
iG Post-Game Group Visit - Coach: There are newcomers who want to play the LPL for the first year and want to take them into the playoffs

iG Post-Game Group Visit - Coach: There are newcomers who want to play the LPL for the first year and want to take them into the playoffs

Q: In the current version, Jace generally chooses the two talents of first attack and phase, how do you evaluate these two talents?

Neny: I don't feel like attacking first, I'm going to use phase or conqueror better.

Q: The situation in the second game is relatively sticky, how do you communicate and stabilize your mentality to find opportunities?

XUN: Because we were inferior in front of us at that time, and then our lineup was going to play backwards, so we slowly dragged it out. As long as the middle tower does not fall, it is naturally easier to fight. Then they suddenly hit the big dragon and I felt that they were a little anxious and wanted to send it.

Q: How's it going to be the first MVP of the season? Feel how you played today

Yuekai: The mood is OK, it's very happy, and the play is normal.

Q: The next game against OMG, is there any special preparation for the Able players?

xiaoyueji: No, just play normally.

Teammate: Hahahahahahahaha

Q: Today's first round Luo Kaituan with Vigus R entered the game very well, what do you think of the strength of this combination?

Lucas: I feel that these two heroes combined together are a very normal combination with a chain of control. These two heroes are also good heroes in two positions.

Q: Today's opening goal, do you have any goals for the new season?

Coach: Because there are new people who are playing the LPL in their first year and want to take them into the playoffs.

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