
Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

author:The melancholy little prince


【Flame of Remembrance】

Zhang Songwen's essay "Match Heaven" is a narrative, a light that passes through the tunnel of the soul and illuminates the memory of his mother. He mentioned that longing is eternal, but sorrow can be soothed.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

He paints a warm image of a mother in his words, whose teachings and caresses are like burning matches, shining a gentle light in the darkness. In his narrative, time seems to condense, and those dinners by the fire, the sound of reading, and the stories before going to bed are all locked in the cabinet of memory.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

Even if the figure disappears from view, those temperatures remain forever in my heart. And netizens also lost no time in joining this nostalgic melody, some people joked, "After reading this, I decided to go home and eat my mother's stewed chicken soup, and I have to light this match myself." ”

【Wet tears】


Zhang Songwen described the loss of relatives as not a short-term pain, but an eternal absence, like a drizzle, which makes people's mood always moist. With a calm brushstroke, he depicts the sudden flood of emotions on an ordinary day, which feels like the humid air on the seaside, which does not dry out for a long time.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

He said that whenever he was alone, the dampness turned into a storm that unbridled his heart and made him involuntarily reminisce about the past. Netizens responded to the dampness in a more lively way, with some laughing, "Every time I think of my stern dad, I have to open the sunny day doll to fight the dampness!" ”

【Dialogue between matches and dampness】


The highlight of the article is that Zhang Songwen interweaves these two very different emotions, the match represents the warm memory, and the dampness is the pain caused by the longing.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

In this dialogue, the reader can feel that the author is groping for a balance in the sea of family affection. He tried to suck away the dampness in his heart with those warm moments by recalling his mother's voice and smile. Yes, he may not be able to do it completely, but at least in this article, the match has some kind of reconciliation with the damp.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

In the face of this delicate balance, netizens fought in the comment area, arguing about which metaphor can move people's hearts more, as if this is not only Zhang Songwen's personal experience, but also the resonance of everyone's inner emotions.

【Nostalgia for the Debate】


The end of the article is undoubtedly a climax, Zhang Songwen said in an almost provocative tone that he does not need the sympathy or understanding of others, because this is a private matter between him and his mother, and it is a lifelong pain.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

He expressed a sense of strength that no matter how noisy the world was, he would still remember his mother in his own world. This attitude sparked a controversial discussion among readers, with some supporting his independence and strength, saying that this is the real tribute;

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

There are also those who believe that grief should be shared so that there is real comfort. As a result, the comment area became lively, and everyone was understanding Zhang Songwen's pain in their own way, and this nostalgic debate began.


In this article, elements of humor and witty are cleverly incorporated into the theme of nostalgia, which not only makes the heavy topic easy and relatable, but also promotes interaction between readers.

Zhang Songwen's "Match Heaven": Ignite the damp memories in your heart!

Everyone has their own matches and dampness, and Zhang Songwen just ignited a discussion about memory and remembrance in his own way. And you, what color are your matches? How do you deal with that eternal dampness? Feel free to leave your stories and thoughts in the comment section.

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