
How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is


Figure / Originated from the network, the infringement contact is deleted

A person's destiny is often determined by many factors, but we always take birth for granted as the most important key factor. But in fact, birth only determines your starting point, there is no way to determine your end.

People in this life ups and downs, during the period will always experience a variety of things, on the road, there will be many factors dominating our final destiny, opportunities, nobles, timing, ability, these are invisibly determined our fate.

There is a very important factor, but we often ignore, that is, a person's pattern, and the pattern is an important factor that determines how far a person can go and how high he can stand.

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

Some people are like frogs at the bottom of the well, they can only see an acre and a half of the land in front of them, completely ignore everything in the outside world, and live too comfortably, such a person has already been doomed to his end, there is no way to jump out of the current situation, and his life is doomed to be mediocre.

People with small patterns, they always care about some small profits, care about some small things with sesame garlic skin, and when they encounter a little setback, they will give up on themselves, narrow-minded, self-contained, and finally they will only let their own path become narrower and narrower.

People with a big pattern, they never get complacent about the achievements in front of them, but can look at the wider world, will not complain about a little thing, they have a wider distance in their hearts, and they will not be easily blocked by the small ditch in front of them.

A person's pattern usually determines his destiny, the larger the pattern, the better the life, the wider the road.

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

Broad-minded and not preoccupied

The heart of man is narrow when he desires more, and he is wide in his desires. People's hearts and minds are often closely related to desires, and a person who has too much desire will also become narrow-minded, and a person with less desires will correspondingly have a broad mind.

Narrow-minded people, they are always easily tied up by a little sesame garlic skin small things, encounter a little dispute will be depressed, easily affected by personnel, too much calculation, and finally let themselves live more and more tired.

Broad-minded people, they know which is more important, will not be easily affected by some small things, and will be very calm and generous with people, and it is easier to establish long-term relationships with people.

People with small patterns like to take advantage of the speed of their tongues, have the upper hand on their tongues, treat people and things very harshly, must fight at all, and do not allow themselves to be wronged a little. Such a person may get some small bargains in a short period of time, but after a long time, they will reveal their true faces, and people can't help but want to stay away.

People with small patterns, their roads will become narrower and narrower, they see only short-term interests in their eyes, a little unhappy will choose to avoid, can not endure some tribulations and twists and turns, such people are difficult to become a big tool.

Gu Xin in "Heart Residence" is a person with a small pattern, and he and Ge Yue come together. It is to see the identity and status of Ge Father, after Ge Father fell, the people of the unit have avoided it, Gu Xin was depressed, and took the initiative to apply for transfer from the original unit, originally intending to show his ambitions on other platforms, but in the end he ruined his future.

People with a big pattern will not be discouraged because of temporary frustration, can endure gossip, can endure frustration, know how to recuperate and wait for opportunities, and do not account for temporary gains and losses, such people can often wait until the blossoms.

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

Jump out of the circle of thinking and constantly improve your horizons

I have seen such a story, on the construction site, three workers are building a wall, and passers-by ask them what they are doing?

The first man said: I'm building a wall.

The second man said: I'm building a building.

The third person said: I am building this city.

Years later, the first man is still building the wall, the second is an engineer, and the third is a builder of many of the city's construction sites.

How big a person's pattern is, how big the stage is. Many times we artificially enclose ourselves in a fixed space, can not jump out of the solidified thinking, what we see is only an acre and a third of the land in front of us, it is difficult to jump out of the thinking circle, and it is difficult to achieve great achievements in the end.

Never be limited by your cognition, the outside world is very large, if you are always immersed in your own small world, complacent about what you have in front of you, it is impossible to go very far, compared with the really powerful people, you are just a drizzle, and you will not look at you differently at all.

Jump out of your own circle of thinking, constantly raise your horizons, when you see more, the more you will see your own smallness, cognition is broadened, your path will be broadened.

The larger the pattern of people, the higher their vision, the higher the level, the greater the achievements.

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

Grasp the big and let go of the small, with integrated thinking

Really powerful people, they all have the ability to integrate thinking, in their world, never choose one or the other, but can find the advantages of the two, so as to integrate, to achieve the greatest effect.

They often do not have to do everything personally, they will not do everything themselves, they are not proficient, but they know how to be good at what people do, know how to make rational use of resources, rationally schedule things, and rationalize everything.

They know how to grasp the big and let go of the small, grasp the main contradictions, reasonably discard some irrelevant things, in their world, there is a clear order of priority and subordination, know how to be targeted, under their deployment, no matter how many people, no matter how big the enterprise can operate efficiently.

In today's network era, knowing how to rationally use resources can greatly save manpower and material costs, whether it is enterprises or individuals, they can keep up with the pace of the times and ensure that they are not left behind by the times.

People with patterns, they all know how to borrow power, will not go forward blindfolded, but can make full use of some of the existing resources for their own use.

The more structured people are, the less busy they are, because they can distinguish between priorities and priorities, know what to give up, and focus time and energy on the most important things to achieve maximum efficiency.

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

How big a person's pattern is, how wide the road is

A person's pattern usually determines the future direction of life. People with small patterns, in front of the sheep intestine trail, people with large patterns, in front of the bright avenue, in a short period of time may not see a big difference, but the further back you go, the gap will gradually widen.

If you always limit yourself to the immediate achievements and do not relax your horizons and insights, the final outcome will basically be determined, and there will not be much achievement.

Don't shake your firm heart for some small profits, don't be too preoccupied, because of a small matter and have conflicts and disputes with people, it seems that you may have the upper hand in the tongue, may have achieved a little achievement, but invisibly buried their good popularity, missed the broader scenery ahead.

Life is long, there will be more brilliant scenery ahead, do not just stare at the gains and losses in front of you, so as to become self-contained, close your own steps forward, and make your road narrower and narrower.

A person's pattern can usually be seen from the way people are doing things, people with a big pattern, and they always get along with them like a spring breeze, three words and two words will be clear of clouds, suddenly cheerful, they are always on the road, constantly raising their horizons, and finally can reach the height that others can not reach.

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