
Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

"Heart Residence" is being broadcast, and the lead actor Zhang Songwen has once again entered the public eye.

He plays the role of "Zhan Xiang", a Shanghai native who became an upstart through "speculation" in the early years and earned a living by collecting rent.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

Zhan Xiang is kind and generous, obsessed with Gu Zhaoyu (Tong Yao), and takes good care of Feng Xiaoqin (Haiqing).

Zhang Songwen's acting skills are natural and particularly prominent among the actors.

The last TV series that made Zhang Songwen out of the circle was "The Hidden Corner", and the Zhu Yongping he played was a textbook-level performance.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

Zhan Xiang in the play has a number of houses, Zhang Songwen outside the play debuted for 20 years but could not afford to buy a suite, the scenery and tears of the old drama bones, and several people know.


Born in 1976 in Shaoguang, Guangdong Province, Zhang Songwen's parents were busy making ends meet and often entrusted him to the care of his uncle next door.

In the era when movies became people's only entertainment, Zhang Songwen followed his uncle to the cinema and watched the heroes and heroes on the screen, and he planted a movie seed in his heart.

Life at the bottom, ordinary families, becoming an actor is Zhang Songwen's dream that dare not be extravagant.

Zhang Songwen is not tall, his parents cut money from between his teeth to buy milk powder for him to supplement nutrition, in order to save some drinks, the milk powder instruction manual says "3 spoons of 300 ml of water", but every time his father gives him "1 spoon of 500 ml of water" milk, overly diluted milk, and boiled water is almost the same.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

The young Zhang Songwen was not outstanding, his grades were average, his appearance was average, and he could not be recognized when he was thrown in the crowd.

Most people live an ordinary life, and Zhang Songwen also thinks that he will continue to be ordinary, but the tribulations given to him by God have made him taste the pain of life too early.

In junior high school, Zhang Songwen's mother fell ill, crushing the family's life. For two whole years, in order to raise medical expenses, his father frowned, and Zhang Songwen did not hesitate to inquire about folk remedies.

Heaven did not go according to people's wishes, and her mother still died, leaving Zhang Songwen and her father to rely on each other.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

After graduating from junior high school, Zhang Songwen chose to go to vocational high school in order to graduate as soon as possible to earn money to support his family.

Without a beautiful academic background and no strong background, Zhang Songwen can only start from a simple job. Printing plant workers, beverage salesmen, air conditioning installers, hotel attendants, Zhang Songwen tried one by one.

These low-level jobs were a torment for Zhang Songwen at that time, but they were a fortune for his later acting career.


In 1995, the domestic tourism industry began to rise, and Zhang Songwen aimed at this cake and transformed into a tour guide.

At the beginning, Zhang Songwen was a local accompaniment, and when foreigners traveled to Guangdong, he was responsible for taking tourists to scenic spots to play and help them arrange good food and accommodation.

After two years of local accompaniment and accumulating a lot of resources, Zhang Songwen became the leader, responsible for bringing tourists to the destination and handing them over to the local escort.

At the hottest time of Southeast Asian tourism, Zhang Songwen went to Thailand more than 200 times, changed dozens of passports, and others called him "the little prince of Thailand".

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

Zhang Songwen is warm and generous, and has become friends with many tourists.

Whether it is a ground escort or a team leader, 365 days a year, the intensity of work is so great that many people can't survive, but Zhang Songwen has survived for five years.

Zhang Songwen was able to persevere because the tour guide's salary was higher than that of ordinary work, and he could help his father without scruples.

But the tour guide is not zhang Songwen's heart, he always has a fire in his heart that has nowhere to vent.

In 2000, a colleague and Zhang Songwen talked about each other's dreams, and Zhang Songwen smiled and said: "From childhood to adulthood, I wanted to be an actor. ”

Zhang Songwen almost used a joking tone, afraid that others would think that he did not know himself.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

But colleagues took this sentence seriously and encouraged him to go to film school and realize his dream.

Zhang Songwen refused at first, after all, he was already 25 years old, and he had long passed the age of chasing dreams.

The colleague also said: "Zhang Yimou only entered the film school at the age of 28, why can't you?" ”

The seed in Zhang Songwen's heart was loosened and new shoots sprouted.


The conversation with the colleague took place at 10 a.m., and Mr. Zhang flew to Beijing at 4 p.m.

