
My cousin had just returned from Malta and it was too far from what I imagined

author:Farce tragedy
My cousin had just returned from Malta and it was too far from what I imagined

Title: Sharing with My Cousin: The Surprises and Challenges of a Trip to Malta

My cousin had recently returned from Malta, and I was curious about her views on that place. Listening to her story, I realized that Malta was a huge gap from what I had imagined in the past.

During my cousin's time in Malta, I not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but also experienced the unique culture and lifestyle of the local area. I was deeply blown away by her sharing as she was impressed by the island nation's diverse culture, rich history, and friendly community.

I learned from my cousin's experience that Malta is a treasure trove of Mediterranean, Arabic and European cultures. The cousin felt a strong historical background there, immersed in the grandeur of the old castle and church. She even took part in some of the traditional celebrations in the local area and experienced first-hand the warmth and openness of the Maltese people.

The scenery of Malta is even more intoxicating. The cousin described the view of the blue sea and blue sky of the island, as well as the tranquility and beauty of the coastal town. She spent a peaceful and unforgettable time in a small fishing village on the outlying islands, as if she had entered a world where time had stood still. These natural landscapes fascinate me and spark my interest in Malta.

However, the conversation with my cousin also revealed some challenges. My cousin mentioned that the cost of living in Malta is relatively high, and due to the limited size of the islands, dense population, and fast pace of life, it can sometimes feel a little crowded. These questions have made me look at Malta more rationally and recognise that each place has its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

I started thinking about how I would deal with these challenges and how I could better integrate into the local community if I had the opportunity to go to Malta. I feel like this is an opportunity to learn and Xi and grow, and by adapting to a new way of life, I can develop stronger resilience and competence.

My cousin had just returned from Malta and it was too far from what I imagined

Listening to my cousin's sharing, I also had a deeper reflection on my travel experience. Every place is unique in its own way, and our experience is largely determined by our attitude and how open our hearts are. Malta may not be the perfect place for everyone, but its uniqueness and charm are definitely worth exploring.

Through my cousin's experience, I gained a more comprehensive understanding of Malta and recognized the diversity and uniqueness of this small island nation. It also taught me that no matter where we are, we should be open to new cultures and ways of life, and draw strength and wisdom from them. Perhaps, next time I will choose to set foot in Malta and experience the local customs and experience this ancient and vibrant place with my heart.

My cousin had just returned from Malta and it was too far from what I imagined

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