
International Day of Happiness 2022: Positive Psychology in the Classics of Mountains and Seas

At the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, director Zhang Yimou vividly interpreted the romance of Chinese, which shocked the world. This phenomenon allows us to see that romance plays an increasingly important role in cross-cultural communication, love, and peace.

March 20, 2022, is the tenth International Day of Happiness, Tsinghua University Press recently published Chen Siyu painting, Sun Jiankun's huanhua version of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", to provide people with a channel, that is, how to enhance the happiness index by enhancing the expression of romance, feeling romance, and creating romance.

Once, the opposite word of romance was "old-fashioned" and "simple", and when we associated romance and happiness, the opposite word of romance became "sad" and "depressed" that reduced happiness. On 28 June 2012, the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly proposed that 20 March be designated as the International Day of Happiness and proposed several ways to improve the happiness index, one of which is to eliminate the factors that reduce happiness. Stimulating romantic emotions and dissolving the depressed feelings of low happiness has been the consensus of different cultures.

Romance is related to childlike heart, and people without childlike heart are difficult to romanticize. Excessive education has left many children without a child's heart, and adults are separated from the child's heart by thousands of mountains. Some experts believe that the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is the memory of human infancy, Tao Yuanming also expressed the strong feeling of happiness brought to him by the Classic of Mountains and Seas 1,000 years ago, using the scientific thinking of modern positive psychology born from the study of happiness, excavating the positive psychology in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which may be an important direction of effort to promote cross-cultural exchanges between modern people and ancient "meta-civilizations", return to childlike hearts, realize modern innovation in traditional culture, stimulate the romantic thinking that modern people generally lack, and enhance happiness.

There are three main factors that affect romantic emotions: poetry, childlikeness, and innovation.

Yutai LingXiaxiu, Queen Mother Yi Miaoyan - the more romantic, the happier

Throughout the ages, the romantic expression of poetic innovation, the protagonist with the highest appearance rate is "face value". "Appearance" is a romantic factor that we have always wanted to avoid but cannot avoid, and has a great impact on happiness. Princeton University's Alex Todorov experiments with strangers and Dane's experiments on the after-effects of photos have all come to positive conclusions about appearance. The positive impact of appearance on life has been more and more valued and affirmed, but the negative impact caused by it has always been with it.

What is the way to bring people a more pure romantic happiness of "appearance is justice"? Positive psychologists have yet to produce satisfactory research. We found that most of the negative effects of appearance come from the solidified thinking of adults, so extending to the ancient times, looking for the source of the child's heart - the original Shan Hai Jing, we found the ultimate happiness brought by the romance from ancient times - Tao Yuanming expressed in beautiful verses - Liuguan Shan Hai Tu, why not be happy?

After Tao Yuanming used this poem to push the romantic happiness to the extreme, he immediately wrote about the wonderful feelings brought to him by viewing the "face value" with a childlike heart:

Yutai LingXiaXiu, Queen Mother Yi Miaoyan!

We can't imagine that Tao Yuanming actually saw a portrait of the Queen Mother of the West and let him write such a poetic poem; however, from the verse, we can realize that the romantic thinking inspired by the appearance of the original mountain and sea chart has an impact on the individual is purely pleasing to the eye, and it is full of childlike romance, which makes Tao Yuanming immersed in the ultimate state of blissful flow, producing poetry, childlike heart, innovation, and writing a happy poem of wonderful face.

In fact, the original text of the Shan Hai Jing describes the Queen Mother of the West as follows: "Her shape is like a human, the leopard tail and tiger teeth are good at whistling, and the hair is beautiful."

International Day of Happiness 2022: Positive Psychology in the Classics of Mountains and Seas

So, how to paint the West Queen Mother of "Fluffy Hair and Dai Sheng" into the appearance of "Yi Miao Yan"?

Chen Siyu, the author of the painting of the Book of Mountains and Seas, is an illustrator who graduated from the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts. In this picture of the Queen Mother of the West, with the childlike imagination, the craftsmanship spirit as fine as one centimeter and the color accurate to one millimeter, the "fluffy hair" is depicted to the extreme in a two-dimensional plane with a huge amount of hair volume of 360 degrees. In the middle of the 360-degree hair is a huge red gemstone. In ancient times, only the most noble women were qualified to use red as a clothing ornament, and the portrait of the West Queen Mother used unparalleled red gemstones to properly express her supreme status, so that the West Queen Mother could be worthy of the "Jade Lingxia Show".

