
Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

Introduction: Since the appearance of Yue, the style god, the pattern of the "Yin and Yang Division" fighting skills has more or less changed, so that some of the systems that the itch rats relied on before are not easy to use now.

Today Xiaoran and I share with you a set of baume & Mercier below the scoring routine, according to the efficiency point of view may not be as fast as the crow cut, the winning rate is not stable (after the dividend period), but Xiaoran I personally use the system that I think is better to use.

PS: Suitable for players with decent soul quality but no clue, the lineup is divided into initial and evolved versions.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

"8 stages before you can choose the surf team to hang up"

The system I would like to recommend is the most friendly surf team for ordinary players like us. Although the core Langchuan has been weakened and the new system led by a series of new gods has blossomed, the performance of the surf team in the low segment is really good, after all, the system is defensive, in addition to the ability to fight back, as long as it is not taken away by the enemy wave in the first few rounds, it is likely to catch the tipping of the overturn. Before the 8th stan, we were even able to hang up with the surf team to enjoy the score.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

First of all, it should be noted that the upper score in Xiaoran's mouth is not a 100% win rate, but a comprehensive win. Because the battles below 8 stages are not too intense, the itch rats only need to prepare 5 style gods, namely Lang Chuan, Unknown Fire, Yu Xiuli, SP Snow Girl, and Lu Maru. These 5-bit style gods are the most friendly fighting skills to Meng Xin in recent versions, and it is completely sufficient for most players to just casually play below 8 paragraphs, and then talk about their 5 imperial soul selections and detailed attributes in detail.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

The first is Lang Chuan, where we have two options, namely the 2+2+2 bulk combination and the traditional Soul Set. If you use loose parts, you can distribute it according to the attributes of the quick attack and explosion, as for the soul, if the soul quality is not enough, you can replace the No. 6 slot with the embryo whose main attribute is critical hit. It should be noted that the overall speed of Langchuan is better than 200, and if the speed is too slow, the power of this lineup will be much smaller.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

Yu Xiuli uses the old high-speed trick on OK, under normal circumstances, the attribute should be fast life, but Xiao Ran I No. 4 high-speed life embryo on other types of gods, so can only bring a defense to make good use, the actual combat effect is also good. Yu Xiuli's speed has the same standard as Lang Chuan, and without calculating the base speed, the attributes provided by the Imperial Soul are best to reach more than 140, and its purpose is only to exceed the ghost swallow that the enemy may fight, after all, Yu Xiuli, who cannot release the skill, will be very embarrassed on the battlefield.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

As for the last three, there is nothing to say, that is, the traditional mass soul. SP Snow Girl in the combination of output attributes at the same time, itch rats can choose between the green girl room or wounded soul bird, after all, the purpose is only to let her survive, compared to Xiao Ran I am more inclined to the green girl room; and Lu Maru is a wounded soul bird with raw attack attributes, the reason for carrying an attack attribute is very simple, pure life Lu Pill is really no output, personal use is extremely uncomfortable; finally, Jing Ji does not know fire, speed super star, attribute heap meat.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

"Opening Operations and Details Supplement"

Although the surf team mentioned above is named "hanging up team", we still have to carry out a few simple operations at the beginning. First of all, when it's Yu Xiuli's turn, the Tickling Rats need to judge the release target of her two skills, because the situation of each battle is different, and I can only give rough advice. In the event of a civil war, the snake is placed directly on the enemy SP Snow Maiden; while the enemy is the medium speed team, it can consider giving the ghost a taro round, and finally brainlessly release the highest output unit to the enemy when facing the rapid attack team.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

In addition, we are best to choose eight hundred bhikshunis in the position of the sixth person, after all, she is the most functional character in the "Heian Kyo F4", resurrection, anti-injury, sealing and other skills can be selected according to our habits and needs, Xiao Ran I use resurrection and sealing. Here again, Yu Xiuli, because this lineup lacks the ability to fight fire, when the enemy has an output god, and the battle situation is not good, you can manually control Yu Xiuli to put three skills!

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

"Surf team advanced, night knife god into the team"

There is a saying that the surf team that can hang up is certainly pleasing, but the upper limit is not high, and there is no pressure in the battle below 8 stages, but as more and more players study fighting skills, the battle of more than 8 stages until 3000 points is not the field where we can hang up and score. In order to keep the strength of the surfing team up to date with the version, Xiao Ran made a change according to the above lineup, although there was no way to continue to hang up, but the intensity has changed dramatically, the key of which is that the core god has become two.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

The Night Knife God is the second core of Xiao Ran's mouth. The traditional surfing team is a system with Langchuan as the output end, when he falls into a state of death or superimposed 3 layers of buff to set off the counterattack horn system, other types of gods just increase the time that Langchuan can output (Lai drags time on the field), while the Night Knife God can play a great role in the "limit end". Compared with passive procrastination time, the Night Knife God can actively delay the enemy's output rhythm, so that the speed of our formation is not affected.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

