
Microsoft's Xbox servers exploded, and recently many players have reported that they can't start the game on the console

Microsoft Xbox has been criticized by a large number of players, and over the past weekend, the Xbox server went down, making it impossible for some players to start the console games they owned.

Microsoft's Xbox servers exploded, and recently many players have reported that they can't start the game on the console

Xbox's Twitter account reported that on Friday night, May 6, launching games via Xbox or cloud gaming was affected and then having problems again on Saturday morning.

The glitches sparked a wave of complaints on social media, including some prominent Xbox game streamers such as Parris Lilly, calling for greater transparency into the functioning of its digital rights management (DRM) policies.

Microsoft's Xbox servers exploded, and recently many players have reported that they can't start the game on the console

"Xbox's downtime clearly shows that their DRM policy needs to change," Lilly writes, "and games downloaded to my console should have an information pop-up prompt that gives me the option to log in offline to play games without being connected to the Internet." Hopefully, we can get some clear information and solutions to avoid this kind of problem again."

WindowsCentral writer Jez Corden believes that some games can still function after downtime, which may be due to different publishers requiring Xbox to perform different degrees of DRM checks on specific games, including some purely offline games.

Microsoft's Xbox servers exploded, and recently many players have reported that they can't start the game on the console

During the outage investigation and recovery process, Xbox employee Brad Rossetti reported, "A complete reboot of your console may help restore access to the game." “

"I'd like to see an official Xbox Wire post explaining how offline gaming is progressing on Xbox consoles," Lilly said in a later message, "including what to do during the service outage, any lessons learned from this weekend's downtime, and any potential changes that may result as a result." "

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