
Reading at night| listening to Grandpa tell the story of the past

Listen to Grandpa tell the story of the past

Text/Yue Yingwen

Grandpa's name was Yue Qinghai.

Grandpa was a bitter child from childhood. Ranked sixth in the family, at the age of 9, because the family did not have enough food to eat, he was sent to a relative's house in the mountains to herd cattle. He slept on the grass pile in the cowshed for a long time, the ground was damp and cold, coupled with malnutrition, and the lower abdomen was long-term puffy.

Reading at night| listening to Grandpa tell the story of the past

Grandparents at home in front of the first TV set photo courtesy of the author

Later, because he was often bullied by several brothers in his family, he signed up for the army at the age of 21. Grandpa told the story of joining the army to relish it, saying that he could enjoy the blessings in the army, not only did his stomach not swell, but the Soviet doctors also cured his "ghost shaved head".

Grandpa had an experience in my life that I envied.

When he was young, he joined the army and went to Shantou, worked as a scout, went to Hainan Island, and took a military plane. Under the influence of his grandfather, his father and uncle also signed up to join the army one after another when they became adults.

Grandpa was optimistic and open-minded all his life, and his personality was tenacious.

The experience of the troops honed his character.

Because of the low level of education, grandpa has been transferred to multiple units after changing careers. But he has a tenacity not to accept defeat, and he studies hard everywhere he goes, and actively exerts light and heat. In the health center to manage logistics, he strives for the best welfare for the doctors; in the machinery factory, he leads the workers to learn skills and realize the full electrification of the first organ, school, and hospital in wucheng People's Commune; in the agricultural machinery company, he tirelessly runs the business, and never drops the chain when completing the procurement task.

Reading at night| listening to Grandpa tell the story of the past

Grandpa with his favorite orchid provided by the author

Grandpa, who loves work, also likes to raise flowers in addition to his busyness, and this hobby has been maintained until now.

He loves to raise orchids.

The flowers he raises are vibrant and endearing.

For as long as I can remember, I went to elementary school with my retired grandfather. In the winter night, the fire of the stove was raised, and the face of the person was red. Grandpa narrowed his eyes, smiled, and told me these stories one by one.

While Grandpa was working outside, Grandma took on the burden of raising 5 children and planting 7 acres of land in her hometown in the countryside. She never complained, always silently supported. They are kind to their neighbors on weekdays, hospitable, whether they are relatives or neighbors, they are always eager to help when they have difficulties, and they have never seen them say harsh words to anyone.

Grandparents have been industrious and simple all their lives.

When I got married, I had nothing, a brick and a shovel of dirt to build a small courtyard, to prop up a small home, and to give me, my father, my uncles and aunts a warm harbor. After decades of frothing with each other, their lives have improved greatly, but their lives are still as calm as a pool of clear water.

Once I came home and was surprised that the clock on the wall had stopped for a long time.

Grandpa doesn't make any big sense.

Grandpa did not go to school, and only learned several commonly used Chinese characters through correspondence with his eldest nephew who had read private schools during his time as a soldier.

He used the "Li Taibai Poetry Collection" and "Selected Poems of Du Fu" that I bought in high school to pad the corners of the table and clip change.

He would often tell me that "other people's things cannot be taken, not their own things can not be wanted" and "don't always stare at other people's problems, always think about their own shortcomings", these words are simple and pure, but let me always keep alert in the midst of difficulties and confusion.

"The family of accumulation of goodness, there will be a surplus celebration", grandparents have been thrifty and thrifty all their lives, happy to be charitable, upright and innocent, and now they can enjoy their old age in peace. They have well embodied the traditional virtues and the spirit of unremitting struggle for self-improvement that have been passed down from generation to generation in the rural areas of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

A few days later, it will be Grandpa's 89th birthday, and the son said that when Grandpa is 100 years old, he will give the old woman a crutch.

I think grandpa's character is the inexhaustible wealth of his children and grandchildren in their lives.

Being a down-to-earth person and doing things in a down-to-earth manner, grandpa's instructions we will never forget.

(Author Affilications:Discipline Inspection Commission of Tongbai County, Nanyang City, Henan Province)

Source: Learning Power Henan Learning Platform

Editor: Yang Shufang

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