
Have you and he also become phased friends?

College students read at night

Have you and he also become phased friends?

"We must contact often in the future, and come back from winter and summer vacations to play together!"

Do you remember those unfulfilled promises after graduation?

Have you ever met those who meet and see you next time?


The closer it is to the summer vacation, the more troubled Xiao Lan is in his heart, whether to ask Xiao Xin to come out to play, because they have not been in touch for a long time.

In high school, they were best friends, and after the college entrance examination, they went to different cities, they met, they must keep in touch, and meet during the holidays. The two who have just arrived at college are still unfamiliar with everything around them, and on the phone, they tell about their nostalgia for high school and their thoughts about each other.

Have you and he also become phased friends?

Gradually, their topics are getting less and less, clicking on each other's chat boxes, just some simple greetings, when to go home and other topics that are not salty or light. It's an awkward embarrassment. On the one hand, I feel that the friendship I once had is extremely precious, and I want to maintain it carefully, but on the other hand, I feel afraid, afraid of meeting and not knowing what to say.

Or wait for her to ask me out.


It was another year of summer vacation, and Xiao Xin, who had been lying at home for more than ten days, clicked on Xiao Lan's chat box again. The last chat was a month ago when she and Xiaolan were discussing how hard it was to grab a ticket. In the end, how Xiaolan grabbed the ticket, she did not know, because there was no follow-up in the chat.

Over the years, they sometimes contacted each other, but as if they had formed a tacit understanding, they did not mention meeting. Occasionally, I will suddenly plan to go to a certain Internet celebrity shop together to punch in, and it will end up with "next time".

Have you and he also become phased friends?

Xiao Xin recently learned a new word on the Internet, called Stage Friend. She immediately thought of Xiao Lan, she would always think, their past was so good, can the future only be filled with countless "next time certain"?

Will we really, really, see each other again?


Many people slowly cut off contact after graduation, and the distance pulls us farther and farther away, becoming a friend of liking in the circle of friends, or there is no intersection. Maybe in a few years, everyone will get married and have children, the circle will shrink a little, and life will revolve around their own small family. I didn't know anything about each other's lives, and in the end, even the circle of friends began to worry about likes.

Brett Laurson, a psychologist at the University of the Atlantic in Frida, has published a study concluding that most friends don't have friendships for more than a year. And most of our lifelong friends are from short-lived stage friends, they are numerous and can accompany you on a long life journey. But for various reasons, it is bound to die out.

Have you and he also become phased friends?

Sometimes we are a little sorry, why can't we take a friend's hand and go on like this?

At different times and in different places, we met different people, because of different moods, different dreams, we made different people, because of time and distance, but also because of the three views between friends and the growth rate is different, mutual care, greetings are less.

Each other's three views are no longer converging, each other's growth rate is not on the same level, losing the emotional basis of the friendship boat, and the initial tacit understanding and friendship are diluted.


In fact, in the end, we will understand that whether or not the relationship after graduation is still the same as before, that good time is a common memory. Perhaps the other party, like himself, is uncomfortable with the passage of time to make the relationship fade, but the heart will always leave a suitable position for the other party, that is, the person who has been thinking about it at a certain stage.

Different stages of life are like different driving cars, every time we pass a platform, there will be people who will accompany us all the way to get off the bus, and then there will be new faces "buying tickets to get on the bus" to accompany us through the next journey.

Have you and he also become phased friends?

At the end of the story, Xiao Xin saw that Xiao Lan sent a circle of friends:

My old friends and I are scattered in different cities, and she sends news from afar, and those messages are mixed in the circle of friends, sweet and sour, bitter and spicy, full of life. If you don't see me in the days to come, remember those interesting things, and remember to talk to each other when you meet. I hope that we can take care of ourselves when we are busy and live a happy and fulfilling life.


Author | Yi Xiao

Edit | Yang Qinyu

Audit | Wang Longlong

Review | Wang CenYu

This article is original by Qingxiaoxiao (ID: zqwqxx).

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Have you and he also become phased friends?

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