
Is baby drooling sick?

Many babies love to drool, but most of them are normal.

Many moms don't need to worry too much.

Why do babies love to drool?

Babies have a shallow mouth and do not regulate too much fluid in the mouth, so drooling occurs.

As we age, teeth erupt, oral depth increases, infants and young children gradually learn to swallow to regulate excess fluid, and this drooling phenomenon gradually disappears.

Is baby drooling sick?

Most babies suddenly increase their saliva around 3 to 4 months, which is a normal physiological phenomenon, not a precursor to growing teeth, and parents should change their saliva towels more.

Generally speaking, until the age of one year, the baby's saliva is normal, and after 1 to 2 years old, the phenomenon of drooling gradually decreases and does not need to be treated.

Is baby drooling sick?

If the baby still has a lot of saliva after the age of 2, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination.

A variety of diseases may cause the baby to drool a lot (such as simple language development delay, while manifesting as unclear speech pronunciation; developmental delay, autism (autism), large movements, fine exercise, language, social cognition level is all or partly lower than the same age; central nervous system development disorders (commonly known as cerebral palsy), affecting muscle tone, poor muscle coordination, there will also be a lot of saliva. )

If parents suspect that the baby's saliva may be caused by the disease, they can first see a pediatrician, a comprehensive physical examination, and once the diagnosis is clear, rehabilitation training and special education need to be carried out as soon as possible.

Source: Meng Mom Loves Life~

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