
Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

Text/Wei Chen

There is a characteristic in everyone, that is, they refuse to admit mistakes.

People always refuse to admit their mistakes, say that everything is the fault of others, and feel that they are right. In fact, the reluctance to admit mistakes is itself a mistake.

As the old saying goes, phases are born of the heart, and fate is made by oneself. How lucky we are in this life depends a lot on our temperament.

Life is a process of continuous learning, and humble people can better accept new knowledge.

If a person always does not know how to communicate with others, only thinks about himself in everything, not only does his personal temper stink and hard, but even the tone of his speech is cold, it is difficult for such a person to have a smooth life.

The attitude of communication can determine how tolerant the world is to you. Some languages seem to be light and fluttering, but in fact they are extremely lethal.

To cultivate life, the first thing to cultivate should be to speak well.

Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

As the saying goes, a good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June.

The lethality of language can never be underestimated, good people will not speak harshly to others, and people with low cultivation will completely disregard the feelings of others in order to achieve their own goals.

The tone of a person's speech not only reflects his personality, but also reveals his true heart.

People who can't speak well can't be good at being good to a large extent.

A psychologist once said, "The degree of comfort you make people determines the height you can reach." ”

As a person, we must not deliberately add to others, most people in this world hold the attitude of "people do not offend me, I do not offend". To block others is to block your own way forward.

Tone determines luck, mood determines life, and the tone of your voice when communicating with people is really important.

Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

Speak well and avoid misunderstandings

Some people may think that some things are too infuriating to speak well, and then they lose their temper.

In fact, he mistook the definition of "good talk", and good talk does not mean good talk.

To be a person, you must have your own temper, but you can't lose your temper.

The expression of each point of view must have an irrefutable basis, and the views expressed can be cut to the point, but the way of expression must be calm.

If you use the wrong tone and inappropriate words, the other party will easily misunderstand the original intention.

Be a human being and avoid using the wrong way to express the right things.

When the world understands people, it starts from the surface, and if the first layer is wrong, there is no opportunity not to show the essence.

Talking well avoids misunderstandings, and reducing misunderstandings is increasing luck.

Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

Whisper softly and bring the relationship closer

Almost all people prefer to be close to soft-spoken people. The kindness of a person's speech determines the number of people around him.

An inappropriate tone when communicating with people is light and resentful, and heavy is heart-wrenching.

Communicating with others in a gentle way can invisibly bring each other closer.

The Buddhist scriptures have clouds: "Words should be praised, righteousness and clarity are related, pleasure is away from greed, and softness is moderate." ”

Communicate with people and speak in a soft tone.

The same thing, expressed in different languages and tones, will receive completely different feedback. When you change the question to an inquiry, the other party is more willing to tell the details and the truth.

The breakdown of relationships between people is usually not because of how bad things have happened, but more because the words are not up to the mark.

Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

The tone is steady and calm

People who are calm in the face of things generally have a calm tone.

As the saying goes, reason is not high. Bad things have happened, no amount of yelling has worked, and people who can really solve the problem are often very calm.

People are prone to making mistakes when they are emotionally unstable.

If you look closely, you will find that those who can become great things in life are basically able to achieve "Tarzan collapses in front of you and does not change".

No matter how reasonable a person is, he should express it methodically. If the voice is too high, no matter what the truth is, it will cause psychological discomfort to others.

Smart people not only know how to soothe the emotions of others, but also mobilize the emotions of others through language skills.

People who have a calm tone are more likely to make the whole event controllable.

Lower the volume, slow down the tone, and others will be more willing to listen to what you're saying.

Cognition: Tone determines luck, mood determines life

Patient communication, steady network growth

Everyone knows the importance of networking. But where do connections come from?

Some people may say that networking is essentially an exchange of benefits, as long as you are good enough to make friends with equally good people.

In fact, people are emotional animals, no matter how good you are, if you always yell at others, even stray dogs on the street will not be willing to follow you.

If a person wants to have a broad network, he must not only improve his personal ability, but also cultivate his communication skills.

Many things in this world are interlaced like mountains. When communicating with others, do not use too many technical terms, and you must not be impatient because others do not understand for a while.

A person can't understand everything, and in the process of communication, full of patience, the network will increase unconsciously.

In the communication between people, speaking is very important, and the tone of speech is more important.

Content source public number: Wei Chen [ID: weichenip]

About the Author: Wei Chen, freelance writer, writing mentor. Normally quiet, occasionally humorous.

I hope that through words to bring you spiritual relaxation, may your life be more beautiful after encountering my words.