The advanced version of the surf team is composed of 9 gods, the flop order of the first 4 hands is fixed as Chihime, SP Snow Girl, Night Knife God, and Lang Chuan, and the fifth position is selected according to the selection situation at that time in the other side of the flower, no hikari, Lu Maru, and Mitsutsu. The Soul of the Night Knife God is very simple, the Itch Rats can place the fastest loose parts of the whole family on him, this is just a helpless choice for Xiao Ran because of the poor quality of the Imperial Soul, if you have extra full speed to recruit money, it is OK.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

The above mentioned SP Snow Girl and the Royal Soul of Lang Chuan, this side will not be expanded in detail, we just need to know that in the advanced version of the system, it is not bad to replace the Green Girl's Room with a mussel essence. And Qianji's imperial soul choice is also many, fire spirit, fortune, and popular multiple versions of the co-dive are good, if you are more afraid of the early stage because of the lack of ghost fire and break the rhythm, you can consider the same as Xiao Ran to seek stability and choose the fire spirit.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

Finally, a general summary of the types of imperial souls of the alternative gods

Other Shore Flower: Quick-life attribute, you can choose Zhong Ling, Charm Demon, Imperial Soul Quality High Priority Bell Spirit

Lu Maru: Same as the hang-up version

No See Yue: Pure defensive attribute, Mirror Ji or Wood Charm are OK

Mitsutsu: Raw and anti-life attributes, only recommended to use the soul (rarely on her, it used two rounds, the other side of the flower hit attribute is not high, you can use more)

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

"Flops, operations and details to be aware of"

So now that we have learned about the styles and spirits required by the lineup, let's take a look at what we should pay attention to in actual combat. Fighting skills, without considering the practice of the two accounts, to put it bluntly, is the flop to determine half of the way to win, and the only thing we need to pay attention to in this set of night knife god surf team is the last hand, only by choosing the right style god will be better to play.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

For example, when we get that the enemy is a violent output team, there is a spirit eater milk Lan and other gods, we can choose not to see Yue in the fifth hand to increase the overall defense ability of the team, not to see Yue can completely help the team survive the first wave of damage, and then the night knife god can take over the battle situation and slowly control the field; on the contrary, the enemy in the front 4 hands turned over SP Snow Girl + Lang Chuan, this situation is obviously to play mirror games with us, and the itchy rats need to choose Lu Pill or Yu Xiuli in the 5th hand. (Kami-mitsune can be replaced by SSR Yukihime)

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

Under normal circumstances, the fireless surf team breaks the core faster, but we have the Night Knife God, whose presence can disrupt the enemy rhythm, in other words, whether it is to kill the key god first, or the formation speed, we have to be faster. Finally, there is the medium speed team, when we perceive that the enemy may be the "high mobility" of swallowing thousand emperors, face thousand sickles, thousand emperor lamps, etc., directly turn over the other side of the flower or mitsutsu.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

The flop situation is roughly only these three directions, and the segment below Baume & Mercier is completely sufficient. Next, let's talk about the operation in progress, in fact, it is said to be an operation, but it is only compared with the hanging version of the surf team, and the operation required for this system is really not high. First of all, the night knife god's skill is only given to the enemy's key god, which may be a bit abstract to describe, but the itch rats just need to always think about one question - which type of god of the enemy will make me feel the most uncomfortable?

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

Yes, whose turn is the most threatening, the night knife god's skill can be directly thrown to him, if you want to give an example, it can be summarized as the active control gods such as Emperor Shi Tian, SP Snow Girl, Suzuka Gozen, and a group of output gods led by Milk Lan. Speaking of which, there may be itchy rats who will wonder why Xiao Ran gave up choosing Qianji without knowing the fire? The reason is simple, Qianji's role is only to light fire... The Night Sword God needs to use the skill frequently, and the unknown fire cannot support the ghost fire consumption at all.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

In addition, Qianji's skill mechanism is also quite comprehensive, the second skill fire can be combined with the Night Knife God and SP Snow Girl to harass the enemy's offensive rhythm, after all, the Night Knife God itself has a [dance together] mark, and its own speed is very fast. Finally, the choice of the position of the Yin and Yang Division, perhaps it is personal bad luck, recently met a lot of wild road zi Suzuhimehime, was a little annoyed by the AOE, so Xiao Ran I chose to fight Qingming... Only because he has the strongest skill in the game, the Dragon Pendulum Tail! (Qingming with a bundle and shield)

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation


Then the above is the detailed description of the hanging stream surf team and the Plus version, there is a saying, if the quality of the itch rats is enough, I do not recommend using the surf team, after all, its essence is to sit on the ground stream, the purpose of birth is to serve the players who are not trained enough, there is a speed and several sets of high-speed tricks, then the efficiency of the speed control team will be higher. Finally, I hope this article can help the itch rats!

PS: Recently, the God of the Night Knife was annoyed by the Hyakumu Ghost, but there are not many non-BAN Bureau Hyakume Ghosts and Komatsumaru.

Yin and Yang Division: Detailed explanation of the Night Knife God Surf Team system, interpretation of royal soul, flop and actual combat operation

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