In just a few hours, Zhang Songwen resigned, sold the appliances of the rental house, and desperately wanted to realize a dream.

Zhang Songwen is not an acute person, but he is afraid that his ignited dreams will die again in hesitation.

When he arrived in Beijing, Zhang Songwen inquired about Nortel's enrollment information and reported for a training class by the way.

Zhang Songwen wanted to take the directing department at first, after all, when the director did not have so high requirements for appearance and Mandarin, but that year, nortel's directing department did not recruit people, and could only go to the acting department.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

There was no turning back arrow to open the bow, and Zhang Songwen could only harden his scalp.

Speaking Cantonese Mandarin, dancing and singing are not good, even broadcast gymnastics can not remember the movements, all the conditions that need to be possessed for examination performance, Zhang Songwen did not have, but he was finally admitted.

Zhang Songwen is not lucky, but years of work, so that his understanding of the role is higher than that of ordinary people, he is good at observing all kinds of people, these experiences into the performance of natural impeccable.

Being admitted to Nortel was a turning point in Zhang Songwen's fate. This year, Zhang Songwen enrolled with Zhou Wei.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

In the talent-rich Nortel, Zhang Songwen felt an unprecedented sense of frustration, the students around him had to look good, to be talented, and to receive the invitation from the crew before graduation, only he could not even speak Mandarin well.

Countless late nights, Zhang Songwen tossed and turned, confused and anxious, and did not know where the road ahead was.

As the saying goes, the heavens will send down a great task to the Scythians, and they must first suffer their hearts and minds, and work their bones.

Zhang Songwen's suffering is far more than that.


In 2003, when graduation was imminent, Zhang Songwen and Zhou Wei went to run the crew together, running more than 300 crews before and after, and none of the directors looked at them.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

Some directors mocked Zhang Songwen for being short like a dwarf, saying that Zhou Wei's mouth was like a sausage, and it was impossible to be an actor.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

This casual remark is undoubtedly a thunderbolt for Zhang Songwen, which means to crush his persistence and self-confidence over the years.

Forced to have no way back, Zhang Songwen can only choose to stay in school to teach, teach and educate people, save the country with curves, and eat a mouthful of rice.

However, Zhang Songwen was not willing to give up being an actor, and in addition to teaching, he still desperately ran the group, and more than 200 groups ran down, and the opportunity came.

In 2004, the sitcom "Riding the Dragon" found Zhang Songwen and invited him to play the male number one Jia Fa. Such a good opportunity to fall on Zhang Songwen, of course, is conditional.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

The director knows that Zhang Songwen is a teacher, and he can provide free performance guidance for the actors of the crew, which can save a lot of trouble.

Jia Fa is the most outstanding role in "Riding the Dragon", and the 30-year-old Zhang Songwen has to play a 50-year-old old man, and the process is very difficult.

Before each shooting, it takes several hours of makeup alone, gray hair and silver beard, some to use strokes, some to glue up, when removing makeup, Zhang Songwen almost has to change a layer of skin.

Zhang Songwen is willing to endure hardships and his acting skills are agile, making this drama rank tenth in the ranking list of "the audience's favorite TV drama in Guangdong Province".

The TV series is on fire, but Zhang Songwen is still not remembered by the audience, and his hard days continue.


Two or three years after performing "Riding the Dragon Fast Son-in-Law", Zhang Songwen still received a handful of plays, and the tepid dramas such as "Northern Wei Empress Feng", "Huo Yuanjia" and "The Second Side" failed to fill Zhang Songwen's stomach after all.

At the most embarrassing time, Zhang Songwen only paid 5 yuan a day for meals, and if he wanted to survive in Beijing, he could only go to the vegetable market to pick up vegetable leaves.

In order to make a little more money, Zhang Songwen ran to the crew as a scene manager, coordinator, and editor.

Over thirty years old and with nothing, Zhang Songwen was very anxious in his heart. He was most afraid of friends calling to ask what he was busy with recently, and he was embarrassed to say that he was doing miscellaneous work in the crew, so he could only punch the fat man with a swollen face and say that he was reading a few books.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

In 2008, the 34-year-old Zhang Songwen was desperate to find a way out, so he quit his job at the Beijing Film Academy and established the "Zhang Songwen International Performance Studio", dedicated to the study of film and television performance techniques and methodological performance.

