
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

At 8 o'clock last night, wang meng and Huang Jianxiang's fans appeared on Douyin on time, waiting for the start of a live broadcast. Surprisingly, the pair of golden commentary groups hosted not a sports program this time, but a fun science program about new energy vehicles initiated by the huge engine - "New Car Driving Call Bar Champion".

44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

This live broadcast not only created a cross-border show between new energy vehicles and sports stars to attract more than 44.58 million live viewers, and the number of Douyin topics played exceeded 250 million, but also allowed more interested users and consumers of new energy vehicles to enhance their understanding of the technology and product power behind new energy vehicles.

It is the champion spirit of "fighting hard and fearlessly moving forward" that leads us to a better and upward life, whether in sports or in the field of new energy vehicles.

Sports World Champion Crossover Said Car, really for the first time

Starting in 2022, the new energy automobile industry is facing an inflection point in development. With the decline of the car purchase subsidy policy, brand power has become an important decision-making factor for new energy consumers to buy a car, and brand upward has become a top priority for car companies.

On the user side, consumers' car purchase decisions are gradually in front, and more choices are given to learn about products through online channels. For example, the huge engine has become a key channel for new energy consumers to understand the new energy vehicle brand, and in 2021, the relevant searches of users in the new energy field on the huge engine platform increased by 44.1% year-on-year, and the scale of new energy interest users increased by 104% year-on-year (data source: huge arithmetic).

Compared with fuel vehicles, the scientific and technological attributes behind new energy vehicles are stronger, and many times, users do not know so much about the products, performance, and new technologies of automobiles, coupled with the endless emergence of brands and new products, cognitive thresholds and strangeness hinder their choice of products.

How to help new energy vehicles develop brand recognition? With the help of the media platform that users are accustomed to using when making car purchase decisions, content planting has become a major trend to solve this problem.

The "Caller Champion" was born on the basis of this logic. As a live broadcast program under the IP of "New Car Driving to" of the huge engine, it takes the two key user content consumption dual-ends of Douyin and Today's Headlines as the main position, and creates the platform's first commercial IP based on new energy vehicles.

In terms of the idea of content planting, the program team opened up the cross-border combination of "sports and new energy". 2022 is a big year of sports, with important events such as the Winter Olympics, the European Cup, and the World Cup, and the public's attention is high. On the other hand, the choice of cross-border areas represents the brand's value attitude. As a new energy vehicle brand with the attitude of "challenger and innovator", the "fearless fighting" spirit of sports champions is precisely the best "footnote".

Last night's live broadcast of the "Call bar champion" invited huang Jianxiang, a famous sports commentator, and Wang Meng, the four gold winners of the Winter Olympics who was called "the most talkative in the sports world" by netizens, and the "Dream (Maoxiang) Combination" as the hosting team. At the same time, xiao Ruoteng, the gymnastics world champion, and Hui Ruoqi, the world champion of the women's volleyball team, were also invited to form a "champion team", and the "call team" composed of Douyin Car Master PiYou and Nan Ge said that the car was composed of on-site PK.

44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

The program group positioned the content theme as "a fun knowledge program for sports and new energy vehicles", and after the two car masters completed the explanation of the brand model, the two teams launched the "knowledge Q&A PK", each answering the knowledge questions in each other's fields.

The content of the questions is varied and interesting, from the "setting of the Olympic competition project" to the "product technical characteristics of new energy models", the guests answered humorously and funnyly, and popularized the new energy knowledge that many ordinary audiences did not understand, such as the "3 engines 3 gears 9 models 11 speeds" of the Chery TIG 8PLUS Kunpeng e+ that night, the 708KM ultra-long true endurance of the Polar Fox Alpha S, the ultra-safe steel and aluminum hybrid body, and the magna luxury manufacturing.

44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

The influence of KOL, the contrast between cross-border mixing and matching, and the practicality of the program content itself have made this live broadcast program more than 40 million views on the night of its launch, with a total of more than 400,000 likes and comments, which has become the spotlight of recent new energy vehicle brand activities.

The "Three Forces Principle" of Content Planting Grass

What kind of content is needed by new energy brands? We can look at this live broadcast from three aspects: "content power, brand power, and communication power".

First, the power of content - brand display and fun science

Content is a very important part of brand planting, it jumps out of the simple brand exposure, and truly achieves connection and communication with users. Brands rely on high-quality content to build trust with users and facilitate user decisions about brand behavior.

