
The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly


The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly

Recently, Apple officially released the iOS 16 operating system, as a new generation of mobile operating system, the launch of iOS 16 has attracted widespread attention in the technology community. However, the reviews of the first users showed a polarized trend, with praise for its smooth performance on the one hand, and questioning its interface design on the other, saying that it was "ugly".

The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly

1. Fluency improvement: the hard power of iOS 16

Judging by user feedback, iOS 16 performs well in terms of smoothness. Whether it's the four-year-old XS/XR series or the newer iPhone 12/13 series, the upgraded system shows extremely high smoothness and stability. The system opens the app faster, the swiping operation is smoother, and even for older models, there is no obvious stuttering. This has been recognized by many users, who have said that iOS 16 has done a great job in performance optimization.

The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly

2. Interface design: the weakness of iOS 16

However, in stark contrast to the high evaluation of smoothness, the interface design of iOS 16 has been questioned by users. One of the biggest points of controversy is the design of the new lock screen. The new lock screen features a new way to customize and widgets, and while it offers more personalization options, the huge time font makes many users uncomfortable. Many users said that the time font of the new lock screen interface is too abrupt, like a copycat, which seriously affects the overall aesthetics.

The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly

In addition to the new lock screen, iOS 16 also has some tweaks in the UI design. However, these adjustments have not been universally recognized by users. Some users believe that the new UI design is too complex, not clear enough to be concise and easy to use. At the same time, some details are not refined enough, giving people a rough feeling.

3. Other improvements and problems

The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly

In addition to the interface design, iOS 16 also brings some other improvements and issues. Among them, the biggest highlight is the fixing of the copy-paste problem and the WeChat message delay problem that frequently occurred in the previous version. These improvements make it easier and more efficient for users to use on a daily basis.

However, there are also some issues with iOS 16. Some users reported that after the upgrade, there were problems such as heating up and power consumption too quickly. Among them, the heating problem is particularly prominent, and some models have continued to heat up after upgrading. However, according to the experience of some users, this problem can be alleviated by restarting the phone and letting it sit for a while.

The first batch of evaluations of Apple's iOS 16 official version is released: it is very smooth and ugly

Fourth, the future outlook

Although iOS 16 has been questioned in terms of interface design, its performance in terms of smoothness and performance optimization is still worthy of recognition. In the future, Apple is expected to continue to optimize system performance and improve user experience in subsequent versions. At the same time, with the continuous development of technology, we also expect Apple to make more innovations and breakthroughs in interface design, bringing users a more beautiful and practical operating system.

In conclusion, the launch of iOS 16 is an important attempt by Apple in the field of mobile operating systems. Although there are some issues and controversies, its overall performance is still worthy of recognition. For users, whether to upgrade iOS 16 or not needs to make a decision based on their actual needs and preferences.

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