
During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Recently,'s "suicide assistance" has blown up the Internet.

According to media reports, Jingdong has dispatched 3246 supply personnel from all over the country to help Shanghai and go to Shanghai to support at any cost.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The actual number is even greater.

At this moment, they are the lone brave.

However, after being moved, the reality is not as good as imagined.

Because some people are lonely, some people are swimming alone.

Those who have made a fortune in the country have come again.

Start by looking at a menu and guess how much these dishes are worth?

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

I certainly can't guess it, because this dish costs 1500 yuan.

A batch of oranges at the entrance of the community also costs 650 yuan for a box.

There is also a sky-high vegetable set of 280 yuan.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Eggs of 7 yuan / kg, now the price has also risen to 20 yuan / kg.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

75 yuan a piece of Chinese cabbage, 180 pounds of greens.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Some people buy a few ordinary cabbage and spend more than 500 yuan.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Usually, some cooking merchants also switch to selling vegetables.

I don't know if there are qualifications, but the price is really too expensive.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Even the ordinary millet peppers sold for 140/kg.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Of course, there are also cheap dishes, but those dishes are very difficult to grab, but the sky-high price has become the market price.

This unhealthy atmosphere has also permeated the campus.

There was a student who sold his hoarded supplies at a high price in the circle of friends.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

A bottle of Coke for 10 yuan, a barrel of instant noodles for 20 yuan, and a box for Oreo for 30 yuan.

The price of the material is expensive, not to mention, this is all his private goods, basically have not been eliminated.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

In addition to the sky-high prices of fruits and vegetables, there are also black hearts running errands.

For an ordinary bread, the freight alone is 600 yuan.

Buy a few tomatoes and run errands cost 300.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

An errand boy in Shanghai helps people buy 20 eggs and 6 buckets of instant noodles.

Such a little thing, the errands brother actually had to pay a sky-high price of 900 yuan.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

This includes a sales fee of 570 yuan and an errand fee of 330 yuan.

There is a picture circulating on the Internet: if they are sealed for another 2 months, they can buy a house in Shanghai.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Not for all riders, but every time the country has a problem, there are always a few people who have lost their conscience.

And not only individuals, in the face of interests, people with thick eyebrows and big eyes can also "defect".

Some Shanghai regimental leaders, in the name of the head of the community group purchase group, changed the price of the food packages guaranteed.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

A screenshot of a group chat with Shanghai group buying also shows that some people have made more than 30 million yuan a month by doing group buying business.

She also said that there are many middlemen selling high-priced dishes in Shanghai.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Moreover, some group purchases will also calculate each other.

Some people say that the price of group buying is too low, and it has been reported by competitors for certain reasons.

There are also some street offices on the Internet, calling the driver directly and asking him not to unload the goods first, and then pull back to the street.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

This news is true or false, I have not seen the rumors, but some things are put together, it is not empty.'s business department was sealed, and the goods could not be shipped out of the warehouse because it was not a supply unit.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Things were resolved after they got big.

And what about the food of the guaranteed supply unit? There is news that vegetables on the ground have been dumped into the trash can by several workers one by one.

The official explanation is that the long transport cycle causes the vegetables to rot in the box.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

But Dafeng to Shanghai, the actual drive is only 5 hours.

Meilong Town, Minhang District, Shanghai, where residents are given lymphatic meat.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"
During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The insurance and supply enterprise it cooperates with is pointed out to be a shell company with zero employees and zero social security contributions.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Then the person in charge of the company said that his official seal had been stolen, and without knowing it, he had called the police.

Even the drugs distributed to every household now, whether they are used for prevention or treatment, can only be judged by tearing each other up on the Internet.

To put it more, the National Health Commission and even the pharmaceutical companies themselves have never claimed which drug can prevent the new crown.

Some state media are also warning the public to "not take medicine indiscriminately."

But where the common people will take medicine indiscriminately.

It was those who deliberately made a fortune and took Ecstasy.

Some people say that in the special period now, things are more expensive than rare, is it not normal to increase prices?