In the "Caller Bar Champion" live broadcast, the content power part can be divided into two parts: new car introduction and knowledge PK, each independent and interconnected.

The first is the light show at the beginning of the new car, on the starry stage, a minute-long 360 ° no dead angle gorgeous appearance, which was jokingly called "more grand than the athlete's appearance" by Huang Jianxiang. After that, the two car masters will introduce the new car in an all-round way, and several sports guests will incarnate as "Xiaobai" to help users ask questions and enhance the user's understanding of the technology and functional design of these two cars in the form of fun science.

After the introduction, the two teams hit the iron while it was hot, and the knowledge and content just introduced were "tested" PK, which was divided into two parts: "Brain Storm" and "Physical Challenge", and the tense and exciting duel and instant "review" strengthened the user's memory and cognition of the two models of Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng e+ and Polar Fox Alpha S. With the influence of sports champions and kols, the user's understanding of the product power of the two new cars has been enhanced.

44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"
44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

The process of user understanding is not the stereotyped output of a single item, but is fully combined with the program form and guest interaction, so that the memory points about new energy vehicles can be "understood at a glance" and "deeply remembered".

Second, brand power - value upgrade

Another important significance of brand planting is the promotion of brand recognition. Brand upwards is never a slogan, for users to have personal perception, there must be cognitive consensus.

The cross-border mixing and matching of the Olympic champions and new energy vehicles in the "Caller Bar Champions" is not only for traffic, but also through the "fighting" spirit with the sports champions, so that the audience can resonate with the enterprising spirit of "fighting every moment" and the "innovative and enterprising" spirit of new energy vehicles through the sports champions on and off the field.

For the two brands participating in the event, whether it is Jihu, which emphasizes "why not to break the boundary", or Chery, who emphasizes "technological innovation", they all have the brand attitude and expression of "challenging tradition and breaking through hard work". This expression is based on the product itself, passed on to the audience watching the live broadcast through the introduction of the sports champion.

The expression of brand value defines the attitude of the brand, and when it comes to conveying the power of the brand, it is important to stand with whom. Wang Meng, Hui Ruoqi and Xiao Ruoteng in the live broadcast are not only well-known world champions, but also show the fighting spirit of athletes, which is exactly the brand attitude that the two Chinese new energy vehicle brands want to tell.

Third, the power of transmission - precise touch

No matter how good the content is, it must also need marketing boost. "New Car Driving Call Bar Champion" not only achieves high-quality planting through sports champions + theme cross-border + high-quality content, but also uses the platform integration marketing capabilities of the huge engine to maximize the influence.

Before the start of the event, Huge Engine gathered momentum for the project through a number of golden traffic portals such as online activity search products, information flow advertisements, exclusive topic pages for today's headlines, douyin new cars driving to the main topic, and multiple golden traffic portals.

44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

After the start of the live broadcast of co-creation live broadcast, the mode of joint broadcast of Mai Prefang + guests was adopted for the first time, and users can enter the live broadcast with one click through the account avatars of all live broadcast guests in Douyin, so as to achieve super aggregation of traffic and circle breaking.

44.5 million viewers watched Huang Jianxiang Wang Meng cross-border car, how new energy vehicles "sword to take the side"

In the live broadcast, users can click on the small windmill to make an appointment for a test drive, and the capital can enjoy the doubled benefit of the deposit, helping car companies to precipitate brand power and lay the foundation for effect conversion; and in the new car driving to the main venue, a super brand day, 360-degree car viewing, video car viewing, and car viewing are also set up to facilitate users to make an appointment for a test driving experience.

For new energy vehicle brands, the huge traffic pool of the Douyin ecology can ensure that the sound volume of the program is maximized, and the high-quality content traffic of sports stars and car masters can be used to achieve circle-breaking communication, and finally through the global contact point of the huge engine, further promote the transformation and precipitate the brand's private domain assets.


The live broadcast of "New Car Driving Call Bar Champion" is undoubtedly a successful sports IP cross-border + content planting case, which reflects the current high-quality content manufacturing capabilities, the integration of top resources, and the strong brand influence that can be brought.

As the first new energy vehicle theme IP, this program also released the huge amount of engine attention to the new energy sector, in the future on the basis of this IP, the huge engine will further implement the advantages of its platform marketing integration, the private domain, talent, IP, product efficiency of the series, link through, to achieve a larger, more scientific marketing planting.

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