
Beautiful. From the depths of the soul

The beauty of a woman is not in her gorgeous brocade, not in her graceful posture, nor in her bunting method, but in her inner temperament and cultivation. The true beauty of a woman comes from the depths of the soul and is long gone.

Be a woman who really has taste and understands beauty. You must know how to cultivate a kind of beauty that can be called temperament. Temperament is the epitome of women's best character, and it will lead you to be a beautiful, generous, intelligent, free, confident and popular person. Although you are a woman, you must also be a valuable woman, and the value covers the entire life of a person, and the continuous practice of true value and transcendent wisdom can understand that "women look beautiful, not as beautiful as living!" ”

Beautiful. From the depths of the soul

The beauty of women, the beauty of the lower is in the appearance, the Beauty of the United States is in the love, the upper beauty is in the state. With a mirror as a mirror, you can look at the appearance; with a woman as a mirror, you can be emotional; with a man as a mirror, you can be ecological. Without appearance, it can also have feelings; ruthless, it can also have a state; if there is a state, it can fall to the country, and it can also fall into the city. Beauty in appearance refers to the fact that when women are younger, they are more concerned about their appearance and often look at themselves in the mirror, or like to be born beautiful or worried about their appearance. At this time, I began to understand the reference to other beautiful women, or all kinds of outstanding women, and moved them with affection, referring to imitating the cultivation temperament.

Beauty in the state, with men as a mirror, can be ecological. Or because of love, contrived, born of flattery, or because of love and delicate, elegant, or because of love to understand the responsibility of being a woman, and maternal love can make women more feminine. The heart of loving beauty, everyone has it, especially women, the above paragraph on beauty is actually a process of cognition of beauty, but also a process of mental maturity.

We describe a beautiful woman, and we often use one word to describe her purity - temperament! Beautiful women with beauty and no temperament can only be vases, and women with temperament often have this clean temperament, which is a kind of aura, not born of nature, and women who do not have poetry books in their stomachs are not competent. But the world often thinks it means that a woman can be beautiful as long as she can dress up.

Beautiful. From the depths of the soul

I do not agree with this explanation, I think its real meaning is not to let women dress themselves with luxurious makeup, but to cultivate their temperament and increase their connotation. Women's beauty should be emitted from the inside out, to maintain beauty for a long time, you must have the beauty of temperament, the face will grow old, the temperament will only be more youthful appearance needs careful care, temperament also needs to be accumulated over time, in order to be able to grow new day by day!

In fact, beauty is a feeling, a woman who can be amazing at first glance, and the more you look at it, the more beautiful it is, naturally it is a product. Because we must have the quality of the capital that looks more and more beautiful, people who can see flowers are not only looking at the shape of flowers, but also know how to appreciate the meaning of flowers. Pretty is external, it does not equal beauty, it is just a part of beauty. If a beautiful appearance is really a snake and scorpion heart, then this beauty is evil beauty. Beauty is both external and internal, and the inner beauty will form a temperament that is reflected through the outside.

There are three types of beautiful women: the first temperament type: which is divided into noble type, elegant type, and bookish type. The second type: mature type: which can be divided into introverted type and open type. Introverted type: characterized by maturity and stability. Open type: characterized by daring to say and dare to act. The third kind: moral type, so women who are not born beautiful can cultivate on the "state", and then be a moral type, temperament type of beautiful woman, you can also get the same value of women as women. The true beauty of a woman comes from the depths of the soul, and it is long and long...

Beautiful. From the depths of the soul

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