
Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

As an emerging art, hard pen calligraphy is increasingly loved by the majority of enthusiasts. However, often beginners are blind and do not understand the essentials, resulting in poor learning results, and even losing confidence and giving up halfway. In this regard, the author combined with the experience of learning books in the past few years, talk about how to learn hard pen calligraphy for the first time to "get started", how to let you write hard pen characters go in the direction of calligraphy.

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

1. To be pro-Gute

When you start learning, you should choose a good type of poster (hard pen poster, small character brush poster) or ancient small character stele post. It is best to start with calligraphy, because italics are the basis for learning calligraphy. Now we can find inscriptions in any bookstore, and the level of hard pen posts is even more disparate and varied. Beginners should be particularly cautious when choosing posts, and cannot be blind, because the advantages and disadvantages of selecting posts will directly affect the effect of our learning calligraphy. We should choose masterpieces that have both deep traditional skills and innovations in hard brushes; ancient inscriptions should also choose masterpieces with clear and clean strokes and fewer mutilations. But no matter which post you choose, you should take into account three aspects:

One is that they like it; the second is the "personality" that suits them; the third is that it is easy to enter the post.

A. Why do you want to learn hard pens?

1. The aesthetics of calligraphy are established by traditional calligraphy, and hard pen calligraphy cannot be deviated from. Traditional calligraphy has established a thousand-year consensus of calligraphy aesthetic standards, because of the formation of a beautiful "fixed trend", hard pen calligraphy aesthetic standards of course to follow, otherwise it can not be called calligraphy.

2. Traditional calligraphy posters have a lot of nutrients. The calligraphy method is established by the traditional ancient ti calligraphy, and the hard pen characters are all nourished from the brush characters. Although the pen character has degraded a large number of brush strokes, it is still retained in terms of structure, press and other nutrients.

3, the structure of the degree in the ancient post. The most important thing about using a pen to learn the structure is to simulate the trajectory of the brush, the structure of the shelf between the fonts, etc., and the press can also be solved by the elasticity of the pen.

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

Photo/Water-based Pen Pro "Spirit Flying Sutra"

4. Cultivation of writing habits

Since you love calligraphy, one day you will have to learn brush characters, you want to return, you can not accumulate too many hard pen writing habits, especially can not learn a very strong personal style of words, such as "Pang characters". If too many "vices" are accumulated, the original pure calligraphic spirituality is almost snuffed out.

B. Hard pen pro post selection

1. Introduction to calligraphy.

The first choice is the "Lingfei Jing", or Wang Xianzhi's "Thirteen Elements", Zhao Mengfu's "Tao Te Ching" and other small kai, these small kai are easy to use, and the ancient meaning, excellent structure, rich in penmanship, should be the first choice. There is a siyou with a pen to practice the body is also good, the press is very brilliant, you can also try.

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

Photo/ Xiao Kai's Spirit Flying Sutra

2. Upgrading of letters.

After the hard pen is introduced, the Yan body and the willow body can also be considered, and then consider the difficult such as European body, Yu body, etc., which are no longer satisfied with the basic use of the hard pen.

3. In terms of writing, it is recommended to write the Erwang's "Orchid Pavilion Order", "Holy Religious Order", or Tang Yin's "Falling Flower Poetry Book" and so on. Mainly pay attention to the practice of the line pen and structure, as for the folding pen, the pen can be paid attention to, do not have to deliberately learn;

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

Photo: The Order of the Holy Teachings

4. In terms of lishu, the first choice is "Cao Quan Stele", and the lines are exquisite. There are not many hanli who can learn hard pen calligraphy.

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

Photo/Hard Pen Pro "Cao Quan Monument"

Second, we must copy the Fa

(1) After selecting a post or stele, it is not visible that there is a change of thoughts and changes at will; it is necessary to conscientiously formulate a plan, draw up a curriculum, copy it on a daily basis, and do not interrupt, not only by interest, write more when you are happy, write less when you are unhappy, or even do not write at all. While copying, we must be good at reading the post, diligently observing, reading and memorizing the post to be learned from beginning to end, through careful appreciation of each word, grasping the law of knots, and figuring out how to behave between words and how to seek change. Even separate the strokes of each word, carefully pondering the beginning, line, and receipt of each stroke, and how to intersperse each stroke to avoidance and harmoniously match. At the same time, it is also necessary to find out the words with the same or similar glyphs in the post, compare the similarities and differences in their brushwork, knots, etc., and how the same strokes are treated differently. For those words that have unique ingenuity in the body, they should strengthen their memory so that they can be organically applied to their own creations in the future.

(2) When writing at the beginning, it is impossible to write like, as long as you have that word in your mind, write it out, more or less there will be some similarities. When writing, you must not be in a hurry, you must have a number in mind, while reaching the shape, you can not blindly "follow the gourd painting scoop" like the pursuit of shape, you must pay attention to the pen power and pen meaning in the line to achieve its "god-like", otherwise it will affect their own creative play.

III. To Understand Its "Tao"

Every time you write a post, no matter how many times it is or how long it takes, you always have to write that you have an understanding of the characteristics of that kind of post. In terms of structure, you can familiarize yourself with the method of interrelation: in terms of brushwork, you know how to use pens (such as Hidden Front, Lu Feng, Square Pen, Round Pen, Retract, Weight, Priority, etc.) to write such strokes. To achieve changes in the structure and brushwork of the font, you can "understand the mind and realize the pen follow", and achieve the shape of god. At this point, you can change another post. In the future, there are more posts copied, absorbing the strengths of all, drawing on its essence, achieving the situation of "anticipating the glyph" and "intending to write first", and organically dissolving what he has learned into his own creation, forming his own style, and achieving the ultimate goal of learning books.

Fourth, we must use various means to improve ourselves

(1) Improve in self-comparison.

Beginners, often after copying for a period of time, it is difficult to find their own progress, you can copy the words copied by the control post, accumulate in chronological order, intermittently compare, so that it will be easier to find their own progress, and can find, discover, and solve existing problems.

(2) Improve in the course of seeking teaching.

"Humble benefits, full of losses", beginners should dare to ask those who can do it, solve the doubts in their hearts, and speed up the pace of progress.

(3) Improving in the practice of traditional calligraphy.

In order to make a greater breakthrough in hard pen calligraphy, you should also learn brush characters, learn from their practice, and draw the artistic nutrients of traditional calligraphy from it.

(4) In addition, by participating in some formal calligraphy competitions, they should review their learning results, identify and narrow the gap, and promote themselves to continuously improve their calligraphy.

At the same time, it is also necessary to learn more theoretical knowledge of calligraphy, which is also of great benefit to improving your own calligraphy level.

P.S. Selection of hard pen tools

In terms of practicality, now the hard pen is widely used, the pen is used less, and the water-based pen is more, in fact, it can be used to learn. But because the water-based pen tip is a ball, if you use a water-based pen, you may wish to try a water-based pen with a thicker nib such as 0.7 or 1.0, which can produce a change in thickness and fineness, and the effect is good.

It is worth mentioning that the pencil pen is sharp and controllable, and can also be used to practice hard pen words.

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

Figure/1.0 Water-based pen with nib

Do you write hard pen characters that count as calligraphy?

Figure/Pencil Sharpens can write amazing results

Learning calligraphy is in the process of continuous exploration, the road of calligraphy is far away, the learner must have patience, confidence, cultivation, quality, both inside and outside, in order to continue to make progress in calligraphy, to achieve results.

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