
The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

I don't know when it began, but there have been many special theories about nails. If the nails have white spots to represent roundworms in the stomach, the nails have vertical lines to represent that there will be serious diseases, and the more crescents on the nails represent the healthier the human body, the easier it is to obtain longevity.

So do these wonderful theories have a scientific basis? And what does it really mean that the nails have white spots, vertical stripes or crescents?

The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

1. White dot

In real life, many people associate the white spots that appear on the fingernail covers with roundworms in their stomachs, but this is not the case. In fact, when the nail has white spots, it is often called punctate white nail syndrome.

The root cause of these small white spots is mainly due to minor damage to the nails, such as accidentally squeezed by heavy objects or strong collisions, which may cause small white spots symptoms. As the nails continue to grow, these small white dots will gradually disappear.

The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

2. Vertical lines

When the nails appear vertical streaks, many people will panic that this is caused by malnutrition, and if left unchecked for a long time, it is likely to cause serious diseases.

In fact, in the face of the existence of vertical lines, everyone does not need to be so nervous. Because there is no necessary connection between whether the nails have vertical lines and whether the human body has taken in sufficient nutrients in time.

The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

The reason why the vast majority of people have vertical marking symptoms is just a normal physiological phenomenon. In this regard, we must pay more attention to it, that is, do not choose to rub the surface of the nail frequently in order to eliminate the vertical lines, this wrong practice is easy to lead to the nail is too thin, resulting in nail damage or skin injury.

However, if black line symptoms occur at the same time as the growth of vertical lines, it is important to be vigilant. Because the black line of nail growth often represents the occurrence of melanoma, if it is left unchecked for a long time, once it causes melanoma to become cancerous, it is easy to cause serious adverse effects on human health.

The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

3. Crescent

Many people will link the crescent moon to the health of the human body, believing that the more crescents there are, the healthier the human body will be. So what exactly is the crescent moon?

In fact, the crescent moon, also known as the "nail half moon", has a white arc shape, and the growth site is concentrated at the base of the nail, which is a newborn nail that has not yet completely keratinized.

The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

Therefore, for different people, the growth status of the crescent moon will be greatly different, mainly determined by the individual's physique. Therefore, this also leads to some people having more crescents, and some people having fewer crescents or even no crescents at all.

However, no matter how much or how little the crescent is, everyone does not have to be too nervous, because this is a very normal physiological phenomenon. Therefore, do not mistakenly think that there are hidden dangers in your physical health because of the small number of crescents, so as to choose excessive supplementation, this extreme approach is actually very unnecessary.

The more crescents the healthier you have? Are the vertical lines a sign of disease? These truths about nails are popular science

The above is an introduction to important knowledge related to nails. First of all, when the nail has white spots, don't be too nervous, which is usually caused by minor damage to the nail.

Secondly, nail growth vertical lines are a very normal physiological phenomenon, remember not to be too connected to the state of human health. Finally, the number of crescents is only determined by the individual's constitution, so no matter how much or how little, everyone does not have to care too much.

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