
People have to learn to "streamline" their circle of friends

People have to learn to "streamline" their circle of friends

What is streamlining? In essence, it is screening and filtering, ensuring that their social interaction is not ineffective, ensuring that their circle is not low-quality, and bringing positive and positive influence to themselves.

As people grow older, people's social level will become more and more extensive, and they will know more and more friends, but people's energy is limited.

You can't handle everyone's relationship very well, and you are more afraid of "wrong payment".

The circle of friends can become your springboard, can also drag you into the endless abyss, after truly stepping into the society, it is the first contact and must be known and coped with a kind of sophistication. If you don't have any thoughts and are always confused, then your circle of friends will become more and more chaotic, and it will be difficult to sort it out.

Really, the influence of the circle of friends on life is extremely far-reaching, think about the time, energy, thoughts, money, and feelings that can be used to fill the shortcomings of many years.

People are easily affected, including the environment and atmosphere, which means that it is very likely to be assimilated by their own circle of friends.

Therefore, people should learn to "streamline" their circle of friends, and for the matter of streamlining the circle of friends, the sooner the better, to ensure that they will not be biased and the direction is not wrong.

People have to learn to "streamline" their circle of friends

1, make you feel very tired of the circle, to sift.

True friends, get along must be relaxed, such as a good cup of tea, light but not astringent, fragrant but not fragrant, is a long stream of friendship.

There is tolerance, pattern and support for each other, and it is hoped that everyone can run to a better end, and through mutual support and guidance, they can bloom dazzling in their respective lives, informal. Regardless of the trivialities, or understanding that people have difficulties and shortcomings.

As for those circles that make people feel very tired, there is no tolerance for everyone's shortcomings, but on the contrary, they are always harsh. Lack of positive goals, your eyes are always staring at me, my eyes are always staring at you, picking each other's shortcomings.

People can't do it perfectly, but when you get along with your friends, more content is to corrupt each other behind your back, accuse, count, and discuss.

You have something you can't do enough, where he can't do it, for the main content of getting along, absolutely stand in your own position.

In the end, you are getting more and more tired in this relationship, forgetting the goal you hope to run towards, and all your thoughts are used to please your friends, limiting your self-growth and development. Or become as fond of talking about people behind their backs, picky about their shortcomings and shortcomings, and then become more and more narrow-minded.

People have to learn to "streamline" their circle of friends

2, let you feel the complex circle, to sift.

The circle of friends is a small society, and it must have a complicated side, but if only complexity remains, then there will be nothing but endless internal friction.

The circle full of internal friction, slowly, will drag you into the whirlpool of resentment, and the negative energy on your body is full. And then, to a great extent, it will also consume your fighting spirit, passion, and creativity, and eventually you will be assimilated by this circle, and your thoughts will become more and more paranoid, or distorted and dark.

The relationship between friends is the relationship of friends, the friend of wine and meat is the friend of wine and meat, the relationship of interest is the relationship of interest, and we must first find the center of gravity of the relationship.

If there is no mutual interest exchange, pure friends who eat, drink and have fun, you can get happiness from it, and this relationship is worth maintaining.

But if everyone is very calculating, or makes the pure relationship very complicated, including gangs and gangs, either he demeans him behind his back, or he slanders him behind his back, and fights all day for some meaningless things, fighting to the death, then advise you to get out of this circle as soon as possible.

There is no gain of benefits, emotional value can not be provided, only internal friction, why in it endlessly consume yourself?

People have to learn to "streamline" their circle of friends

3, make you feel useless circles, to sift.

No practical help can be provided, and it can only become a resistance to your progress, dragging you behind your back, consuming you, and never allowing you to make a trace.

When you have something to do, when you encounter difficulties, everyone avoids you, and they dare not answer the phone, for fear that you will borrow money from them until you are isolated by everyone. When you achieve some results, they are not a blessing to you, but a variety of nonsense behind your back.

Looking forward to your falling off the altar, you have to see that you are in the same class as them, in order to get good psychological comfort, whoever walks out of this circle first is the common enemy of everyone.

When you have any ideas, all your friends will immediately become your "military masters", negating your ideas with various views and remarks, telling you how it is not advisable, how it is not feasible, and preventing you from advancing.

They are also a group of people who have a lot of ideas, but always lack practical action, and when they encounter a little setback, they will shrink back and be timid, and question their own direction.

The further you go, the more you will find that this circle is like a giant mountain, forever binding your feet, and you are most afraid that you will be difficult to break free.

It is not positive energy at all, and circles with vision and ambition cannot teach you to be self-motivated, brave, bold, and pour you a basin of cold water.

People have to learn to "streamline" their circle of friends

Really, people should not waste their energy and time in the intricate and meaningless circle, you should make some "teachers" in life, friends who can promote your growth and lead you to progress. Ineffective socializing, must be rejected, will drag down your life.

I prefer to be alone, to understand myself, to interpret myself, to improve myself in the process of being alone.

The most important point is never to pin the hope of life on a friend, a good friend may become your help, but in the end, you can only rely on yourself.

For example, always thinking about knowing a powerful friend, he can promote himself and change his destiny. The essence of this relationship is value swapping, and you have to make sure that you have value first and can bring equal benefits to the other party.

Don't feel that if the feelings are good, people can get the support of others, this is unrealistic, change this kind of thing, can only rely on themselves.


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