This year, Zhang Songwen was selected by Zhang Jizhong to play Yue Wang Gou Jian in "Bing Sheng", Zhang Songwen's performance close to the character's heart, during the audition, the producer clapped his hands and praised.

Soon after, Zhang Songwen was called to audition for the crew of "Bing Sheng", and the original director team and producers thought that Zhang Songwen's acting skills were more suitable for playing Wu WangFucha.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

From the beginning of this drama, Zhang Songwen's strength gradually showed, and some people called him "Xiao Chen Daoming." ”

In 2009, after Zhang Songwen finished acting in "The Secret History of Yang Guifei", he began to play on the big screen.

In the first five years of the film circle, Zhang Songwen was not prominent, he served as a performance director, while playing a supporting role in films such as "Jingwu Fengyun", "The Great Golden Robbery", "Great Shanghai", "All the Way Forward" and so on.

Zhang Songwen is a calm person, as long as there is a role, no matter how big or small, he will use all his strength to perform.

With the precipitation of time, Zhang Songwen accumulated thick and thin hair.


In 2016, Zhang Songwen starred in the movies "Clouds Made of Rain in the Wind" and "Summer in the West River".

Zhang Songwen played a cadre under the lens of Lou Ye, in order to get close to the role, he used 20 days to gain 31 pounds, and a month before the start of filming, he also ran to the Urban Construction Commission to work, in-depth insight into the character, so that the role performance is extremely real, the audience once thought that the crew invited a real cadre to play.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

At the same time, "Summer of Xixiaohe" made Zhang Songwen nominated for the Best Young Supporting Actor at the 14th Changchun Film Festival.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

After these two films, Zhang Songwen's name was remembered.

Since then, Zhang Songwen has taken over many films such as "Lyceum Theatre", "Seeing is False", and "Old Zheng Flew to the Sky".

In 2020, "The Hidden Corner" became popular, and Zhang Songwen received attention from the whole people.

Zhang Songwen is only a small supporting role in it, but the grounded and explosive performance makes the audience deeply impressed for him.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

In the spotlight, the public knows zhang Songwen's heartache and ups and downs along the way.

Everyone thinks that such an old drama bone has long been famous and rich, living in a mansion, driving a luxury car, in fact, his income can not afford to buy a house, he rented a small courtyard in the countryside of Shunyi, Beijing, and lived for 11 years.

He once disclosed his income: "My record is very bad, there was no drama to shoot for three years." One year, my annual income was more than 30,000, and then it became more than 70,000 or more than 300,000, until today, all my income is barely enough for me to support the normal expenses of the whole year. Gone, really. ”

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

Everyone thinks that actors are very profitable, but the real money is always the traffic star, and the people who act earnestly and seriously will not get the favor of capital without traffic.

When the public lamented Zhang Songwen's situation, he only said lightly that this is the current situation of the vast majority of people in the industry, and his situation is not much to discuss.

The market is eroded by traffic, and good actors can't make money, which is the sadness of the times.


Now Zhang Songwen has become famous, but he still lives like an ordinary person.

When the cabbage in the village is harvested, he will hoard one or two hundred trees.

When he was not filming, Zhang Songwen was in the small courtyard of the countryside, raising flowers and grass, buying vegetables and cooking, he was very familiar with the people in the village, everyone did not know that he was an actor, and treated him as an ordinary person.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

Zhang Songwen has never had a shelf, he lives a real and grounded life, he believes that actors need to experience life. It is precisely because of his down-to-earth life that his performance has soul and resonance.

In this era, the pace is fast, and most people do not have the patience to wait for the flowers to bloom. Actors like Zhang Songwen are becoming fewer and fewer, and they are becoming more and more precious.

Zhang Songwen had ten thousand ways to make money, but he chose the most difficult path to take.

Not for great feelings, nor for noble qualities, only for the love in his heart, he once said: "Artists who are too shrewd will lose their inspiration, and, in my mind, performance is art, and art is by no means a superficial commodity." ”

After the broadcast of "Heart Residence", we will still remember that a person named "Zhan Xiang" once came.

Zhang Songwen, the star of "Heart Residence": in the play, the house was speculated into an upstart, and the drama could not afford to buy a house for 20 years

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