crab (Punishment)

Red Square Six Group: Single Open Red BUFF Stone Beetle (Punishment) F6 Three Wolf Blue BUFF Demon Swamp Frog River Crab (Punishment)

Blue Party Invasion Play: Enemy F6 Enemy Red and Blue Toad (Punishment) Lower Zone Monster

Note: Single penalty pass time is 3 minutes and 10 seconds. Kaiyin brush field efficiency is very high, can be used to start the route is very much, everyone proficiency can go up after their own development

Brushing wild tricks

Level 3 point 2 level Q, and more use of wall Q, can significantly improve efficiency

Hit F6 and three wolves first, so that Q's two-stage damage can hit all the monsters

When brushing 3 wolves, the big wolf can finally move to the blue BUFF area without A and E positions, and at the same time as Q blue, Q dies and chases the big wolf

When playing blue, use punishment to pull the magic swamp frog over to improve efficiency

Methods of arresting people

First use the E skill to get close to the opponent, and then connect the skill output through the flat A to ensure the hit of W and Q. Don't go far away from WQ directly, if both skills are empty, Then Kai Yin will have no combat effectiveness

Upfront key

Through the development of brushing wilds and opposing wild monsters, while brushing wild monsters, you can catch people along the way, and it doesn't hurt if you can't catch them, you can rub the energy. Don't forcibly grab people for energy, this will cause the other party to take the opportunity to brush your wild, affecting the rhythm of brushing wild

Medium-term critical

After the evolution, the combat effectiveness has undergone a qualitative change, and while brushing the wild, it is necessary to run more to the opposite field area, and take the opportunity to take the rhythm through invasion and arrest

Team Battle Key:

The key to the Lankai group is pulling and roundabout.

First open the E skill to look for opportunities on the side, wait for the other party's key skills to be handed over, seize the opportunity to enter the WQA second to kill the opponent's key figures, and then R evades the damage and exits, and then continues to enter the field after the skills are good


First: by invading the wild area in the early stage, interrupting its development, he could not even take care of his own development, and he did not have the energy to grasp the energy of people, and then could not evolve rapidly

Second: In the early stage, Kai Yin's ability to catch people and fight is average, and he chooses to fight strongly in the early stage to play a suffocating rhythm, so that Kai Yin is powerless to return to the sky after evolution

Third: keep a good hard control, whether it is Lan Kai or Hong Kai, they are very afraid of this

Hero Selection:

[Leopard Girl] [Sword Saint] corresponds to the first point (although the Sword Saint is not very strong, but the skill mechanism is completed, Q can easily dodge W, W can easily block R)

[Spider] corresponds to the second and third points


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