
In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

author:Agricultural mechanization of China Agricultural Science News Network

Author: Hancheng Forestry Station Liang Yanwei Dang Wenhong

1. Hazard characteristics of peppercorn narrow gidding insect

Peppercorn narrow gidding belongs to the Coleoptera, Gidding family, is a destructive dried insect pest that harms peppercorns, mainly feeding on the phloem part of the larvae, and the old mature larvae moth pupae pores to the xylem, which can eat the lower part of the trunk about 30 cm of bark and the formation layer into holes. Causing a large amount of rubber to flow from the bark of the victim tree until it softens, decays and withers, causing the branches to channel tissue to damage, making the bark dry, cracking, and even finally all dead.

2. Occurrence of peppercorn narrow giddingworm

Peppercorn narrow jiding in Hancheng, Shaanxi Province, two generations, overlapping generations, insects staggered. After the larvae have completed secondary overwintering in xylem or under the bark, pupalization begins in early April, pupate in late April, and pupal in late June, with a pupal period of 30-40 days. Adults begin feathering in mid-May, peak feathering in late May, and final feathering in early August. Adult insects have obvious suspended animation, love heat, phototropism, fly rapidly, more than around noon out of the hole, eat young leaves to supplement nutrition, after mating tail lay eggs into blocks, mostly distributed in the main trunk below 30 cm rough epidermis, skin cracks, skin thorn roots, twig base and other places.

3. Peppercorn narrow gidding insect control method

(1) The use of adult insects to fake death, shock fall artificial hunting. Peeling is carried out at the beginning of the hazard to reduce the source of insects.

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

Fig. 5-15 Spraying

(2) From mid-April to early May and early June, the larvae can directly kill the subcutaneous larvae by hitting the glue part and its surroundings with a hammer such as a nail hammer, a small axe or a wooden stick during the activity period.

(3) The main trunk is coated with long-lasting protective agent for forest trees.

(4) At the peak of adult feathering, 2.5% cypermethrin emulsion can be sprayed with 1500 times liquid and 20% rapid killing butadiene emulsion 2000 times liquid.

(5) Dig up and burn in severe cases.

Third, prune

(1) Summer pruning

Pruning during the growing season of the pepper tree is called summer pruning and is a critical period for plastic surgery. Summer pruning is conducive to improving ventilation and light transmission conditions, improving photosynthesis, accumulating nutrients, promoting the formation of more fruiting branches in the coming year, while regulating nutrient distribution operation, promoting fruit set and flower bud differentiation. Therefore, winter pruning can promote growth, and summer pruning can promote pepperling.

Methods include pulling branches, spreading buds, thinning branches, plucking hearts, twisting branches, and taking branches.

1. Pull the branches

For branches with upright angles and moderate positions, measures such as pulling, pressing, falling, supporting, bracing, and other measures are taken to open their angles to promote their germination and fruiting branches.

2. Spread the buds

That is, remove excess buds. The advantages of wiping the buds are: concentrating the nutrients of the tree, so that the remaining buds can grow and develop better, mainly erasing the base angle, shear, the competition part of the main side branch and the top crown expansion and other parts of the bud.

5-16 Pulling branches

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune
In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

Fig. 5-17 Spread the buds

3. Thinning branches

That is, the branches are cut off from the base. When thinning branches, the dead branches, diseased and insect branches, intersecting branches, overlapping branches, competitive branches, migratory long branches, over-dense branches and other branches with no reserved value in the canopy are mainly removed, and the thinning of branches can save nutrients, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, improve photosynthetic efficiency, and also facilitate the formation of flower buds. When thinning branches, it should be removed from the base, but the wound area should be small, so that it is easy to heal. If the interception is too long, the formation of stumps is not easy to heal, prone to diseases and insect pests, or cause latent buds to emit a large number of migratory branches.

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

5-18 Thinning

4. Topping

The measure of removing the young parts of the top of the new shoots during the growing season is called heart picking. Heart picking in the long period of new shoots can promote the growth of secondary branches and accelerate the formation of the canopy; the slow growth of new shoots can promote the differentiation of flower buds; the heart picking before physiological fruit drop can improve the fruit set rate; the heart picking after fruit set can promote the expansion of the fruit, early ripening, and can improve the quality of the fruit. Picking the long branches many times can make the shoots full and strong.

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

Fig. 5-19 Topping

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

Fig. 5-20 Taking a branch

5. Take the branches

In the high temperature season, the operation method of gradually holding the top from the base to the top by hand is called taking the branches, which can be carried out from May to August. Taking branches is conducive to opening the base angle of branches and branches, and has a good effect of slowing down and promoting flowers.

