
The love index of the twelve signs What is the love index of the zodiac sign

Zodiac sign love index: 1, Capricorn: love index of 93%; 2, Taurus: love index of 82%; 3, Scorpio: love index of 74%; 4, Virgo: love index of 65%; 5, Aries: love index of 58%; 6, Cancer: love index of 54%; 7, Aquarius: love index of 48%; 8, Leo: love index of 42%; 9, Libra: love index of 35%; 10, Pisces: love index of 30%; 11, Sagittarius: Love index is 24%; 12, Gemini: love index is 20%.

The love index of the twelve signs What is the love index of the zodiac sign

TOP1 Capricorn: 93%

Capricorn's most unstable time is when you find that you don't like him very much! Capricorn is a long-flowing type in the relationship, as long as they like them are very tolerant! But if the other person shows exhaustion, Capricorn will instantly take back everything.

TOP2 Taurus: 82%

The taurus's most unstable time is the time when the love run-in period is! Taurus itself is a bit pessimistic people, once there are bad signs of love, Taurus can easily come up with a theory: "Inappropriate! ”

TOP3 Scorpio: 74%

The most unstable time for Scorpio is the stage of hot love! Scorpio is the most sensitive period of their nerves when they are in love, and intuition and suspicion often make the relationship hot and cold! Just love temptation! Just love to do!

The love index of the twelve signs What is the love index of the zodiac sign

TOP4 Virgo: 65%

The most unstable time for a virgin is when she is about to talk about marriage! Virgins are faced with life events! Often frantically grasp the details, everything wants to be perfect, must be sure that the other party is really the right person, the virgin will continue it!

TOP5 Aries: 58%

The most unstable time for Aries is when the relationship has just begun! Aries often has a bad rhythm at the beginning of the relationship, and does not fully understand each other, sometimes too impulsive and temper is too direct to make the feelings suddenly cool down!

TOP6 Cancer: 54%

Cancer's most unstable time is when the relationship has been stable, Cancer is a rather insecure person, some small problems often make Cancer think wildly, want to know more privacy of each other, so often make both people unhappy!

The love index of the twelve signs What is the love index of the zodiac sign

TOP7 Aquarius: 48%

The most unstable time for a water bottle is when it is forced to marry by a partner! Aquarius has his own dreams and his own definition of love in his heart! Aquarius doesn't like to prove how much he likes each other! To love each other is to be your own!

TOP8 Leo: 42%

The most unstable time for a lion is when love is thick! The lion's desire for control and strong self-esteem often make the other party feel too willful, or cause some unnecessary arguments! Sometimes on impulse, you say you broke up!

TOP9 Libra: 35%

The most unstable time for Libra is when they've been together long enough! Libra can accept sweet and long love, but can not accept bland and boring feelings, once the time is too long, Libra can easily have the idea of a new life!

The love index of the twelve signs What is the love index of the zodiac sign

TOP10 Pisces: 30%

The most unstable time for Pisces is when it is ambiguous! I am full of countless longings for love! But if you find that the other party is not perfect, Pisces will fall into whimsy and insecurity, and the love has not officially begun to say goodbye!

TOP11 Sagittarius: 24%

The most unstable time for the shooter is when cohabitation, the shooter prefers a free and independent relationship, both people have their own circles, once the cohabitation will make the shooter quickly enter the fatigue period of feelings in detail!

TOP12 Gemini: 20%

Gemini's most unstable time is when the relationship has just been established, Gemini is that there are others who like them, they suddenly can't understand their own minds, like fog like wind and like rain, is hot and cold, changeable!

Meet is a kind of fate, comments like collection to pay attention to, thank you family.

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