In the past, due to the misunderstanding of Tai Shi Gong "I dare not speak", the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" has always existed silently outside the mainstream culture. When we learn about the famous psychologist Edmund. The halo effect studied by Thorndike can explain why the Classic of Mountains and Seas can travel through thousands of years and go to glory in the contemporary era. The reason is that the aura effect of its heroine, the Queen Mother of the West, has played an unexpected role, and miraculously, the space-time radius of this halo effect has exceeded 1,000 years!

In modern positive psychology research, the halo effect is considered a double-edged sword, it will bring us happiness, but also bring us harm. However, the West Queen Mother of "Yi Miao Yan", the ceiling of the value of thousands of years, her halo effect is not a double-edged sword, but a pure "face value is justice", which brings a subjective happiness feeling that can last for a thousand years.

Bright Awakening - The soul poetically perches in the view of the mountains and seas

Although the appearance effect of the Miaoyan Shan Hai Jing is convincing, in reality, the results of positive psychology tests on the appearance of the face still make people with ordinary appearance not feel happiness. The consensus in this regard is that the beauty of the soul should be more important than the appearance.

As the saying goes, "The eyes are the windows of the mind." Psychologists have also identified this problem, and psychologists such as Cunningham, McArthur, and Rhode have also studied the effects of eyes and gaze on happiness. The study found that people of different cultures, although the aesthetics are very different, prefer large eyes, especially bright eyes. Looking directly into the bright, large eyes will bring people a pleasant sense of happiness. However, in real life, looking directly into your favorite big eyes can sometimes be dangerous.

To safely experience the feeling of happiness that comes with the eyes and eyes, try to look at the mountains and sea charts again. By studying the mountain and sea charts, we found that the description of the eye in the Shan Hai Sutra is not only very rich, but also very magical.

International Day of Happiness 2022: Positive Psychology in the Classics of Mountains and Seas

In our common sense, bull's eye is a common adjective to describe extra-large eyes, and we find that the minniu recorded in the Shan Hai Sutra is - Canghei Damu. Bull's eye is already a big eye, a big eye, it is difficult to imagine how big it can be? Would it be frighteningly big?

The painting painted by Chen Siyu in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is indeed very large, but it is not terrible at all, but it is sparkling and exquisite, and people can't help but want to go inside.

International Day of Happiness 2022: Positive Psychology in the Classics of Mountains and Seas

There was also this divine beast called the Badger, which actually had an eye on its back, and this eye drawn by Chen Siyu was really charming. Because it has a characteristic that makes people not fearful, the weak girl will make a portrait of it and stick it on her arm, so that it can be her own protector. With such an eye on his back, who would be afraid of hurting someone with a dark arrow?

The mountain and sea charts studied here are all colored, because if modern people want to experience Tao Yuanming's feelings by reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas, they cannot rely only on the black and red color of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. After all, we are different from Tao Yuanming's time, and the colorful Classics of Mountains and Seas make it easier for modern people to enter a state of immersion.

However, we know that in Tao Yuanming's time, the colors were not rich, and the black and red version of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which was only a little red embellishment, was more in line with Tao Yuanming's "Reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas" and could better meet the needs of those who were looking for artistic inspiration.

There are more than 400 sacred beasts in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and there are more than 100 eyes depicted, which may grow on the top of the head, may grow on the back, may grow behind the ears, or may grow under the armpits... Every eye is a passageway to the universe of mountains and seas. The eyes of the mountains and seas through the universe do not seem to be limited by the standard pair of symmetrical two eyes in the universe we are in, and it feels like all the divine beasts and sacred grasses can grow eyes in any part of the body, and as long as they grow out, they must be beautiful.

The most important role of the eyes is eye contact. Research by psychologists such as Robert Epstein and Dr. Arthur Aron has found that even for a short period of eye contact, the relationship between the two sides of the eye changes radically. After an eye contact test, a third of people start dating after the trial ends.

The research of psychological scientists has made people pay more attention to the appearance of appearance, but also more attention to the beauty of the eyes and eye contact. Looks and beautiful eyes will bring us unexpected romance and extreme happiness, but in the real world, if we do not grasp the scale of valuing appearance and eye contact, we may bring harm to ourselves and others.

In this book, we can pay full attention to the appearance of the mountain and sea chart, gaze at the eyes of the mountain and sea god beast, and enjoy the fairy-like, romantic and extreme flow experience brought to us by the appearance and eyes. This feeling is like facing a pool of glowing green pools, making people can't help but want to jump in, enter another parallel universe - the Shan Hai Jing Universe, feel the pleasing eyes brought by the wonderful faces of the mountains and sea beasts, and make eye contact with them, and enter the blissful realm of baby-like romantic immersion.

On the tenth International Day of Happiness, because of painting and reading, we have dug out new happiness factors deep inside us and eliminated more unhappy factors.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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