
Apple was fined again for not having a charger

Apple has not sent a charger for several years, from the initial public anger to today's calm acceptance, has shown that this matter has not been mentioned again, but recently about Brazil to sentence Apple to compensate for the purchase of iPhones but no Apple charger users about 6900 yuan.

This matter naturally also triggered a heated discussion, and then discussed the previous Apple does not have a charger, Apple gave the reason for not matching the charger has three points:

Apple was fined again for not having a charger

1, first of all, because of cost savings. Although Apple has explained the reason for no longer attaching a charging head, I believe that in the eyes of many people, Apple's move is mainly to reduce the cost of mobile phones, which is also the main reason for canceling the charging head.

2, for environmental protection. Apple claims that the reason for canceling the charger head is for environmental protection, which is also a valid reason, after all, the protection of the environment is indeed imminent.

3. The charging head is a durable product. Apple users are very sticky, and some users will repurchase new products in Apple, which will cause waste of chargers, and this reason can barely stand.

However, netizens have said that if it is for environmental protection and repetition, you can add a choice of whether to charge, there is no need to make a direct non-delivery.

However, this is all discussed before, and recently, it is Brazil that is not allowed to "bundle sales". Lawsuit against Apple.

"Bundling" is an abusive and prohibited practice in Brazil, so it is not allowed to sell mobile phones and chargers separately. As a result, Apple was ruled out of the case after selling the iPhone model and charger to a consumer in the city of Goiânia.

Apple was fined again for not having a charger

Apple must compensate consumers 5,000 reais (about 6,900 yuan) for "bundling" of the company's devices.

According to Fernando Capez, head of consumer group Procon-SP, Brazil fined Apple $2 million last year as punishment for violating consumer regulations and disrespecting Brazilian customers.

This is not the first time Apple has been fined for the charger, and it certainly won't be the last.

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