
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern

Goxwa Borg Gokswa Borg Maltese painter, (1961-)

01 Flowers and still lifes

Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern

Gokswa Borg is a Maltese female painter. Born in Valletta, Malta in 1961. She began painting at a very young age and attended the St Martin Art Institute. A few years later, she moved to Boston, where she studied film at emerson College. In 1993, she received a scholarship from the International Academy of Arts in Paris.

Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern

Her paintings on canvas are difficult to classify. Although inspired by ancient frescoes, her paintings have a very modern feel. Gokswa explores all genres, but all of her paintings have the same elements of mystery and intrigue. In 1993, she held the first of many solo exhibitions. Since then, she has exhibited in paris, New York, Strasbourg and San Francisco. Gokswa currently resides in Paris, and her exhibitions continue to attract a large number of admirers and collectors.

Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern
Appreciate | Gokswa: The Interweaving of The Classical and the Modern

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