
Microsoft is hitting iron while the processor-enhanced XBOX is coming?

After Sony led the two console eras, Microsoft finally came up with its own killer weapon - XBOX Game Pass. The monthly membership service allows players to directly play hundreds of popular games on the market, and the affordable price has made many fans begin to waver.

At present, Microsoft's latest generation of game consoles includes the Xbox Series X/S two consoles, one focuses on 4K flagship image quality, and the other focuses on 1080P high cost performance. At present, both consoles have appeared "in short supply", on the one hand, because a large number of players hope to enjoy XGP services, on the other hand, because the host has caught up with the global semiconductor chip shortage.

Microsoft is hitting iron while the processor-enhanced XBOX is coming?

According to Brad Sams, who is now vice president and general manager of Stardock Software, Microsoft is developing a smaller, more energy-efficient chip for the Xbox, which is expected to be unveiled at the Microsoft event in June this year as soon as possible.

Microsoft is hitting iron while the processor-enhanced XBOX is coming?

The current XSX and XSS are equipped with AMD semi-custom chips based on the 7nm process Zen2 CPU + RDNA2 GPU, with a maximum of 8 cores of 3.8GHz and a floating-point performance of up to 12.2T.

Editor's Comments:

At present, the biggest competitor of XSX/XSS, PS5, is still the Zen2 architecture, if the XBOX has made the chip smaller and more energy efficient, then it may use a more advanced Zen3 architecture to improve the chip. Regardless of whether the Chip of Zen3 Architecture can "crush" the current Zen2 chip in performance, only XSX/XSS will use the chips of the two architectures together, which may alleviate the problem of insufficient capacity to a certain extent.

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