The price increase does have the factor of supply and demand, but is this kind of price increase of more than ten times and dozens of times normal?

It's just that the long-term closed epidemic has amplified the greed and evil in human nature.

These people have completely forgotten that a gentleman is a righteous man and a villain is a profit.

I also forgot that I am now in Shanghai, under the epidemic.

There is a person with an ID called "Proud Brother JZ" who complained on the Internet:

"Ordinary people have come to this juncture, you are still thinking about doing this kind of business, and some people can't even afford to eat."

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

As a result, in the face of all kinds of questioning, this man who had made a fortune in the country still licked his face and kept refuting.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

But as the saying goes, people are doing it, and the sky is watching, it is not that the time has not yet arrived.

Now their retribution has come.

The aforementioned black-hearted errands have been dealt with by the police.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The police angrily rebuked: People are looking for you to buy things on your behalf, you can take it normally, 330 yuan running errands, you have no problem with it, after all, it was discussed in advance. However, what you buy, you should not increase the price, how much is how much, how can you ask for the price? You're crazy about making money, right? Moreover, your documents do not meet the requirements, what qualifications do you have for delivery?

Another 29-year-old man forged anti-epidemic car passes to sell to car rental companies and has been punished according to law.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

A merchant who sold a green vegetable for 26 yuan was also punished by the Minhang police according to law.

A merchant in Chongming, Shanghai, was filed for price gouging.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The pork problem in Meilong Town, Minhang District, has now also been investigated by the police:

But I am afraid that there are more than that have made a fortune by taking advantage of the epidemic in Shanghai.

There are more than a handful of people who think this way.

Think about the previous outbreak in Wuhan, some pharmacies took the opportunity to raise the price of masks and sell them at a higher price.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The N95 mask, which was originally priced at 12 yuan, sold for 128 yuan.

10 masks cost up to 850 yuan.

In Today's Shanghai, masks have been replaced with vegetables.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

If the epidemic is still repeated, of course, "we will definitely make up our minds, not afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory."

But if it happens, what will the vegetables become?

All kinds of dilemmas, perhaps we can not completely change in a short period of time. But only by changing can we see hope.

If we can't cut off the root causes, let them get the greatest punishment, and don't check the loopholes in the policy, then it is really wildfire that can't be burned.

And it's easy to get some people who earn income from labor to the stigma.

After all, there are some things where some people do make money, but there are no profiteers.

"He who holds a salary for all shall not let him freeze to death in the wind and snow."

Here's some good news:

The overall epidemic situation in Shanghai's Pudong New Area and other places has shown a continuous downward trend.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The spread index of the epidemic in Shanghai has dropped from 2.27 to 1.23 now, and the goal of zero social clearance is just around the corner.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

The square cabin has also become better and better from the previous dirty mess, and the facilities are getting better and better.

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

Life goes on, and there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

The epidemic is only an episode after all, and it is not a shameful thing to like to make money.

But the more such a time comes, the more conscientious people will be made to love and be loved, and it will be enough to maintain the dignity and dignity of people as human beings.

Only together can we resist the anxiety and existential crisis caused by the epidemic.

As the saying goes: three years after the epidemic, I will be disappointed from time to time, but because of the kindness in everyone's heart, I have never lost hope.


Images and sources:

"Shanghai a rider buys 6 barrels of instant noodles and 20 eggs for 900 without a small ticket? Police: Follow Me to the Police Station", Seconds To Hear Video, 2022.04.18

"A green vegetable dares to sell for 26 yuan? Daihatsu country is hard to get rich! A fruit shop in Shanghai was fined for secretly opening its business without unsealing! Shanghai Local, 2022.04.12

"Shanghai sky-high menu exposed, running errands daily income of more than 10,000: how dare he? Amy Life Diary, 2022.04.17

"People Who Make Fortunes in Shanghai Are Getting Crazier and Crazier", pretending to be paradise, 2022.04.18

"Are these people the only ones who make a fortune in Shanghai?" ,2022.04.18

During the epidemic, who is making "national disasters"

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