
Essentials of soil, fertilizer and water management techniques for the annual anniversary of the pepper tree at the fruiting period

author:Hui Pepper Net

External factors such as low yield of pepper trees, soil compaction, small fruits, and aging tree bodies are often extensive management of soil, fertilizer and water. Cultivating and hoeing grass in the soil can improve the soil structure and physical and chemical properties, enhance soil vitality, promote root growth, and enhance the soil fertility and water storage capacity. Balanced fertilization, formula fertilization, and tree fertilization are the guarantees of high yield, stable yield and excellent yield of peppercorns. Timely irrigation, water storage and moisture preservation can improve the rational absorption and utilization of nutrients in the soil, prolong the life of pepper trees, and slow down aging.

In recent years, the planting area of peppercorn trees has expanded rapidly, but the planting technology and management level of new growers are insufficient, and the management methods of each growth node of peppercorns are not understood, resulting in poor growth of peppercorn trees while increasing the input of production costs. The annual management of soil, fertilizer and water of peppercorn trees is summarized as follows:

First, the management of soil

Essentials of soil, fertilizer and water management techniques for the annual anniversary of the pepper tree at the fruiting period

Soil loosening and weeding: 2 to 3 times a year, once in spring and once in autumn (April to June and September to October).

1, spring: appropriate shallow, medium cultivation, the depth is generally 5 ~ 10cm, this period is the second growth peak of the pepper root system, which has a great effect on promoting the lateral growth of the root system, expanding the canopy, and enhancing the tree potential.

2. Autumn: After the cultivation is the third growth peak of the root system, the wound is easy to heal, and can stimulate the growth of new roots, during this period can also be combined with the monthly mother fertilizer for medium cultivation and hoeing.

3, the cultivation method: (1) the whole garden ploughing: under the canopy of the middle ploughing, canopy outside the deep ploughing (15 ~ 25cm), to avoid excessive damage to the roots, turning the soil and hoeing grass together; (2) the next plant or interlaced soil: the first year in the interval of one plant or a row of soil, the second year or the side that has not been turned over, this method will only hurt half of the root system, is conducive to the growth of pepper trees; (3) soil cultivation and pressure: pepper main trunk and rhizome is the dormant period into the latest but the earliest end of the part, cold resistance is poor, autumn and winter can take the way of soil cultivation or soil pressing, Protects pepper roots from safe overwintering. The soil used for soil cultivation is preferably turf soil with high organic matter content, and spring soil cultivation can thicken the soil layer, improve the soil structure while maintaining fertilizer and water protection.

Essentials of soil, fertilizer and water management techniques for the annual anniversary of the pepper tree at the fruiting period

Second, the management of fertilizer

Pepper trees throughout the growth and development process, to continue to absorb a lot of nutrients from the soil, balanced fertilization, formula fertilization, look at the tree fertilization is to achieve high yield, stable yield, high quality of the important measures.

There are more than 10 kinds of nutrients required for peppercorns, with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer as the main fertilizer, and zinc, boron, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese and other trace elements as auxiliary fertilizers. Fertilization should avoid partial application of chemical fertilizers, rely on chemical fertilizers, and balance fertilization with organic fertilizers. Because the fertilizer does not contain organic matter and humus, the single use for many years will make the soil compact, the soil quality deteriorate, and the tree will age.

Essentials of soil, fertilizer and water management techniques for the annual anniversary of the pepper tree at the fruiting period

Peppercorns are generally fertilized 4 to 5 times a year, organic fertilizer is best with pig manure, and according to the phenology of peppercorns, there are mainly Yang fertilizer, mother-of-month fertilizer, flower-promoting sprout fertilizer, and fruit-growing fertilizer.

1, yang fertilizer (germination fertilizer): generally applied 7 to 10 days before fruit picking, mainly high nitrogen and low potassium compound fertilizer, before and after rainfall, sprinkle tree tray dripping or manure water irrigation or hole application, and then soil cover. During this period, the amount of fertilizer applied accounts for about 50% of the annual fertilization.

2, the mother fertilizer (base fertilizer, rejuvenation fertilizer): generally in August to October fertilization, mainly organic fertilizer, or before and after rain application of compound fertilizer + organic fertilizer + oil cake (should be decomposed), fertilization amount accounted for about 20% of the annual fertilization.

3, wintering fertilizer: depending on the tree potential to decide whether to fertilize, applying good overwintering fertilizer can promote flower bud differentiation, fertilization time in November to December, compound fertilizer + organic fertilizer, fertilization amount accounts for about 10% of the annual fertilization.

4. Flower-promoting and bud-strengthening fertilizer: from mid-January to early February, apply compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high potassium or balanced compound fertilizer + organic fertilizer, and the fertilization amount accounts for about 10% of the annual fertilization.

5. Strong fruit fertilizer and stable fruit fertilizer: fertilization in early and middle April, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and micro-fertilizer, or the application of compound fertilizer with high potassium content, the amount of fertilizer is about 10% of the annual fertilization.

6, extra-root topdressing: generally after the flowering, that is, late March to early April can be applied, peppercorns through the growth of new shoots, flower bud differentiation, fruit formation of three important phenological periods, showing a short period of time for the nutrient demand is large and concentrated characteristics, through the root topdressing can supplement the fertilizer demand of pepper trees.

7. In addition, spraying foliar fertilizer according to the potential of peppercorn trees during the spring shoot growth period, before and after flowering, early fruit expansion, is also an important measure to improve the growth and fruit quality of peppercorn trees.

Essentials of soil, fertilizer and water management techniques for the annual anniversary of the pepper tree at the fruiting period

3. Water management

According to the phenological period of the year, the pepper irrigation water can be divided into three periods: budding water, fruit setting water, and new shoot growth water. In the summer when the temperature is high and the soil is dry, the irrigation water is replenished in time according to the situation.

1, budding water: in order to supplement the water loss during the wintering period, to promote the germination and flowering of pepper trees, in the environment of drought, irrigation must be carried out before germination.

2, fruit setting water: pepper branches and leaves grow vigorously, when the young fruit rapidly expands, it is most sensitive to water, and it is necessary to fill enough expanded water, which plays an important role in ensuring the yield, quality and nutritional growth and fruit hanging in the second year.

3, new shoots growth water: in the summer and autumn with less rain, in order to promote the growth of new shoots, irrigation in the morning and evening is conducive to the accumulation of nutrients and promotes the differentiation of flower buds. Of course, in order to save time and effort, you can increase the amount of water used for water replenishment when fertilizing or spraying, and the especially arid production areas still need to replenish irrigation.

4, drainage work: in the case of surface water to drain in time, the rainy season should be timely inspection and dredging of all drainage ditches, prevention and control of root hypoxia caused by the death of pepper trees and root rot.

Essentials of soil, fertilizer and water management techniques for the annual anniversary of the pepper tree at the fruiting period

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