
Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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The main text begins

Today, I will talk about what has changed in runes after the Diablo 2 remake was updated with 2.4. In the past, when playing the old version of Diablo 2, it was generally based on No. 24, but I didn't expect that in the Diablo 2 remake version, it was actually based on No. 30, which was too unexpected.

Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

So what determines the value of runes in general? One is its own role, and then it can do which rune language, and whether the rune language it can do is the demand of the popular character genre. That is to say, only if the demand is large, then the value of this rune is high.

So don't think that 3 8s are combined with 1 9, then the value of 9 is greater than 8, which is completely wrong. Remember the sentence: The size of the rune number does not represent its value.

30Ber bays

Beast 30+3+22+23+17

Chain of Glory 14+22+30+24

Eternity 11+30+24+12+29

Unlimited 30+23+30+24

Fury 21+17+30+23

Enigma 31+6+30

Destruction 26+28+30+31+18

Final wish 31+23+31+29+31+30

Number 30 is the most valuable because mystery is almost every character's ultimate goal, while infinity is standard for all attribute outputs, especially the output of the electric system, and beasts are a must for summoning systems. Anger is the bow of aging.

31 Joe Jah

Dream 16+31+21

Confidence 27+31+20+2

Phoenix 26+26+28+31

Ice 11+13+31+28

The value of No. 31 is close to No. 30, and it can be used with the Dream Head Shield, the Confidence Bow, and the Phoenix Weapon Shield, and it can also be used as a weapon for the Elemental Bow of Cold Ice. However, the rune words that can be done are not as rigid as infinite, so the value is slightly lower.

32 Cham. Cham

Hand of Justice 29+32+11+28

Pride 32+29+16+28

Plague 32+13+22

Mist 32+13+25+10+6

The 32nd will definitely rise in version 2.4, but not in non-ladders for the time being. Because of the strength of the Paladins of the Fist of Heaven, the need for the Hand of Justice is infinitely magnified. And Number 32 itself is the material for the Five Rings Necromancer to make iron demons, and this time the Druid Summoning Zoo genre has also risen, so it is not impossible for Mishan to be proud. Of course, not only pride has concentration, but also the fog bow has concentration, so Kyoko taking the fog should also be a game that many people try to play. The coolest is the Plague Sword, which will reduce resistance after being beaten, which is a descending curse that does not lose the infinite belief aura effect. Therefore, after the revision of 2.4, the previously bad 32, the current price is definitely not lost to the 31st, or even close to the 30th.

29瑟 On

Wild Rose 8+27+29+5

Wyvern 29+28+12

The price increase on the 29th is mainly due to the rise of the Heavenly Fist Paladin, and the demand for the Hand of Justice has increased. In addition, it is used for pride, and it can also be used as a flying dragon. This time the druid's rabies and poison ivy were added to each other, and the poisonous damage of the wild rose (thorn) should be more useful. There is also the gameplay of the double flying dragon, so the price rise of the 29th is also inevitable. The previous two 29s were combined with a 30th, and now the 29th is no longer 0.5 30s.

28 Lo Lo

Fortitude 1+12+14+28

Remorse 5+3+28+23+8

The main role of number 28 is still fortitude and remorse, after all, the highest rune required by these two runes is 28, and the other basic costs can be ignored. Fortitude almost all mercenaries eventually wear, and remorse is the graduation weapon of physical characters such as paladins and barbarians. Of course, in addition to doing these two, 28 is also an integral part of Pride, Flying Dragon, Hand of Justice, etc., so the price of 28 should be close to 29, not calculated according to synthesis. The value of the number 28 is definitely more than 0.5 29 and should be infinitely close to or equal to the number 29.

27 ohm Ohm

Call of War 11+8+23+24+27

Chaos 19+27+22

Exile 26+27+24+14

The value of number 27 should be close to number 28, although there are not many rune words that can be done, in addition to the three written above, there are also the Confidence Bow and the Wild Rose Armor. But this does not mean that the demand for the 27th is low. The rune language of war summoning is almost necessary except for barbarians, and this thing is evil, so it is necessary to redo it when you do the crotch. If you make 664, it is definitely a bicycle to a motorcycle. The Chaos Claw is used by the Whirlwind Assassins, and it seems that not many people play it, but despite this, the value of the 27th is higher than that of the 0.5 28th.

