
Perfect Life: What Is the Meaning of Happiness?

A philosopher once said, "The role of wisdom is to bring people endless happiness." ”

Perfect Life: What Is the Meaning of Happiness?


The world is so beautiful

Worthy of ours

Go for it

Mihali said in "Flow": If you do something boring, it is not the problem of that thing at all, but the way you do things is wrong. So, one of the first things we have to learn is to focus.

What is wisdom?

If all the elements of happiness were taken from the outside, such as: I can't be happy without this friend; I can't be happy without this house; I can't experience happiness without this glass of wine...

You will find that the world can't always let you have these things as you wish. So philosophers are again studying how we can get rid of external dependence and find happiness in ourselves. What is this ability called? This is called wisdom.

Wisdom is that we can learn, and we can initiate a wave of happiness from ourselves!

What is happiness?

Happiness is moderation. You can eat, you can talk to friends, you can drink wine, but not too much.

You don't need to live a life of extreme luxury, one of your most important abilities is to find that feeling of happiness from simple eating, socializing, living conditions, and that's happiness.

It is that when you can achieve success in moderation, you will reap happiness!

Have you ever paid attention to babies?

When the baby first learned to walk, he staggered, took a few steps, succeeded, and then what would he do?

He would clap his hands and laugh. No one has ever taught a child to laugh when he succeeds, but as long as they try to do a successful thing, even if it is like standing up on a railing, or taking two steps, or saying a word to make the other party react to such a small thing, they will laugh.

This is what Spinoza believes is the source of happiness, and happiness is our growth.

The highest level of happiness is called bliss. Bliss is characterized by freedom from emotional, material pursuits. If you need to be able to attain happiness that is free from emotions and transcendent, you need to work on reason.

If you lack rationality, if you lack this training in the ability to attain happiness, then what will you follow? You will follow your desires. This desire is satisfied, that desire is satisfied, and that is what you pursue.

"Happiness is the perfection and enhancement of survival ability." Even Spinoza extends this ability to all things, for example, he believes that although the grass lacks the ability to protect itself, it is trying to grow, it is trying to resist pests and diseases, it is trying to resist the cold. Any living thing is trying to make its life last. Anything that allows us to perfect and enhance our abilities is true happiness.

Nietzsche has spent his life trying to stay away from those sorrows, but his premise is that you must understand, accept, and know that all that does not kill you will make you stronger. If a man can endure all that life has befallen him, he can live any life. So Nietzsche emphasized a superhuman philosophy, arguing that happiness is a very powerful force, and that happiness can be obtained through personal effort.

"You know, there are many sources of happiness, and the key is how to make good use of them. To do this, we need to sublimate all our desires, passions, and passions into happiness. "This is Nietzsche's view." When people are completely in agreement with life, their desires will be satisfied, which is 'perfect happiness'. ”

What the Stoics tell everyone is: If you can't change, you will accept it; if you can change, you will insist. Things like learning English, you should stick to it, persistence can change.

But the key question is whether this matter can be changed, no one knows. It's like a middle school student coming to you and asking, what should I do now that my language is not good, should I give up the language? How do you know if he can learn well after working hard? What if he can't learn well no matter how hard he tries? Or what if he can learn well after working hard? This is something you don't know.

Life is so complicated, this contradiction is not deliberate, this is a paradox in life. How boring it would be if life had standard answers and there were no contradictions. So this contradiction is the high point of life. Philosophy tells everyone that we should insist on it, and we should let it go. Persistence is to do things, letting go is the mood. When you are doing things, you can insist, but your mood is to let go.

Spinoza believes that our happiness comes from exploring inner freedom, that is, finding freedom in life from within.

Ancient Chinese philosophy also has this description. The Tao Te Ching says, "Can you be delicate and gentle?" "What we mean is that the last state of our cultivation is to return to the infant state--to be happy, happy and happy, and we have to be able to learn the happiness of being born." Stop trying to prove your worth and live for the simple enthusiasm of your heart, it is a kind of spiritual rejuvenation.

A particularly interesting quote by St. Augustine is worth pondering: "Happiness is about continuing to search for what you already have." ”

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