
Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?
Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

This article will explain the characteristics of Pado Phyllis, future prospects and other issues based on the actual experience of Pado Phyllis so far, and give players who want to cultivate Pado Phyllis a certain reference.

1. Character characteristics

2. Adapt to the environment

3. Role comparison

4. Looking forward to the future

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?
Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

1) Strong mechanism - drop the whole team must kill CD

In addition to the regular auxiliary damage increase effect, after equipping the exclusive ring blade "Dream of the Past World, Night Pupil" after the equipment exceeded the limit, the team's must-kill CD was steadily reduced, shortening the time required to wait for the CD for each outbreak, and reducing the team output window period.

In the conventional mode before the Padot Phyllis implementation, only Schrödinger (middle) can achieve a certain probability of the cooldown reduction of the kill, and the range of action is small, affecting the equipment collocation, resulting in a very narrow application range. The arrival of Pado makes it possible to stabilize the reduction of the kill cooldown, and the ice wounded members of the formation with it can directly benefit and have a wide range of effects. Coupled with the team SP replenishment ability unlocked by the SS order Padot, the output character is liberated from the process of hard work to save SP and compress the overall process. She doesn't need to be stationed most of the time, and after playing the branch weapon, she can immediately return to the backstage to call the main C.

2) Strong mechanism - control class abnormal auxiliary first person

An aluminum man who rewrote the instruction manual of the three beakers, and strengthened the team with the frozen state as the core. At present, there are no enemies who are completely immune to an abnormal state, which opens the door to the control of abnormal auxiliary gameplay, and also requires players to always pay attention to whether the enemy is in an abnormal state, and choose the timing of the outbreak of the must-kill to maximize the output of the team.

Cang Xuan (top) and Tesla (center) can also be fished in a specific combination, which has a miraculous effect.

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

1. Superstring space

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

In addition to the Prison Pill, three of the five bosses are notorious skins, and now they all have to be honest popsicles, and the addition of Pado has forced these bosses to be much more honest, significantly improving the output environment of the main C, and making it easier to score points. Fish expert, worthy of you.

In the environment where the superstring space comes with self-charging, when the S-order Paddot faces the enemy of the Red Lotus or the following strength, the lack of SP recovery ability can be alleviated by inserting a small cycle, and it can basically ensure that the team output is sufficient. Friends who do not have the need to extinguish the relegation level draw a paddle whole card, and the rest is a better choice to slowly cultivate by exchanging fragments. To the silent environment if there is no SS order Pado team charging effect to add a small loop directly means that the output and score drop, the relegation is very blue.

2. Memory battlefield

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

Ghost armor + SS order Pado opening charge + Beethoven (bottom) can achieve Pardo opening amplification, coupled with the last raw Silver Wing or Ice Xi wave to take away the SS level of the BOSS is not a big problem.

3. The Promised Land of the Past

The Promised Land Boss opens with a double exclusive advice of "Cat's Eye" + "Blade Tail".

It has a strong freezing control ability, the output environment is relatively comfortable, the attributes are restrained by a thousand laws, and the core function of the killing skill that is usually not used to kill the virtual number also belongs in the promised land, and the strengthening state branch after opening the must kill skill is very happy.

If Pado has not yet reached the SS level, the panel is lower and the SP recovery ability will be weaker, at this time there is no need to directly rush the high difficulty, directly take the first 5 layers of the dangerous difficulty of the paddot back to the shallow sequence, easily deal with the new main plot of the sliced and fragmented paradise, and at the same time brush the enhancement level of Pado, and then challenge the high difficulty after the character level is replaced by the fragment pile. After all, sp characters do not need to force the character body, relying on exchange can save a lot of diamonds.

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

1. Yun Mo Dan Heart

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

Yunmo can't shorten the cooldown time of the team's must-kill skill, and is inferior to Pado in terms of SP replenishment ability, although the burst ability of a single wave is still slightly stronger than Pado, but the gap is more obvious in the environment that requires multiple cycles in the silent environment.

2. The labyrinth is terrifying

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

The competitive relationship between the two is not obvious, and the combination can achieve strong complementarity. In the past, it was enough to have SP from time to time, but the must-kill technique cooldown was not over, resulting in the output time point not being stuck and only dry, resulting in a decrease in the final score. With the assistance of Pado, the SP of the Labyrinth Rabbit is more abundant, and the cooldown of the must-kill skill is reduced to, which more perfectly plays the full auxiliary ability of the Rabbit.

Crash 3: How was Padot Phyllis experienced? Did she herald a new competitive track?

Although Pardo is an imaginary character, in fact, the characteristics of the imaginary role are not very obvious, and the application scope of the core of the killer skill is still somewhat small. The most significant change in version 5.6 is the shuffle of the abnormal state mechanism that comes with Padot, which expands the effective scope of the control class abnormal state to the BOSS battle scenario, paving the way for the debut of the new control class exception auxiliary and control class abnormal specialization main C.

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