
What was the first feeling of the zodiac signs after the breakup?

Everyone hopes to meet a person who they really love and really love themselves, and then walk through the long life hand in hand, but the reality is so beautiful, more often we are not so lucky, always sincerely pay but do not get returned, and finally break up dismal, and breakup, for people with different personalities, in fact, will bring different feelings!

What was the first feeling of the zodiac signs after the breakup?

So, what is the first feeling of the zodiac after the breakup?

◆ Aries: Sad and relieved, I don't have to worry about losing you anymore.

◆ Taurus: Eat half of the thing, inexplicably cry, not sad, or a little wronged!

◆ Gemini: Delete friends, add back, delete... Those reluctances are consumed in such repetition and repetition!

◆ Cancer: I don't know if I can still be happy, I want to laugh, but I don't think it's funny!

What was the first feeling of the zodiac signs after the breakup?

◆ Leo: To become independent and beautiful, you can meet better people, after all, the king's journey is the sea of stars!

◆ Virgo: Peeking at his Weibo no less than a dozen times a day, the heart can not put down absolutely can not be discovered!

◆ Libra: small love entanglement, big love to let go, Libra bones do not like to drag and pull!

◆ Scorpio: Life seems to be teasing me?

What was the first feeling of the zodiac signs after the breakup?

◆ Sagittarius: Suddenly crying, suddenly in a daze, a little confused!

◆ Capricorn: Getting thinner and thinner, more and more indifferent, more and more workaholic!

◆ Aquarius: I eat alone and travel around and stop and go, read other people's stories, and look forward to healing myself!

◆ Pisces: I remembered that I used to keep sending messages to him, wanted to reconcile, and now I want to chop my hands.

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