
The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

Text/Wei Chen

Life won't be as good as we think it will be, and it won't be as bad as we think it will be.

Life cannot be smooth sailing in the world, and bumps and setbacks are difficult to avoid.

Miyazaki once said, "If you live a long time, you will find that life is full of surprises." "There are not a few amazing things we have encountered in this life.

Where there is surprise, there is fright, and where there is perfection, there is imperfection. It's something that no one can change.

Those unprepared troubles and sorrows can really make people feel confused. But life goes on, and the situation in front of you will change one day.

Luck in life is actually very simple, it can be pure to contentment.

Luck is not a reward for food, luck is to live a calm life in turmoil.

Of the 5 greatest blessings in life, any one of them deserves congratulations.

The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

Family harmony

For many people, family happiness is their lifelong expectation.

A family may be rich or poor. But warmth and love never have to be financially supportive.

A happy family is like a warm sunshine, shining on every family member, but also nurturing beauty and kindness.

Life fights to the end, and the fight is never economic. It is inner abundance and spiritual happiness.

Family harmony is the foundation of all goodness.

George Bernard Shaw said: "Home is the only place in the world where human shortcomings and failures are hidden, and it also contains sweet love." ”

For all, home should be a warm presence.

As long as a person has a home, his heart will not be alone. No matter how difficult life is, a harmonious family can help us eliminate all the difficulties in our hearts.

The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

No shortage of money to spend

If you go and ask everyone: Are you short of money?

Almost everyone's answer is: lack of money.

In fact, no one can say what kind of economic level belongs to the lack of money.

Because human nature is born greedy, desire is unlimited. The thirst for money is always filled with dissatisfaction.

Lack of money can be fraught with anxiety. However, many people's anxieties are unnecessary anxieties.

A smart person knows: just enough money to spend.

If people regard material things too much, they will unconsciously lose their dominance over life.

It is not a good thing to learn to balance in life, to balance economy and emotions, to balance dreams and reality, and to have too many obsessions in your heart.

Don't be too stubborn, the pursuit of the economy should be rational, and not lacking money to spend is a fortunate thing in life.

The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

There are things busy

The quickest way to abolish a person is to leave him idle.

"Cai Gen Tan" has a cloud: "Life is too idle, then don't think about stealing life." "To be a person, you have to keep yourself busy, and if a person is always idle, it is easy to have distracting thoughts in his heart."

Everyone's life has a unique rhythm, and if the rhythm and regulations are out of order, they are bound to go crazy.

People are alive, busy and tired is the norm. There is a pay to be able to experience the sweetness of the return, effortless harvest, in fact, is a kind of mental torture.

People live a lifetime, live is a spirit, nothing to be busy will lose the spirit, long-term laziness will only make people lose morale.

As a person, you must understand that you can't let yourself be too idle at any time. Occasional rest is adjustment, and too long a leisure can make people feel lonely.

In this life, people are always busy with things, which is the greatest blessing.

The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

There is light in the heart

Life is a long road, if you want to cross the long river of years, you must have light in your heart.

Life is like four seasons, and the scenery of the four seasons is different. Life is like day and night, the sunrise and the moon rise are fate.

No one can change our lives, and the only thing we can change is our own state of mind.

As Feng Zikai said, "If you love, life is lovely everywhere." If you hate, you can hate everywhere in life. If you are grateful, you can be grateful everywhere. If you grow, everything grows. It's not the world that chooses you, it's you who choose the world. ”

The appearance of life depends on oneself to choose, fortunate or unfortunate are not affected by the outside world, some things are fortunate to see open, and it is a disaster to look away.

He who has light in his heart will not get lost wherever he goes.

Lifting a lamp for yourself is the beginning of a happy life.

The fortunate things in life, any one, deserve congratulations!

Someone cares

Shen Fu has a poem in the "Six Records of Fusheng" that is poignant: "No one stands with me at dusk, and no one asks me if the porridge is warm." ”

In the end of human life, all happiness is summed up in two words, but it is: companionship.

There is nothing to see in the dusk view, and the porridge in the bowl is not a human delicacy. They are all warm and precious because of the person who accompanies them.

People in this world have their own sufferings, each has its own difficulties, and no matter how difficult the road is, they have to grit their teeth and move forward.

When one day only you are left on the road of life, everything will seem desolate and lonely.

No one cares, probably the most painful thing in the world.

In a person's life, someone cares about someone who is distressed, and it is happy.

The greatest happiness of being a human being is that at all times there are people who care about someone who cares.

Content source public number: Wei Chen [ID: weichenip]

About the Author: Wei Chen, freelance writer, writing mentor. Normally quiet, occasionally humorous.

I hope that through words to bring you spiritual relaxation, may your life be more beautiful after encountering my words.