6. Twisting

When the new shoots are semi-woody, they are pinched by hand and twisted by hand to reverse the lower part of the new shoots by 180° so that the new shoots are horizontally sagging, hurting the wood and cortex without breaking. Twisting in May and June is conducive to the formation of flower buds to inhibit the growth of new shoots. Twisting the dorsal branches and introverted branches can effectively weaken the growth potential and increase the number of twigs.

(2) Pruning after freezing

Peppercorn trees that are not pruned after the "spring cold" freeze should be deeply pruned to promote the growth of new shoots. Remove the branches affected by frost damage in time, and smooth the wound, and apply wound protection agents such as fruit rot and sealing oil to avoid bacterial infection. Branches with more germination buds should be erased in time to remove excess buds, leave strong and weak, and if the branches grow more vigorously, they should be picked in time, control the growth, promote coarse growth and short branch growth, and form fruiting branches as soon as possible.

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune
In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

Figure 5-21 Before pruning after freezing Fig. 5-22 After pruning after freezing

Fourth, seedling management

Figure 5-21 Before pruning after freezing Fig. 5-22 After pruning after freezing

(1) Weeding in medium cultivation

When the seedlings grow to 10 to 15 cm, it is necessary to remove the weeds in the nursery in a timely manner, so as not to compete with the seedlings for fertilizer, water and light. According to the growth of weeds in the nursery and the soil compaction, timely tillage and weeding are carried out, generally 3 to 4 times during the growth period of seedlings, so that the nursery land remains loose and free of weeds.

In May, the key points of pepper management (part 2) are to control narrow gidding insects, prevent fruit fall, and prune

Fig. 5-23 Tillage and weeding in nursery fields

(2) Fertilize and water

May enters the peak growth period of seedlings, which is also the period of the most fertilizer and water. It is necessary to apply fast-available nitrogen fertilizer 1 to 2 times to promote the growth of seedlings.

(3) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

After the seedlings are unearthed, cataplexy and blight may occur together, and jumping beetles, scarabs, and aphids also begin to be pests. The specific prevention and control measures refer to the management of seedlings in April.

Fifth, the prevention of physiological fruit fall of peppercorns

(1) The reason for the fall of the fruit

1. Soil lack of fertilizer: insufficient amount of fertilizer or partial application of certain fertilizers, resulting in soil nutrient imbalance or defertilization, resulting in peppercorns falling fruit.

2. Drought and water shortage: Due to the occurrence of drought in spring and summer, soil moisture is reduced, and when the flowering and fruiting of peppercorns enter the critical period of water demand, such as soil lack of water will inevitably lead to serious fruit drop of peppercorns.

(2) Preventive measures

1. The ground of the pepper garden is covered with ground cloth or wheat grass to inhibit the growth of weeds and reduce the evaporation of water. Timely irrigation with irrigation conditions.

2. Increase the application of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is a fertilizer with comprehensive nutrients, with a large number of trace elements, and the application of organic fertilizer can provide nutrient support for the development of the fruit in the later stage of peppercorns. Generally, organic fertilizers are used as base fertilizers.

3. Use nutrients and growth regulators needed during the growth process of peppercorns. Spraying 25~35mg/L anti-fallin during the pepper flowering period can prevent flower fall, promote fruit set, and increase yield. In the fruit growth period, 0.2 to 0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.1% boron fertilizer and 0.1% brassicalide soluble powder 0.01 ~ 0.05 mg / L mixed solution can be used for foliar spraying, which can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the foliar surface of the peppercorn, effectively preventing the serious fruit fall of the peppercorn.

6. Post-grafting management

(1) Smear the buds

After grafting, the buds germinating on the rootstock, if not removed in time, will seriously affect the survival rate of the scion. When wiping the buds, we should pay attention to the following two aspects: before the scion germinates, 2 buds should be left on both sides of the rootstock under the scion to prevent the scion from not surviving, so as to prepare for re-grafting in the coming year; after the scion germinates, all the buds on the rootstock should be erased so as not to affect the growth of the scion.

(2) Unbinding

After grafting, when the new shoots grow to 30cm, they are loosened and untied in time, otherwise it is easy to form marks and affect the growth of new shoots. When untying, in order to facilitate and quickly unbind, use a sharp knife to cut the binding, do not use your hands to untie, remember to stagger the scion or bud, do not scratch the callus. After untying, in order to prevent wind breakage, tie the windproof pole in time.

(3) Soil, water and fertilizer management

After grafting, it is necessary to topage once in mid-May and late May. For vigorous growth of grafted branches, heart-cutting is carried out in mid-to-late July to control their growth and accelerate the lignification of the joints. Spray (0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 10.5% urea 125% pyrazole ether ester 1500 times) 2 to 3 times in August to September to enhance its degree of lignification and disease resistance, which is conducive to safe wintering.

(4) Spraying insects

After grafting into survival, the new shoots or shoots that grow are very susceptible to the harm of pests such as aphids, and should be sprayed in time for control.

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