
For the first time to make a mobile phone Li Bin responded! Is it for self-preservation?

Enterprises that do mobile phones cross-border car manufacturing, like Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc. Now the car-making enterprises are building mobile phones across borders, some time ago, there is news that the domestic new car-making head company Weilai has entered the mobile phone industry, and former Meitu mobile phone president Yin Shuijun has joined and led the mobile phone business of Weilai. But there was no positive response from the authorities, and on March 31, Weilai CEO Li Bin responded to the mobile phone on a small scale. In the video interview "Cheng Invitation", Li Bin talked about the original intention of making mobile phones, and the chat records exposed by the automotive media show that Li Bin had ideas for Making Mobile Phones for Weilai.

For the first time to make a mobile phone Li Bin responded! Is it for self-preservation?

Li Bin responded positively. Mobile phones are not only for Weilai, but also an important connected device, which is very important for the entire smart car industry. Li Bin said. Today, 50% of Weilai's users are using Apple, and 40% of users are using Huawei mobile phones, but the proportion of users using Apple mobile phones is gradually rising, and the situation of Huawei mobile phones is becoming more and more difficult. For making mobile phones, Li Bin feels that it is not expansion, but a defense of the self.

For the first time to make a mobile phone Li Bin responded! Is it for self-preservation?

Personally, although Weilai can be said to be at the forefront of the new domestic car-making forces, Weilai has not been very mature on the road of car-making, as can be seen from the incident that caused the death of two car owners in just two months last year. And the new energy vehicle track is still in the phase of elimination, at this time distracted to build mobile phones, want to grasp both ends, and finally it is very likely that one end will not be caught. Coupled with Apple's position in the mobile phone industry, Huawei's efforts for so many years have been unshakable, and it is now very difficult to divide the market from its mouth.

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