26 Vicks Vex

Oak Hearts 18+26+21+10

Silence 14+2+15+24+3+26

Death 15+1+26+9+25

Flickering Flame 4+21+26

Number 26 is the highest rune to make the Heart of the Oak, and many characters who need high skill levels and casting speed need the Heart of the Oak, so the demand is still quite large. In addition, in version 2.4 of the Barbarian Mercenary, if you take silence, you can do a continuous glacier gun to freeze the target, which is also a very powerful rune language. Then there's the new Three-Hole Head of The Flickering Flame, which appears to be equivalent to the Eye of Griffin for the electric character. Plus it's also part of many other rune words, so number 26 still has some value.

33 Zod

This thing can be used for death breathing and enchantment, and then it can be plugged into some good invisible equipment that cannot be damaged. Not much value.

25 Gul Gul

Kingkiller 23+22+25+19

Creed 8+25+2

Number 25 is actually not worth much, but when the Paladin has no mystery, it can still be used as a creed top skill. Then there is the Kingkiller, the A5 Barbarian who fights boss sharps.

24 Ist

Doll head 20+24+16

Possessor 33+24+20+17+16+4

24 is a rune that MF must use, so it also has some value. It can also do the +2 skill of the doll head, and do the new magic wand enchantment. At the same time, it is also the composition of high-level rune words such as fortitude.

23 Mal

Oath 13+21+23+17

23 can be the oath of the king of civilian weapons, this weapon is not too big a shortcoming except for the ED variable span is too large. In addition, number 23 is still composed of rune words such as fortitude, so the value is quite OK. Not less than 0.5 24.

22 um

Crescent 13+22+3

Mandatory 13+22+10

Dark 19+22+21

Stone block 13+22+21+17

The initial use of the crescent moon in the electric system is still greatly improved, after the update of 2.4 to A5 barbarians also become, after all, there is a 7% chance of a 13-level electrostatic field, that is an 11-yard range. In addition, it is a transitional mercenary armor, dark and stone are defensive, and the force is high and crushing. Of course, 22 is also the material that makes up the runes of beasts, plagues, and chains of glory, but the drop rate is relatively high, and the value does not matter, almost 0.5 23.

8 Lal Ral

The material of the Baptist Necklace is the most valuable of all the lower runes, about equal to the Purple Gem. Why do you use this wash necklace? Because 8 + perfect purple + jewelry, the washed necklace must bring 5-10% FCR, if the skill is right, FCR double affix effect, then +2 character skill + 20% FCR necklace is very good.

12 Sole Sol

The material of the blood-washing vampire ring is slightly less than the size 8, and the 12+ Perfect Red + Jewelry can wash out a ring with a certain +1-5 strength, +10-20 blood, and 1-3% vampire properties. Relatively speaking, I love double suction rings.

4 Naf Nef

Wash the material of the double suction belt CB glove, 4 + perfect red + jewelry can wash the gloves in the picture below into gloves fixed with 5-10% crushing blow, 1-3 blood sucking, 10 + 20 blood. It would be nice to have additional attributes.

9 Oat Ort

Wash the material of the repellent glove, 9 + perfect blue + jewelry, you can wash the glove in the picture below out of the glove fixed with the knockback attribute. However, in general, this is rarely washed, after all, the bow horse has a demand for the knockback attribute, and the wind force comes with itself to repel.

The last thing to tell you is that if the battle net really can't be played, we will use that run that plug-in, the secret code is the dark plug-in, and there are also Q groups. Offline mode is bought casually at Akala. In addition, if you add -enablerespec to the parameters of the game, you can wash the points indefinitely, hold down the ALT and click the red plus button that adds the character attributes. So it's okay to be addicted to a single machine, and there's no need to invest too much in a game that's meant to be a pastime. Of course, if you're tearing onions like that, I didn't say anything about it.

Next up is the current issue of the quiz.

Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?
Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?
Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?
Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?
Diablo 2 Remake: Will the value of runes change after entering 2.4?

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